
Wouldn’t Change A Thing

I’m posting this short previews of two Camp Rock 2 songs just to get you guys pumped up again for the awesome tour that’s coming our way. A tour that will be full of amazing performances and many Jemi moments. Right now I don’t think that Joe and Demi will be seeing much of each other but that’s for the best. It will give them time to think about what went wrong in the relationship as well as time to really start to miss each other. When tour comes back around I wouldn’t be surprised if they are as close as ever. I don’t think they will date again for a while but if they do I can bet you money that they will keep it a secret a little longer this time.

“Like Fire and Rain, you can drive me insane. But I can’t stay mad at you for anything”

You don’t have to believe in them as a couple if you don’t want to , but please never stop believing in them as people. People who have strong feelings for each other and a three year history that none of us can really fully comprehend since we weren’t there. We are just fans that have been given the opportunity to watch two amazing people succeed at what they want to do in life and hopefully we will get the chance to see them be happy together in Love.

– Bard

447 Responses to “Wouldn’t Change A Thing”

  1. 1 Human
    May 31, 2010 at 5:01 am

    Maybe not now they won’t get together but there would still be moments so hopes up.(:

  2. 2 Ilovejemittm
    May 31, 2010 at 7:38 am

    I loved what you said, Bard. (:

  3. 3 DLoveDanger
    May 31, 2010 at 8:45 am

    me too…i really love what you said bard..no matter as friends or lovers…i will always support & love them both…as i always said..if they are meant to be..no matter years to come or what obstacles they faced, they’ll be together…if they’re not meant to be, no matter how you forced them, its not goin to happened….i can only wished from a far that they will someday become mr & mrs joe jonas …when that day come..i’ll be the happiest person on earth πŸ™‚

  4. May 31, 2010 at 9:30 am

    Hey ! πŸ™‚ I love what you said Bard ! πŸ™‚
    I’m sure Jemi is meant to be ! This break up is necessary for show them they can’t live without each other ! They are Venus & Mars ! ❀

  5. 5 mcbagnes
    May 31, 2010 at 9:54 am

    I love the song ‘Wouldn’t Change A Thing’ πŸ™‚

  6. 6 Lalia
    May 31, 2010 at 10:46 am

    Miley Cyrus has revealed that one of her new songs is about ex-boyfriend Nick Jonas.

    The 17-year-old singer made the admission while introducing her track ‘Full Circle’ during a concert in Lisbon on Saturday night.

    “It’s about two people,” she said. “They’re always gonna come back together no matter what anyone says or the bad people that try to keep you apart.”

    She added: “Surprise surprise, it’s about a Jonas brother, you didn’t hear that.”

    Cyrus, who is now dating Australian actor Liam Hemsworth, was in a relationship with Nick Jonas for two years before they split in 2007.

    RIGHT so this article kinda assumes it’s about Nick, but does anyone think it could be about Joe and Demi?? hahha maybe I’m reading too much into this but I really don’t think Nick and Miley are that close anymore soo yeah maybe….wishful thinking πŸ™‚

    And Wouldnt Change a Thing is AMAZING I can imagine them singing it on stage… πŸ™‚

  7. 8 Nhoa33
    May 31, 2010 at 1:17 pm

    I think the two stories are alike, two people who love each other but everything is so complicated.

  8. 9 JessiG
    May 31, 2010 at 1:31 pm

    Hey guys! I haven’t commented in a long time. I wanted to share a dream that I had last night. I had a dream that I won tickets to go to a JONAS set and watch a part of the filming. And then I suddenly saw Demi was there as a guest star and she was wearing a blue dress. So the director said action and Joe and Demi had to do a kissing scene. Joe had to talk and leaned in for a kiss then talked than did another kiss. It was a really cute dream, you just had to see it! Oh and Chelsea was there and she got jealous.

  9. 11 JessiG
    May 31, 2010 at 2:20 pm

    you guys should watch this jemi series I found. It’s really good!

  10. 12 jemi31310
    May 31, 2010 at 3:05 pm

    so how long has joe been in texas? was he in LA when demi got back from SA? demi just tweeted ” πŸ˜€ ” ……..i wonder if its about joe……i hope lol…..she hasnt done just a smiley face tweet in a long time…….hmmmmmmm

  11. May 31, 2010 at 3:39 pm

    I just love this song, “wouldn’t change a thing” it just describes jemi soo much I just love how thier voices sound together! ❀

    • 14 JessiG
      May 31, 2010 at 4:01 pm

      And the song kinda made me tear up. but when Joe & Demi sing it live for the first time on tour, I hope demi kinda tears up cause it relates to them so Joe will kinda comfort her on stage.

  12. May 31, 2010 at 4:05 pm

    Hahahaha im not trying to be a doutber, but you know how demi posted a smiley face 10 hours ago? her ex Andy Sixx posted one at the same time. LMFAO. ew. i don’t want them to date. Demi is still hurting, she doesnt need to go on a rebound.

  13. 16 Nhoa33
    May 31, 2010 at 4:24 pm

    I don’t think she will date someone but she will play around with more than one boy

  14. 18 Phylls
    May 31, 2010 at 7:43 pm

    I think it’s kinda obvious Miley was talking about Jemi, no???? There are 4 Jonas Brothers, there’s no way it was about Kevin or Frankie, lool. And about Nick, well, if Miley was single then no doubt, but Miley’s dating Liam, and pretty much in love. Talking about an ex and “they’re always gonna get come back together no matter what” just seems not right. It would be like “Yeah, Liam, I’m gonna get back with Nick”. So I believe it was about Jemi. And one more thing, all the time she did not talk about it, why no??? Right after Jemi breakup???

    About the song, I didnt think it would be that amazing. Moreover, it’s totally a JEMI song, about Mars, Venus, and all. In real like I think Jemi are really similar but at the same time they clash like fire and rain. That makes their relationship very passionate :D…

    I found some really good Jemi stories in the site of Jonasfanfiction or something. They are like the stories of their real life, with real events and all. They can also explain why things happened that way and it makes sense. That’s why I prefer those kinds of story.

  15. 21 JessiG
    May 31, 2010 at 8:39 pm

    God, I just need to watch camp rock 2 right now! It’s driving me nuts every time Demi says more romance cause it just makes me wanna see it more!

  16. 25 Phylls
    May 31, 2010 at 8:57 pm

    Ok so I’m making a list of my Jemi stories :D. Hope u guys love them…

    This one is my fav (except Nelena or Selena – Taylor parts, loool). And ALL of her JEMI oneshots are AWESOME. But since Jemi broke up she didnt post anything. She usually post one chapter/oneshot per week. I guess the breakup dried out her inspiration :(. I’m dying to see her new chapters :D. And Demi’s character is awesome, just like her in real life ^^.

    This is also my fav. It’s not really like in their real life, I mean they are still famous and all, but the events are not real. But the important thing is that her description of characters’ emotions and thoughts is so real, and her writting is incredible. And I think the story give us some insights about their relationship in real life. And one more thing, there are also NEMI, and believe me, u’ve got to love Nemi in this :D. There is a sequel, but sadly, she didnt update for like 2 months :((.

    This one is also amazing. But it’s aready at chapter 21 but Jemi hasnt arrived yet :(. She wrotte everything since Joe dated Taylor. But u’ll love it because u can see how Jemi are bestfriends :D. And yesss Jemi’s coming, because Jomilla broke up in her last chapter.

    • 26 Phylls
      May 31, 2010 at 9:03 pm

      I just want to emphasis one more time that the 1st author, all of her oneshots are awesome, haha. And actually she has a oneshot about how Joe and Demi are similar but clash like water and fire (I stole it from her, hehe, guilty). And it was like weeks ago. She’s so deep. She’s really something right :D???

    • 27 Phylls
      May 31, 2010 at 9:07 pm

      Haha, ok, I really need to stop reply to my post. The third one, warning, there are a lot of sex sessions between Joe and Taylor/Camilla. I skiped those parts, but I wouldnt mind read it when it’s Jemi, loool. But it’s not like dirty stories, so don’t worry :D…

  17. 28 Najma
    May 31, 2010 at 9:02 pm

    I love that random smiley from Demi at the end of the day ——> ( πŸ˜€ )

    She doesn’t tweet like that unless there is a surprise or something that she is happy about that she keeps to herself. I hope deep from my heart she received a surprise visit from someone who is leaving soon to another continent. I can see her forgetting everything if he talked to her yesterday (She has her soft tone back yesterday hmm) and today he showed up. I hope their relationship whatever it is stays strong (till they marry). I feel they’ll end up together one day in the future.

    As for Joe’s visit for Africa, I think he needs it badly right now for his own sake. This experience will sure open his eyes, mind and heart to what is important to this life. “Fame” and “Money” that some stupid people (in Hollywood) are trying to keep in his mind and control his life will all be seen as NOTHING when he comes back hopefully. “LOVE” is what matters the most and never know when will ever die before we feel it or live it. Creating a “family” is way more important than anything.

  18. 29 Najma
    May 31, 2010 at 9:08 pm

    Joe is lucky to have a career and a source of money to have the chance marry and create his own family one day.

    Guys (in their 20s & 30s) are still suffering to find a job to be able to marry their soul mates and rise a family. He better be happy with a girl he truly loves before he never sees her again. Hopefully, he’ll realize that when he goes to Africa.

  19. 30 Nina`
    May 31, 2010 at 11:52 pm

    so i was watching tv and eating and just my luck i put mtv 10 on top
    and well #1 was jemi
    wat they said is that we should have seen jemi breaking up sooner when he talked about his solo abulm and going solo
    they also said that that demi called taylor for support(which i think is a lie)
    they also said that demi might have moved on to wilmer (another lie)
    and how joe was to chicken to breakup with demi so he asked his dad (maybe thats a lie)

  20. 31 mandaa
    June 1, 2010 at 12:08 am

    i think i mite cry when they sing wouldn’t change a thing in concert πŸ˜₯ but the quote u put above the pic of them…..thats lke THE line hahaha when i hear them sing that line im gonna prob cry and scream JEMIIIIII hahahaha or maybe thats not so a good idea. i really do hope theyre back to their normal bff with adorable moments selves when they see each other

  21. 32 Jemi AKA Kaylie
    June 1, 2010 at 12:59 am

    Have yall seen this yet cause people at my school r talking all about it:

  22. 34 Andrea:)
    June 1, 2010 at 2:42 am

    I love what you said Bard. It just shows the kinda hope we ALL have to have.
    Jemi Supporter Forever. And I’mma let you know… forever is a long time. πŸ˜‰

  23. 35 -victoria(:
    June 1, 2010 at 4:13 am

    I don’t think Jemi actually JUST took a break from a relationship. :/ as much as I wanna think that, I don’t. I DO believe that Demi’s happy tweet from the other night, POSIBLY could have been about Joe. Maybe he told her he still had feelings forr her but couldn’t be with right now. ;D Lol. I dunno. But another thing I DO believe is that Jemi WILL come again. Like Bard said, they’ll be private a lot longer this time. But think about it, this break up could have been a good thing. Because if they wait, I mean c’mon, Demi turns 18 in August, that’s when she’ll be an adult. Which means, they’ll be more mature, & could possibly stay together till Demi’s at least 20 or 21, then they could get engaged. (: I mean, if Kanielle could do it, so can Jemi. Right? (: just don’t lose faith guys. It WILL happen again someday.

    & right now, we shouldn’t be sad that they’re over, we should be happy because they happened. <33

    Jemi. (:

  24. June 1, 2010 at 9:52 am

    No one else think Joe is on the edge of tears ? At the end … He sounds & looks very nostalgic ! And I think Demi noticed that.

    I’m sure this song “Wouldn’t Change A Thing” has been write for Jemi ! For they see how they’re can’t live without each other, and they are always been in love with each other !

    I know its isn’t the end of Jemi Love Story, only the begin, and this break up is good for them, it’ll help them to realize a lot of thing ! First that their heart are always been calling each other heart !


    (Sorry for my english)

  25. 38 Lalia
    June 1, 2010 at 9:56 am

    Demi tweeted this

    @ddlovato “I can’t believe I’m the only person in this house with a boyfriend… That’s just wrong.” – @maddielovesyou1 hahahahahaha dying of laughter

    LOL that’s cute but it makes me kinda sad that she seems so ok with Joe and her being over 😦

  26. 39 Sabrina
    June 1, 2010 at 10:13 am

    I don’t think she is happy with the break up otherwise she wouldn’t have changed the lyrics to her song solo. I think that she doesn’t want to show how she has been affected by it and therefore is putting on a happy face. I say good for her at least it shows her fans how strong she really is and that no man is worth her tears, best friend or no best friend. Demi is proving to everyone that she can act professional when it comes to the media and that she can handle any storm that comes her way. I actually have more respect for celebrities that try to keep their personal life personal without using it to gain fame.

  27. 40 Nhoa33
    June 1, 2010 at 12:59 pm

    I don’t know why but I feel that joe going solo has a lot to do with the break up. Demi already said to the world how much she loved him while he was dumping her, she won’t cry in public now even if I think that the break up has hurt her a lot.

  28. 42 person
    June 1, 2010 at 3:42 pm

    hey look demi says did joe forget? it really sounds like this..look at the comments

  29. 45 laura
    June 1, 2010 at 4:28 pm

    Of course she’s affected who wouldn’t be? I mean she’s famous and she told to the world (with TV, press…) that Jemi was a couple, that she was totally in love with himand that he was “her first serious relationship” and she said everywhere that Joe was “AWESOME3”! she told it everywhere and evnetually what?!!! 2 months after she announced that they were dating he decides to break up with her and now everybody knows that they are not together anymore and now people who didn’t believe in this couple know that they were right, haters are happy and in a way she appears a bit ridiculous now (it’s not what I personnaly think) because she really believed in them and she showed it but now it’s over and I would understand her if she was mad at Joe because he broke up with her(I still don’t know because they looked so happy)and especially because he let her talked about their relationship! He, he doesn’t care he didn’t really talk about Jemi in public but she did! and I totally support Demi in this case because she really loved him! I think that she regrets now to have talked about it like that and if she wants to have a little revenche like she did in her Sao Paulo concert I totally support her !!!!

  30. 47 person
    June 1, 2010 at 4:36 pm

    WTH? im really LOL’ing now.the crappiest thing i’ve ever heard. http://www.thespoof.com/news/spoof.cfm?headline=s4i75681

  31. 48 Fla
    June 1, 2010 at 5:36 pm

    I completely agree with Laura.

    “person” – Do you read what is written below the text?

    “The story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious”

  32. 51 Nhoa33
    June 1, 2010 at 5:58 pm

    It’s good to laugh

  33. 52 Fla
    June 1, 2010 at 7:53 pm

    It really funny and absurd story…^-^

  34. 53 Nhoa33
    June 1, 2010 at 8:00 pm

    As absurd as the breakup…

  35. 54 Clara
    June 1, 2010 at 9:06 pm

    Disney Channel is airing a special event called “Joe + Sonny”, as in Sonny from “Sonny With A Chance”, and Joe from “JONAS.”, on June 16th.


  36. 58 cgalang1
    June 1, 2010 at 11:37 pm

    this such a jemi song! and a cute vid! i miss jemi!!!!! πŸ˜₯

  37. June 1, 2010 at 11:39 pm

    no pierdan la fe en jemi dios bendiga a todos

  38. June 2, 2010 at 12:24 am

    Aww I loved that video… It just made me cry a little bit πŸ˜₯ I just really miss JEMI but I’ll always support them no matter wat ❀

  39. 65 zeni10
    June 2, 2010 at 1:41 am

    about 22 hours ago via web in reply to joejonas

    joejonas Goodnight all, maybe tomorrow question time??
    about 22 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone
    Reply Retweet .
    joejonas What a good day. :^) get to do so much cool stuff. I have the fans to thank! I love you.
    about 22 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone


  40. June 2, 2010 at 2:03 am

    Haha funny wut you talken about Willis funny & HAI πŸ™‚

  41. June 2, 2010 at 3:32 am

    I don’t get it… How did he reply ?

  42. 70 DLoveDanger
    June 2, 2010 at 9:17 am

    @Hanna ..and your point dropping by here is?? ok..we got it..demi’s bad gurl…thank you…so you may leave pls

  43. 71 ColdestWinter
    June 2, 2010 at 9:29 am

    Just think, this time last month Demi was accompanying Joe to the White House. Sad to say she won’t be with him this time. It seems like just yesterday when they were together. It practically was.

  44. 72 Najma
    June 2, 2010 at 9:30 am

    @Hanna The last time I checked Demi is a human being. Right?

    She was NOT BORN to sign or take pictures with people. She is actually doing them a FABOR when she wants to.

    PLUS isn’t she 17 years old?

    She’ll act stupid and make mistakes that will let her mature. I don’t agree with how she behaves, but I know that she’ll learn the hard way. So let her be. It’s HER LIFE.

    As for Joe and not blaming him for the break up, WE DON’T WHAT went wrong. Ok? We are not in a position to blame/judge anyone and it is not our life.

    AND Sometimes, people who pretend to be SO good in their lives might have this SHOCKING secrets that they keep to themselves. Everyone does mistakes. Those who doesn’t ARE BIG FAT LIERS! We are human beings at the end of the day.

  45. 74 Nhoa33
    June 2, 2010 at 9:56 am

    Yeah poor Joe, Demi is acting weird… Are you kidding me? The poor girl has her heart broken by her best friend and she is seventeen, a lot of people find her ridiculous since she said she loved Joe…God, sorry but I’m tired of some Jonas fan: you make it look like they are angels, nothing is never their faults, they never do mistakes… It’s tiring, Demi is 17 and hurt, let her live.

  46. 75 ada
    June 2, 2010 at 10:00 am

    just because one person is frustated not to have taken a stupid
    picture with demi doesnt mean demi is a bitch
    and i really dont see why this action has something to do with
    what happened with joe but i guess you just find a good reason to hate on demi

  47. 76 Najma
    June 2, 2010 at 10:15 am

    Seriously I’m tired of people talking about Demi like that. The more you talk about her life more she becomes crazy. So leave her ALONE! Look at what happened to Jemi, because of all those doubters haters People should leave Demi alone and stop comment on her life or else she’ll end up like Lindsey Lohan God forbid.

    Right now she is a 17 years old girl who is in shock with Joe’s decision to break up with her after he made her believe she was the one. I feel sorry for her. Whatever she is doing right now is wrong of course, but we can do? Let her learn. I hope she shouldn’t start date boys right now. Better concentrate on her career and making a good album.

  48. 77 indie
    June 2, 2010 at 10:19 am

    DEMI dm’d the girl who said that, and she said she didn’t saw them and she would never ignore her fans. if you don’t like her, you really don’t have to say it here cause even if it’s a jemi site we still support demi. she’s just a teenager who makes mistakes and is currently in the mode of having fun and deciding to be happy cause her heart is broken. she also said she was just dancing with a guy friend. do u think demi is that low to grind on a guy when her boyfriend just broke up with her a week ago. make up your mind please. i’m not saying that u shouldn’t like her but to easily judge her just because if that is completely wrong.

  49. 78 Najma
    June 2, 2010 at 10:20 am

    @Hanna I understand from where you are coming from, but let her learn the hard way. Let her do mistakes. Be happy that you don’t act like her since you think she is very rude. Move on with your life and let her be who she wants to be. We are not her mother or father to tell her what’s wrong.

  50. 79 Najma
    June 2, 2010 at 10:26 am

    Sorry typing so fast UGH :/

  51. 80 Nhoa33
    June 2, 2010 at 11:05 am

    You can’t expect Demi to be perfect, she isn’t: she is heart broken, has lost a lot of people in her life, she’s lost. People are not perfect, you’re right: it’s time for her to think about her career and get out of dinsey…

  52. 81 JemixxJonasxxDL
    June 2, 2010 at 11:10 am

    OMG!!leave demi alone.you know what I think is happening if she act differently is because the pressure we gave her.you know from joe break up interview how fans or people really commenting on their relationship that are too far.maybe this all happens because of us especially the doubters/haters.we fans will always support them no matter what and this site is for people who supports both couple or not.
    And doubter/haters please…SHUT THE HELL UP,leave this site and mind ur own life.this is for people who are happily support them no mater what.

  53. 82 Lalia
    June 2, 2010 at 11:15 am

    Here is Demi’s dm to the fan that said she ignored them and grinded with alex…


    It’s definitely real and I feel soo sorry for Demi – yes she isn’t little miss perfect, but there’s no need for people who are supposedly her “fans” to blast her and try to ruin her career. 😦

    And she’s getting a LOT of hate for the whole changing the lyrics thing – it’s not her fault – she’s just a teenager who’s heartbroken and can has a sold-out tour in the process. Who isn’t bitter/upset if their boyfriend breaks up with them?? It’s also hard on her because her and Joe were best friends and I know they’re saying they’ll stay friends, but honestly they both know it’ll never be as close as it was before, unless they get back together. At the moment, that’s looking unlikely, but you never know – they’re spending all summer on tour together…

    Sorry for my rant but I just feel I need to defend Demi. x

  54. June 2, 2010 at 11:42 am

    @Hanna I understand where you’re coming from, I really do. And I see that you’re 17. But I’m sure you don’t go through some certain things what Demi has to go through. Just because you guys are the same age doesn’t automatically mean you both have the same expectations and responsibility; there’s your life and there’s hers. And that is because she is a celebrity—

    I want to stop right there because I don’t like long explanations; especially when they’re not going to read/listen. Again, this is a Jemi site. If you want to complain or squirt some hate here, don’t. Please x out of here or go to a different site.


  55. 84 Lalia
    June 2, 2010 at 11:52 am

    OMG this is random but Kelly Clarkson is following Demi and replied to her πŸ˜€ I think Demi’s probably fraking out coz she’s her idol πŸ™‚ x

  56. 85 JemixxJonasxxDL
    June 2, 2010 at 12:15 pm

    And For People Who Think Demi Ignored her fans…Ur so wrong we saw alot of Videos and Pictures with fans, she looks happy and nice to them.I doubt she ignore her fans.She loves her Fans Too much and she always say that on her twit..
    Haters/Doubters just made it up so more people hates her and blame her for all the fault she never made.Their jealous just coz maybe demi has a better life then they have.I’m sory if i’m being harsh but i’m sick of people blaming/hate on her and joe too.It’s Their relationship it’s not our business but if we can support them and supporting it’s a nice act from fans.

    And For the dancing whatever it is…She’s Having Fun,she’s 17..maybe teenagers out there is alot worse then you thought it would be.Everyones is different not every 17 are the same.And i still don’t believe any of the stuff haters talking about.And the grinding thing i don’t believe it till i can see the prove but i will never hate on her…she’s a person not a frickin ROBOT who can be controlled she had her own mind.

    And For Jemi Relationship….I think They Just need space for awhile…having fun with family and friends.But maybe Demi taking it too hard thinking Joe REALLY wanna break up with Her.Let see what’s gonna happen on tour.We can see how their relationship is really r8 now when they sing and act on stage.And for Kevin not being supportive….I Don’t Think he is…he looks fine…don’t blame all the stuff on him.What i really think is that he loves Demi like his own sister and he’s really supportive,maybe if you seen him abit pissed off around demi because everytime they get interview together they all going ask about JEMI relationship and not focusing on the tour and stuff..i think everyone is abit pissed off about it too


  57. 86 Nhoa33
    June 2, 2010 at 12:24 pm

    I can’t stand haters either, but we should distinguish between someone who is giving his opinion and a hater. You don’t have to agree with everything they do, that’s not hating. This whole situation is turning against Demi and that is just not fair, not saying it’s joe’s fault though.

  58. 87 HAI
    June 2, 2010 at 4:47 pm

    here’s the video

    I love her even more.
    she’s living her life.
    at least she’s not cheating.

  59. 88 Nhoa33
    June 2, 2010 at 5:19 pm

    God, grinding is wrong at 17? This is life, the true one and not the perfect disney one. Demi deserves to be free. Believe me: betraying, lying, being a bad person, that’s bad and not grinding, partying a bit or hang out with poeple who smoke.

  60. 90 laura
    June 2, 2010 at 5:25 pm

    even if I love Demi and if I’m fan of everything she does I kinda agree with you :S

  61. 92 Fla
    June 2, 2010 at 6:32 pm

    What’s mistake of Demi ????????? Going out dancing with friends ??????? You must be joking … So just because Joe broke, Demi needs to stay at home crying and writing sad songs on twitter ??????? So she’ll be a good girl ?????? I do not know how many stupid things I’ll hear …

  62. 93 SammieLovesJemi
    June 2, 2010 at 7:54 pm

    OMFG! Shut the fuck up.
    Demi is 17 years old let her have fun & live her fucking life!
    She was at a CONCERT dancing. I think people HATE her because she was dancing with Alex when she just broke up with Joe.

    1.Alex is taken.
    2.there friends, nothing more.
    3.Atleast she wasn’t fucking GRINDING ON HIM.
    And so what if she did GRIND on him, its not like he’s 40 years old.
    Like fucking MILEY DID!! 😦 Jeez let her go to the concert & have fun!

    JEMI FTW! πŸ™‚

  63. 94 Michelle
    June 2, 2010 at 8:51 pm

    wow you guys are absoultely ridiculous. wtf is wrong with a girl dancing like that!? thats how you dance! go to prom and its a lot more dirty! i really dont understand wat everyone’s problem is. demi’s awesome, joe’s awesome so shut the fuck up! thank you πŸ™‚

  64. 95 JessiG
    June 2, 2010 at 9:20 pm

    Demi Lovato has been out of control recently ranting about her troubles on Twitter & on-stage in concert, and people are now pointing the finger at her friend Angelina 2.0 aka Chloe Bridges for creating the drama!!

    Friends already admit that the young Disney star drinks, and that Chloe is one of the reasons her friendship ended with Selena Gomez, but is Chloe the REAL reason behind her recent emotional outbursts?!

    A ZackTaylor.ca insider reveals,

    “Chloe thinks Demi should get Joe [Jonas] back for ending their relationship… She’s also been trying to set Demi up with different guys and introducing her to new things. Everyone knows Chloe is a bad influence, but Demi seems to love having her around.”

    Just last night the two were spotted partyin’ pretty hard at a concert… If this is all true, hopefully Demi isn’t TOO influenced by Chloe’s “ignorant” views down the road!!


    do u think this is all true?

  65. 96 AlllTImelow_
    June 2, 2010 at 9:30 pm

    Just got to mention; Alex has a girlfriend ++ I think they live together soo there.
    ++ dont start dissing alex πŸ˜‰

  66. 97 kaari
    June 2, 2010 at 9:33 pm

    yo i dunno but ever since demi and selena seperated…deim has been having so mcuh hate and trouble. she IS hurt buh i think she should act mcuh more classier like selena πŸ™‚

  67. 98 Nhoa33
    June 2, 2010 at 10:03 pm

    We don’t know anything. Everybody on the web seems to believe that demi’s attitud is what has pushed away Selena or Joe or whoever…We don’t know, she must feel abandonated anyway seeing er past,I don’t see how Demi is out of control. And about the Cloe thing…Demi is free to take her own decisions, we all have phases in live and she isn’t an exception. She doesn’t deserve the hate she is getting, she hasn’t done anything!

  68. 99 Tricus
    June 2, 2010 at 10:22 pm

    I think that Demi is just friends with that guy Alex. She has known him a while and if he has a GF I don’t think that Demi is the type of girl to make a play for him when he has a GF.
    PLUS that wasn’t any type of grinding dancing that I saw. I saw CLOSE dancing but grinding is like you are practically acting like you are having sex and pretty much pressed against a guy, crotch against crotch/crotch against butt and going at it.

    That was nothing that I saw in the video. Demi is just trying to have fun and showing off a little. She doesn’t have anything to hide or be embarrassed about especially when she posted the pics of all of them hanging last night on her twitter.
    Demi is dancing just like any teenager at a party.She is acting normal. I don’t know about this Chloe girl, but hopefully with Demi problems with her former backstabbing scene friends she can tell when someone is just blowing smoke up her butt, trying to get her in trouble or whatever.
    Demi doesn’t owe Joe anything, they have broken up.
    Yeah we all wish that she would act calmer, more serene,classy and quiet like Selena but that is not the real Demi.

    P.S What is with Demi knowing/dating all these guys name Alex? What is up with that? Weird. hahahhahaha

  69. 100 Fla
    June 2, 2010 at 11:29 pm

    Congratulations ZT, you managed to make many people doubt Demi. I think I’ll open a gossip site to be famous … how much bullshit! And what’s this story that “Demi Lovato is out of control recently ranting about their problems at Twitter and on stage at the concert”??? Only if in “ZT world” because in South America Demi is a Diva! Everyone loved the shows of Demi and she rocked as always …

    • 101 Tricus
      June 3, 2010 at 12:05 am

      ZT is just totally making up stiff now. He doesn’t have anything. I guess he is riding on that high where some people were starting to believe his Jemi stuff but now he is making up stuff.
      He is pathetic.

  70. 102 Dana
    June 2, 2010 at 11:54 pm

    This song is totally Jemi …

    We The Kings Ft’ll A Dream Demi Lovato

  71. June 3, 2010 at 12:17 am

    Hey guys! I think at this time Demi needs all our support!

    #StopHatingDemi TT

    and follow me @jooopd (I SURELY FOLLOW YO BACK) ;D

  72. 104 HAI
    June 3, 2010 at 1:36 am

    I want Demi to go far already.
    This Jonas group thing isn’t helping her..

  73. 105 Human
    June 3, 2010 at 1:47 am

    People whatever Demi is doing is her life. Why are we the jury and judging if she changed, or did a bad move? Come on now, we all promised ourselves that we are SUPPORTERS and not JUDGERS! I like that Demi is out there. Dancing takes her pain away and she’ll have a great time. Beside it’s her life. I think to her and Joe it’s like they’d be living in 1984 where big brother spys on everyone…so they keep all emotions secret. The tour is coming so there will be lots of moments where maybe Demi will get at Joe and vice versa….plus Kevin might react too hahah.

  74. 106 zxc
    June 3, 2010 at 1:51 am

    it’s just me or zack taylor was not post something that fans might hate demi??

  75. 107 Nhoa33
    June 3, 2010 at 8:41 am

    Jemi is over, perfect. So what? Here we go again: it’s Demi’s fault, poor Joe discovered horrible things. 1- if he didn’t know his best friend after almost three years, he is dumb. 2- yeah, the families may not get alogn well, so? This is not post relationship. 3- why each time a jonas break up woth someone it’s the girl’s fault? Relationships don’t always work. There are thousand of reasons which could explain Joe’s decision and we DON’T KNOW them. It’s ridiculous to hate Demi, why is she bad? Because she is not Selena? Let me tell people, they are all teenagers or young people, they all do the same kind of things: some of them show it and some of them don’t, that’s the only difference.

  76. 108 JemixxJonasxxDL
    June 3, 2010 at 10:06 am

    Sorry But Haters…..GET A LIFE STOP HATING/BLAMING OR WHATEVER YOU WANNA CALLED IT ON PEOPLE YOU DON”T EVEN KNOW!!Stop commenting in this site and judge both joe and demi.You don’t even know them.This site is for supporter,I Don’t think haters have life…busy hating on them.It’s Their Life…we jemi fans are supporting them.If you really hate them(with whatever stupid reason u people have) keep it yourself we don’t want to hear all the shit you guys say..OR You can make ur own stupid site and talk whatever u guys want that WE don’t even wanna know.

    I’m really sorry for my language but I’m Sick of people judging both joe and Demi.
    I love Jemi and support both of them.
    I Hope They can see that they are meant to be together.

  77. 109 Tambug19
    June 3, 2010 at 3:09 pm

    LOL this is crazy…why are people blaming Chloe for everything? And Demi for having fun? Mind your own lives people…here come the drug and cutting rumors

  78. 110 Lalia
    June 3, 2010 at 4:26 pm

    This has the video of her “grinding” with alex – she really isn’t but it is a bt over-riendly. Give her a break though – she’s sing;e. It’s not a crime.

  79. 113 Replay!roc
    June 3, 2010 at 4:30 pm


    “I like when guys make gifts, not buy them.”

    Didn’t Joe BUY her that ring? Even if that’s not about him I kinda understand that she’s bitchy now. He was her “first serious relationship”, she’s “alway’s been attracted to him”, he knows her better than she knows herself etc. Now she looks like a complete jerk but the way she acts like she doesn’t care just shows how mad she is.

    BTW, I’m Team Peace. We don’t know what happened so judging is completely stupid.

  80. 114 mixiko
    June 3, 2010 at 5:06 pm

    I don’t know Chloe,but seriusly i Never liked her, when i look at her in my perspective she is a bad influence.
    Demi is a disney star for now, it’s not about giving her a break she has to keep her image, it’s her work and if she wants to have sucess in disney world she has to keep low profile on this things about friends/boyfriends drama
    She has 17 se wants to live her life, i don’t thing it’s that bad dancing in a club, but she knows what she wants so she has to handle with consequences, she knows that people will hate on her because of that video or something that she does, so hope she doesn’t make up drama.
    I am seriusly looking foward to the world tour, right now is not a good time to follow jemi, or even demi/joe.
    Selena was good for her, because she kept demi with her feet on earth. Let’s just not judge anyone, it’s their life and their deciosions and that don’t depend of our likes.

    • 115 person
      June 3, 2010 at 6:49 pm

      yea i never liked chloe too..although I think selena is a bit fake,she and demi should be friends again.she isn’t like demi’s CRAZY friends.

  81. 116 ada
    June 3, 2010 at 5:56 pm

    im a bit late but i saw the video
    and WTH people need glasses or what i saw nothing compromising for demi
    im sorry and im not saying that because i love her really
    she’s just having fun with friends and thats not a crime model or not
    people should first look at their own actions before judging others
    nobody is perfect
    and all this demi/miley hate really get on my nerves

  82. 117 LLJoJo
    June 3, 2010 at 6:50 pm

    I have a little feeling that Chloe might be causing some trouble. Like in the MTV interview Demi tried to defend Chloe when Kevin said that Chloe pushed Nick in the water on purpose and the boy all looked annoyed and it got really tense. Something might be happening.

  83. 118 person
    June 3, 2010 at 7:08 pm

    one of the cutest one-shots ever:)

  84. 119 mixiko
    June 3, 2010 at 7:22 pm

    I have the feeling that chloe is “always” present in those dramas of fake friends, drugs or whatever of Demi,
    Selena is a litlle bit fake because she wants to be want she isn’t, but sometimes demi needs people like her, not fake but how true friend who grow up with her.
    Sometimes i think chloe might be THE source for some sites.

  85. June 3, 2010 at 7:59 pm

    Off topic but was Demi on regis and Kelly and if she was can post it I can’t find it any where thinks πŸ™‚

  86. June 3, 2010 at 8:11 pm

    I don’t understand why they get mad at Demi if it’s just dirty dancing it’s not like it’s gonna hurt anyone

  87. 122 Jemi AKA Kaylie
    June 3, 2010 at 8:53 pm

    O.K Y is eveyone blamming and dissing Chloe? & Demi, Demi can do whatever she wants she’s almost 18 soon to be an adult, oh and Demi should act more like selena? Selena is not that clean, Uh dont trust belive! Dancing drity- Why even go there like… Y just leave her the hell alone! They do that to every superstar! Just leave Demi & Chloe alone!

  88. 125 mcbagnes
    June 4, 2010 at 3:42 am

    Guys, do you have twitter accounts? Thanks, just asking. πŸ™‚

  89. June 4, 2010 at 8:34 am

    During the tour, if Chloe try to make Demi act in a bad way,everyone knows she’s vulnerable because she’s so sad even though she try to not show this ! I think Joe will be there for her ! He ‘ll be there for not let her fall ! And i think he ‘ll says to Chloe to let het alone ! Because he loves her ! He’ll try to help her, and show her that Chloe isnt a good friend !
    I’m sure Joe hasn’t dump Demi for reasons he gives to us (so at people magasine)!!
    i’ms sure, something happened…Because everyone know that Joe were & is always in love with Demi ! Like Demi ! They can’t live without each others since they meet ! ❀

    Jemi Forever !

  90. 127 Lalia
    June 4, 2010 at 11:00 am


    They don’t mention Joe but it’s still a nice interview πŸ™‚ x

  91. 128 jeminians
    June 4, 2010 at 4:02 pm

    did you guys know that joe and chelsea were at the lakers game?…its on oceanup.

  92. 129 jemi31310
    June 4, 2010 at 4:59 pm

    ok………..joe and chelsea were at the lakers game yesterday together……..this scares me……but doesnt chelsea have a boyfriend???????????

    also, i’m looking for any good jemi stories that are like real-life (like with actual events that happened and everything)……any suggestions??

  93. 130 Tambug19
    June 4, 2010 at 5:39 pm

    I don’t think Demi is doing anything any of us wouldn’t do…if my heart was broken, I would go out and dance with my friends, and would do a lot worse than change two lines of a song…especially with her being in the public eye, I don’t think she’s doing anything wrong. Just because she’s signed on to Disney everyone thinks she has to be a ‘princess’…as for the fan DM thing, if it’s legit then it was rude but I’ve also have been rude before and have done things when my life sucked that I regret…

  94. 131 mixiko
    June 4, 2010 at 6:59 pm

    guys don’t be scared because of chelsea. If she twtted the scene of the kiss on the airoport she will problably try to get joe, now that he is slngle, they dated before, really short time, so i don’t believe joe wants her for something serious, if she hasn’t a boyfriend, joe is the close hot friend who just break up with is bff,
    EVEN if he dated her now don’t worry! it will NOT get to the point of marriage, right now the sparkle of jemi is on the world tour, till there many things can happen.

    • June 4, 2010 at 7:37 pm

      I must say i agree with you. Chelsea is sweet, I LOVE jemi, but unlike my dislike for Camilla and Taylor,

    • June 4, 2010 at 7:39 pm

      I must say i agree with you. Chelsea is sweet, I LOVE jemi, but unlike my dislike for Camilla and Taylor, I wouldn’t mind if they dated for a little while. I like Joe dating his friends rather than total strangers. I bet Kevin will be happy about this though. Let’s not look into it..whatever happens, happens. But please don’t hate chelsea..last i heard she had a boyfriend…but even if they did breakup and she goes after joe..it’s fine. Jemi is ENDGAME. ❀

    • June 4, 2010 at 9:26 pm

      I love the sparkle part πŸ˜€ haha

  95. 135 Nhoa33
    June 4, 2010 at 7:54 pm

    I just hope Joe doesn’t date anyone during the tour, it would be too hard for Demi.

  96. 136 mixiko
    June 4, 2010 at 7:59 pm

    Jemi Fan
    Chelsea is sweet but you know, i didn’t like that much of that tweet, but whatever, she is a girl, if she likes one boy she would run after him, but joe had experience with her, so i doubt they date, can happen, but it might be a mistake for him, i don’t think that will happen, kevin would like because he trusts her, Joe stills have Demi on his head, Demi still have joe on her head, and for that dance it shows that she is trying to forget him but she can’t!
    When joe see demi dancing and singing he and she will remember the old times and at least will try to be BFF again, bit the sparkle may re-gnite the love!

  97. 137 indie
    June 5, 2010 at 1:19 am

    chelsea and joe were not together on the lakers game. oceanup just spread bullshit by saying they’re together yesterday. joe was alone and chelsea’s with brian dales http://community.livejournal.com/anythingdisney/2803013.html

    you can see by the pics they posted yesterday the angles of the court are different. so they didn’t sit together. CHILL people.

    • 138 person
      June 5, 2010 at 9:47 am

      you’re truly AWESOME!!! I was scaring so much.now im relieved now i know that she went with her boyfriend..THX SO MUCH!!!

  98. 139 indie
    June 5, 2010 at 1:20 am

    plus did u see any pics of them together?NO. oceanup just wants more viewers and it’s pathetic

  99. June 5, 2010 at 3:01 am

    Demi really needs some good people with her right now… I think that since she’s older she’s getting to the point where she doesn’t care what she does so much. Yea she wasn’t grinding but I’m afraid that one of these days she’s going to go to far.. None of this would be happening if they didn’t break-up in the first place. To tell you the truth Ii didn’t want them to get together yet… I thought that it’d be a lot better AFTER camp rock..

  100. 142 indie
    June 5, 2010 at 3:35 am

    yeah just leave, we don’t care. if we waited for 3 years for them to date, we’re gonna wait for 3 years again if we have to πŸ˜›

  101. June 5, 2010 at 3:41 am

    im really mad at joe. he obviously hurt demi alot.

    btw, follow me on twitter! twitter.com/idgam91

  102. 144 indie
    June 5, 2010 at 3:44 am

    everything is possible. like bard said you don’t have to believe in them as a couple. but me as a loyal jemi fan, i will still hope that they’re gonna be together again. maybe on tour maybe not, who knows when. they are still young and there are so many things ahead of them. if ever they’re not a couple after the tour, there’s a word FUTURE. we don’t really know what happens next. expect the unexpected. jemi 2.0 will come.

    i just hope when they date again, us, the fans should not pressure them cause i think that’s one of the reasons joe broke up with demi, he’s pressured. i think they should keep it down low for a while, if ever they start dating again. i’m thankful cause they’re gonna tour together. i know at first it’s gonna be awkward but i believe that they will bring back their old friendship cause if they really are best friends, they will fix things between them and be best friends again.

    as for the haters, just say what you want to say now, cause we couldn’t wait to see your shocked faces again once they date. keep the jemi faith. JEMI 2.0 will come πŸ˜€

  103. 145 indie
    June 5, 2010 at 3:48 am

    oh and ps don’t be mad at joe, he’s hurt too. he just doesn’t want to show it. girls are more emotional than boys. look at the vid where the guy asked nick about miley, and kevin about danielle, he’s left out there, and he looks sad. everything happens for a reason. maybe the break up is a test for demi and joe to test how they really love each other and how strong they are. i haven’t commented in here for a while. oh well bye πŸ˜€

  104. 146 HAI
    June 5, 2010 at 4:46 am

    we don’t know what the future holds. so stfu.

    • 147 indie
      June 5, 2010 at 7:02 am

      are u mad at me? idk if you’re a fan or not, but that’s what im trying to say we don’t know what the future holds, im just stating my opinion.

  105. 148 person
    June 5, 2010 at 9:54 am

    also joe was with frankie at mtv movie awards style lounge but chelsea was with her former bf. http://community.livejournal.com/anythingdisney/2804998.html
    i officially hate oceanup now!!

  106. 149 Joe caught Demi
    June 5, 2010 at 3:02 pm

    Hey, I finished a Jemi video that I started a long time ago!

  107. 150 -victoria(:
    June 5, 2010 at 4:49 pm

    That’s Joe’s ‘Make It Right’.
    Everyone is saying that since it leaked right after Jemi broke up, that it could be an apology to Demi, i mean it kinda makes sense. but i don’t know. i hope it is.
    just listen to the lyrics. ❀
    its not the full song. it repeats over & over. πŸ˜›

    • 151 MakeItRight
      June 5, 2010 at 9:10 pm

      Awwwww, I love that song ❀ I found the full version already πŸ™‚ Its truly amazing. I dont know if its a song for JONAS or if its just something he wrote, but it definately reminds me of Jemi and when they broke up…
      I MISS JEMI!!! πŸ˜₯

    • 152 MakeItRight
      June 5, 2010 at 9:44 pm

      Hey! Sorry, I DIDNT find the full version… It was just the preview played 3 times in a row xD lol.
      If you find the full version, can you please post it? πŸ™‚

    • 153 Sarah
      June 5, 2010 at 11:28 pm

      No, child. That song is going to be on the Jonas season 2 soundtrack. Joe did not write it. It’s not for Demi. Get your head out of your hind end. And this “full version” that is going around is just a looped copy of the clip played over and over. The real full version hasn’t gotten out yet.

      • 154 -victoria(:
        June 6, 2010 at 12:33 am

        stupid, i realize that, thats why i said it wasn’t the full version. get some glasses & look at something the right way.
        & i know its on the season 2 soundtrack, i’m not an idiot. thats why i said EVERYONE SAYS!!! Get out of here!!!

  108. June 5, 2010 at 6:50 pm

    Chelsea dating her BF gives me hope that Joe CAN return with demi….it’s all a matter of time and patience. (:

    • 156 Phylls
      June 6, 2010 at 8:46 am

      Chelsea doesnt have anything to do with Jemi. Even if she’single, I dont think that Joe would date her. God, u’re talking like Chelsea was the reason for the breakup…

  109. 157 person
    June 5, 2010 at 8:31 pm

    this is the new road to cr 2 im totally dying to see it and falling for jemi in every second much more pls get back together jemi!!!

  110. June 5, 2010 at 8:59 pm

    Just saw the ‘It’s On’ music video! It’s awesome!

  111. 160 nina
    June 6, 2010 at 12:23 am

    i just finsih listening to make it right by joe jonas i thought it was about demi lovato
    i really hope so

    • 161 Andie
      June 6, 2010 at 2:34 am

      No, it’s NOT! Joe did NOT write it. It’s for the Jonas Season 2 soundtrack. THINK people! That’s not even the full song! It has NOTHING to do with Demi!

  112. 162 Tambug19
    June 6, 2010 at 3:03 am

    Good-bye!! And to whoever said that Joe and Demi aren’t speaking, I doubt that you know anything at all…LOL sounds like you’re jealous or something, and since no one on here knows who you are, why not make up crap…

  113. 168 Phylls
    June 6, 2010 at 8:37 am

    What’s happening here??? Why people are judging Demi???? Seriously, I heard about some “sex grinding” of Demi, but all I see in the video is that she’s just DANCING with a LONG TIME GUY FRIEND. Are u (those anti-Demi) blind or what??? Sorry for being this harsh but it’s true. It’s not 18th century anymore. Or do u really have a chaperon everytime u go out????

    About Demi ignoring fans, I dont believe a shit about that. She explained herself, and I believe her. She could just ignore that girl, but she DMed her, and that means she cared. I see too many videos to see how she is with her fans. Beside, do u remember the rumor that she ignored 2 boys at Jonas set???? Well, at the end of the beach video, u can see that she hugged 2 boys. So????

    Btw, do u JEMIANS see new some pics of her new photoshot??? she’s gorgeous. I think Joe’s regretting so such for breaking up with her :D…

    • 169 indie
      June 6, 2010 at 9:41 am

      jemi fanfics?? can’t wait for the tour. even if they don’t get back together during the tour, at least they become bffs again right.

  114. 170 ada
    June 6, 2010 at 10:04 am

    WE should have a new post with the new road to CR
    cause reading some comments on here made me sick really
    people are like fighting for nothing
    if people want to relate “make it right” to jemi story why not
    anyway watching this new CR preview make me miss them more lol
    cause i realize again how incredible they are together
    i know their acting improved but when i see how they look at each other
    i will not call that acting lol

    • 171 Phylls
      June 7, 2010 at 2:11 pm

      Haha, me too, I will not call that acting. But u know what, demi doesnt look Sterling that way (but I have to admit that they’re so cuteeeee), neither Joe at Stella, so I think really it’s not acting. Or is it just a Jemi delusion???? Loool…

  115. 172 ada
    June 6, 2010 at 10:07 am

    and whats up with the site there’s a problem when we post
    the comments ??

  116. 173 katie
    June 6, 2010 at 12:39 pm

    wait so what’s happening with the jemi teen vogue photo shoot thingy?


  117. 176 Jemi JPP
    June 6, 2010 at 2:30 pm

    @ indie: I totally agree with u

  118. 177 jemilover
    June 6, 2010 at 3:29 pm

    hey jemi lovers!!!where are you??i sent one of the cutest jemi pictures but u dont even write a comment about it..

  119. 180 Manda
    June 6, 2010 at 7:28 pm

    Anyone else concerned that Demi’s little sister has tweeted that she has been listening to “Never Say Never” for 3 days? Whether it’s the song by the Fray or the older Brandy track both scream Jemi to me. I think Maddie is a Jemi shipper and she is really hopeful that the break up won’t be a long term thing. It makes me sad that she is so affected by this, but I also hope her faith in Jemi is proved right.

  120. 187 JessiG
    June 6, 2010 at 10:23 pm

    I know this picture is old but it’s a picture of JELLA holding hands on set of JONAS. http://www.joejonasphotos.org/displayimage.php?album=228&pos=27 (It’s not the kissing scene) this just makes me heart broken but I know JEMI will be back one day! I’m never gonna give up on JEMI!!

    • 188 Manda
      June 6, 2010 at 10:38 pm

      Why would this make you heartbroken? It’s not real. The photo of Demi smiling and being goofy and the happy tweet from her today are real. This was just for a TV show.
      Whatever is (or isn’t) going on with Joe or Demi (and in all honesty only they know the truth of things), they are dealing and we can support that. Joe has not broken up with you personally and it looks like Demi is cool with the situation right now, so cheer up. Hopefully before we know it Jemi will be close friends again and the drama of the last few weeks will be a distant memory.

  121. 189 BELEVE
    June 6, 2010 at 10:34 pm

    I Hope you guys take time to read this. I know we are all Jemi fans and we’ve waited for about 3 years for them to be together and we got that! We were so happy until we saw that they have broken up. All of our hearts have been broken and tears have shed cause of that. I miss and I know you miss JEMI so entirely much. The only thing you need is hope, you need to hope that Jemi will be back together 24/7! Never give up on that dream of yours. You know how we never stopped believing that Jemi would be together some day? We got that and we waited for SO LONG. And now, we can wait again for 3 years until they get back together. They have tour, there will be SO MUCH Jemi moments hanging around there. Joe & Demi will always have that chemistry hanging around them. The camp rock 2 friends LOVE Jemi. I think they will definitely try to pull jemi back together. You just have to believe…

  122. June 6, 2010 at 10:53 pm


  123. June 6, 2010 at 10:55 pm

    I LOVE JEMI T4EVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  124. 192 JemixxJonasxxDL
    June 7, 2010 at 3:30 am

    Guyz!I Just watch Jemi on the beach again..and i just came up with something.Don’t u guyz think their break up cause of this video.Maybe they’ve watch it and saw some of the comments and stuff(The purity thing and it was just an act for disney and stuff).So…maybe
    i don’t know!!i want them to get back together..

    And do you guys remember the jobros chat and joe was like reading one comment says about being more G rated…maybe it’s about the vid.

    I just wanna share it with u guyz,that’s all.

  125. 196 Human
    June 7, 2010 at 5:51 am

    Guys let’s just keep this g rated too. Ha I mean let’s look at what we are doing. Look we support jemi right? Okay that’s all that Joe and Demi would want from us. Support them wether they are a couple or not. I mean I think we all have taken this break up harder than jemi themselves. Let’s just wait for the tour. Don’t comment why Joe broke up with Demi and don’t say who’s fault it is. We are allllll assuming and that’s not right cause sometimes it becomes rumors and then it will be passed on to Joe and Demi which well cause them to act awkward towards us. Honestly let’s just stop this commenting the whole video thing or Joe and dems don’t talk. We don’t know that cause no one told us that. If Demi said she and Joe are still best friends then I’m sure they won’t stop cold. They might not talk now since it’s awkward but wait for the tour they’ll talk. And the whole Kevin thing, he didn’t say that he didn’t like Demi or anything. Not that he probably well but we have to look positive at this. They all are friends. Everything well be okay in time.

    • 197 Manda
      June 7, 2010 at 6:26 am

      Totally agree.
      We really don’t know (whatever gossips say, twitterers assume and rumours are reported). Lets just show Demi and Joe some love and respect and see how this all turns out.
      I also find the hating on Kevin bizarre. There is no real evidence that he has any issues with Demi or vice versa (a bit of awkwardness during some clearly awkward interviews does not make him a Demi hater).

  126. 198 sara
    June 7, 2010 at 6:53 am

    andie: if you know so much why don’t you tell us what demi did. what do you have to lose???

  127. 199 Phylls
    June 7, 2010 at 2:25 pm

    Ok I think we should talk something positive now. In those recent pics of Demi, do u think her style is so… Joe??? I mean recently they wear this style a lot (a striped shirt outside a white one), and I think it suits them so well :D. And she looks so cute in those pics. People say she wears too much makeup, but she doesnt wear any makeup when she doesnt go to official events. That’s why I love her, she’s such a natural beauty!!!!

  128. 200 Lalia
    June 7, 2010 at 4:16 pm

    Miley sang “7 Things” in a concert and she changed the lyrics to “Your brothers, they’re jerks” instead of friends :/ I’m glad she’s sticking up for Demi and I love her but if things keep going on like this with all the bitchiness from EVERYONE involved (I’m not team anyone), then Jemi won’t get back together on tour. I want them to start again and realize why they love each other πŸ™‚

    • 201 BELEVE
      June 7, 2010 at 5:35 pm

      was it this?

      • 202 Lalia
        June 7, 2010 at 5:58 pm

        Yes it’s that one.

        Soo this is what she actually sang – The changed bits are in capitals. She seems really pissed of with Nick as well – she changes loads of the lyrics apart from brothers and she doesn’t even sing the word “love”

        I probably shouldn’t say this
        But at times I get so scared
        When I think about the previous
        Relationship we shared
        It was awesome but we lost it
        It’s not possible for me not to care
        I DON’T CARE
        And now we’re standing in the rain
        But nothings ever gonna change
        Until you hear, my dear

        The 7 things I hate about you
        The 7 things I hate about you, oh you

        You’re vain
        Your games
        You’re insecure
        You love me you like her
        You make me laugh, you make me cry
        I don’t know which side to buy

        Your BROTHERS they’re jerks when you act like them
        Just know it hurts
        I want to be with the one I know
        IS NOT YOU
        And the 7th thing I hate the most that you do
        You make me —- you

        It’s awkward and silent as I wait for you to say
        What I need to hear now is your “SINCERE APOLOGY”
        When you mean it I’ll believe it
        If you text it I’ll delete it
        Let’s be clear
        Oh I’m not coming back
        Your taking seven steps here
        The 7 things I hate about you
        You’re vain
        Your games
        You’re insecure
        You love me you like her
        You make me laugh, you make me cry
        I don’t know which side to buy

        Your friends they’re jerks when you act like them
        Just know it hurts
        I want to be with the one I know
        And the 7th thing I hate the most that you do
        You make me —- you
        Compared to all the great things
        That would take too long to write
        I probably should mention the 7 that I like
        The 7 things I like about you
        Your hair
        Your eyes
        Your old Levi’s
        When we kiss I’m hypnotized
        You make me laugh, you make me cry
        But I guess that’s both I’ll have to buy
        Your hands in mine when we’re intertwined
        Everything’s alright
        I want to be with the one I know
        And the 7th thing I like the most that you do
        You make me love you
        You do, oh
        da di da ha
        la di di da da
        la di da, la di da, la di da da daaahh….

      • 203 katie
        June 7, 2010 at 6:42 pm

        wow i really like miley, the way she doesn’t give a shit about what people think and how she’s always there for her friends(demi) unlike others(selena). she is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  129. 204 Nhoa33
    June 7, 2010 at 4:51 pm

    True but I love Miley for things like that πŸ™‚

    • June 7, 2010 at 8:22 pm

      Why do people think she’s sticking up for Demi? I SERIOUSLY DOUBT IT. she would NEVER call Nick gay FOR demi. demi has no problem with him. Joe broke up with her. Not Nick. This is Miley’s business, not demi’s.

  130. 206 Nhoa33
    June 7, 2010 at 8:36 pm

    People think that because she has never bring up Joe and Kevin until the “Your brothers are jerks” which I think relates to the jemi situation.

  131. 207 jemi4ever
    June 7, 2010 at 8:48 pm

    if only that was jemi 😦 hmm maybe if joe and demi get back together before the teen choice awards, that could happen πŸ˜‰

  132. 208 fiorella :)
    June 8, 2010 at 12:11 am

    SONNY + JOE!

  133. 209 Andrea:)
    June 8, 2010 at 1:22 am

    I’m gonna be honest… Cause I know here’s the only place where I know that I can say this and you won’t judge me.
    Do you really, I know you don’t, but do you really believe they’re over each other?? … Let me rephrase… Do they think, just because they’ll be friends… we CAN’T see that they still have feelings for each other? Because we can, we can see those feelings; we’ve been seeing them for the past 3 years. Plus, things have been said and things have been done… remember the Ryan interview… or the beach video?? Proof. Proof. Proof. Proof, that they will have feelings, and being as close as they are… they are not going anywhere.
    I really hope you got my point… I just needed to get this off my chest.
    Jemi Forever. ❀ πŸ™‚

  134. 212 justme43
    June 8, 2010 at 5:02 am

    hey, this is my first time commenting but i have to say something. did you see that zack taylor interview with jefree star? he is such a douchebag…no wonder demi unfollowed him. (wait, she did right?) i dont like how he talks crap about the jobros…i bet demi didn’t like that either. he thinks he is still her friend and stuff. i respect him and i have nothing against him (or her?) but he doesn’t have to blurt out everyone’s personal lives. maybe miley and demi did kiss but did he really have to say something? oh, and miley didn’t kiss the backup dancer. it looked like it but trust me, she didn’t. people think that demi is a lesbian but i’ve kissed a girl before and i am a girl. it was my best friend and it is pretty normal to tell you the truth. but am i a lesbian? no. just had to get that out of me lol.


  135. 213 laura
    June 8, 2010 at 4:19 pm

    here’s a short trailer of CR2 it’s in german but I really like the begining πŸ˜‰ : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywSCbZ8r3Mw&feature=player_embedded

  136. 217 Replay!
    June 8, 2010 at 5:59 pm


    CR2 comes out in Germany on JULY 3rd!!! 2 Months earlier than in America? WTF?
    BTW Joe hasn’t tweeted in 4 days…?

  137. 221 Nhoa33
    June 8, 2010 at 6:10 pm

    He might be in Africa

  138. 223 DLoveDanger
    June 8, 2010 at 7:43 pm

    Every man is afraid of something. That’s how you know he’s in love with you; when he is afraid of losing you

  139. June 8, 2010 at 10:38 pm

    You know what people if Demi and Joe want to get back togather then let them maybe they will try again down the road somewhere if they do or when they do they will keep it more private and not tell people just saying.
    Jemi forever
    oh yea please Follow me on Twitter on just got one and I have no one following me so Twitter.com/alexlburkhart please and think you πŸ™‚

  140. 226 nina
    June 9, 2010 at 12:23 am

    cant wait to vote i hope demi gets nominated

  141. 227 justme43
    June 9, 2010 at 1:49 am

    what did she do?? cheat on him, did drugs, drank alchohol, became a lesbo (haha), seriously andie, was it that bad? was it any of the above? what would affect you if you told us? would joe’s friend come to your house and kill you? wow…….if it’s not, then…..no comment

  142. 228 justme43
    June 9, 2010 at 2:39 am

    yeah, go esther and jemiismydream!!!! say what she did or leave. if she did something, spill it. if she didnt, then just be honest and there will be no problems….or leave and never come back. why would you wanna say it to this website. maybe they do think we are creepy…at least we are not obsessive joe fans that have to be with him and give demi death threats. now that is called creepy.

  143. 229 itsel
    June 9, 2010 at 2:44 am


  144. 230 morgause25
    June 9, 2010 at 3:31 am

    Hey Guys!!! Long Time don’t post here!!!! I remember Andie. She used to post here about the same things. We’re all weirds & nuts cause we believe in JEMI as a couple. Then Jemi just happened and Where was Andie? !!! No place here !!! And I really don’t care. But Now Jemi broke up and Guess who came back?!!!! rsrsrsrrs.
    Ok!!! What did Demi do?
    DEmi haters are really non sense …. They will do everything just for put her REP. down!!!
    Well, at least now They can chase after Joe and Dream on him even tought the guy looks like completely sad and totally miserable. He can’t even truly smile for now on.
    GO Girls!!!! Get Joe and prepare yourself to just be hated exactly how happened to Camilla, Demi, the other one and the next ones.
    And I’m the KId?!!!! Funny!!! And Oh!!! Shut up and leave!!!

  145. 231 indie
    June 9, 2010 at 4:24 am

    you know ANDIE, you’re getting into my nerves lately, as if you really know what’s happening to demi and the jonas brothers’ life to say that things. as if you work for disney. as if they are your close friends. but i think you’re not. that’s just your theory which you think is a fact. i think you just hate demi. it seems like your always pointing her and blaming her. AGAIN, you don’t know what happen. you said demi did something wrong, you commented here many times, and we’re asking you what she did, but did u answered us? NO, instead, you dodged the question and still continued to blame demi.

    we’re just people who just read news in the web, we just read tweets. watch interviews. WE’RE not some god to know the real story behind the break up so stop saying things like that. OBV. you’re also a girl who just keep jumping to conclusions.

    this is a jemi site. a joe site, a demi site. we BOTH support them. it’s not a demi hate site or a joe hate site. so please not only you andie, but also the other people who keeps commenting here, blaming demi or joe. if you hate them, go to OCEANUP or community disney. cause oceanup is full of hate, also community disney.

    and about the sonny/joe commerical. MY FRIEND ON TWITTER SAW THAT COMMERCIAL. you’re calling my friend a liar?? as if she or other people who saw that commercial will lie, and will get us, jemi fans excited. THINK before you speak please.

  146. 232 Human
    June 9, 2010 at 4:38 am

    Andie, I respect what you have to say about Demi and Joe. Honey if you know something wnt wrong you can say it here and get to your point or you can just stop the hullabaloo and leave. Really everyone can say what they feel about jemi so say what you want BUT if you’re going to say something everyone needs to have proof to back it up. Honestly there should be nothing said here that has no proof because like I’ve said before we’d be gossiping. So please andie just say what Demi did or just leave. Thank you for sharing your opinions. Oh and jemi all the way. So NO HATE PWEASE!!!!

  147. 233 Manda
    June 9, 2010 at 6:18 am

    More love and less blame people.
    For heavens sake, the Joe and Demi we see are both good people and would NEVER support hate and bitterness on a site that supports them. If you believe in Jemi as an idea, as friends or as a couple show your support and love, don’t respond to teasers who come here to mess with people’s heads.
    Some readers will believe rumours, however unsubstantiated they are, and stress about them and that isn’t good for them or this site. So show a little love and ignore random teasers.
    Peace out.

  148. 234 beee.
    June 9, 2010 at 6:39 am

    this idea popped into my brain, and who knows, it could be happening right now, so i wrote a jemi one-shot about it..check it out and let me know what you think?


    • 235 Manda
      June 9, 2010 at 6:59 am

      beee. You are awesome. This cheered me up for the day. Thanks.

    • 236 Phylls
      June 9, 2010 at 10:05 am

      OMG, is that urs???? I’ve just finished it. Awesome. I dont know what to say. Usually I have really long review when I read a good story, but now I’m speechless. Haha, I’ll come back when I calm down, :D…

  149. 237 beee.
    June 9, 2010 at 7:24 am

    glad i could make you smile(:
    and who knows, maybe it’s happening as we speak, er, type. ;D

  150. 238 Nhoa33
    June 9, 2010 at 9:53 am

    Beee, it’s a good story. You should write how he gets back his girl.

  151. 239 Lola
    June 9, 2010 at 11:45 am

    So Andie, you came her, and took five minut of your time for say to people who are Fan ( yes, we call them fan, and not weirdos πŸ™‚ ) just for say than Jemi is not gonna happened ? Lmfao… you obviously don’t know them but that great to imagine thing like that, yeah great job, really mature πŸ™‚

  152. June 9, 2010 at 12:20 pm

    ok i know this is weird but watch this

    idk but it gives me hope for jemi ❀

    • 241 katie
      June 9, 2010 at 1:26 pm

      that was soooooooooo good it does give me hope aswell. new jemi slogan “why did they break up? so they could get back together!” eeeeppppp xxxxxxxx


  153. June 9, 2010 at 12:21 pm


  154. June 9, 2010 at 12:24 pm

    JOE better not turn FUCKIN gay like RIckey martin whoever the FK that is imma BE so FCKIN PISSEDXP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  155. 244 Nhoa33
    June 9, 2010 at 12:48 pm

    Boys meet the world! I loooooooved that show: Cory, Topanga, Mr Finney and Son…jaja. All of this makes me thinks of One tree hill when Brooke, speaking about Lucas and Peyton, says that the people who are meant to be together always find their way in the end.

  156. 245 Tambug19
    June 9, 2010 at 2:32 pm

    This Andie chick doesn’t know anything…it’s pretty obvious lol…I would choose to ignore! It’s pretty pathetic that someone would make up crap because no one knows who you are and then expect people to believe you without any proof…kind of entertaining if you ask me…

  157. 246 Mary
    June 9, 2010 at 4:43 pm

    Here’s one thing;
    if there’s a hater comment, just ignore it.
    Or just reply to them and say,
    “Yeah yeah, whatever, moving on..”

  158. June 9, 2010 at 9:23 pm

    I hate the feeling like you’re loosing your best friend.

  159. 248 Andrea:)
    June 10, 2010 at 2:02 am

    This ”Andie” girl should be banned from this site…
    GET OUT!!

  160. 249 BELEVE
    June 10, 2010 at 2:56 am

    An amazing Jemi one shot that I found today on youtube.
    WARNING: Will Make You Cry:((((

  161. June 10, 2010 at 3:01 am

    That chick Is not even bringing me down…. she’s not even close haha πŸ˜€ I’m still happy πŸ˜€

  162. 251 JEMIFEVER
    June 10, 2010 at 4:08 am

    Haven’t been on here since Jemi broke up and it’s a shame to see what’s become of this site. It’s no longer a place for fans to come a talk about the chemistry between Joe and Demi but a place where haters lurk and people are constantly arguing. It seems like every comment a shipper has to defend there belief in Jemi and that’s not how it should be. Jemi believers should be able to come here and feel like they can talk about Jemi (whether they are together or not it doesn’t matter) without being attacked. All this hate makes me sad and I wish it would go back to the way it used to be on here. I don’t know if I can come on here as much as I use to because I fear that every time I do I will just be disappointed and get upset about all the bad things that the haters are saying. 😦

  163. 252 Avril
    June 10, 2010 at 6:53 am

    Andie? I don’t beleive a word your saying.We have no proof of any kind that you know them.So unless you have any proof you know them…SHUT THE FUCK UP! Nobody really cares about your opinion.Oh and for your proof,lemme guess you met them once at a meet and greet!Is that it???wow your screwed up.soooooo a recap of what I just said in case you can’t comprehend:give us proof or GTFO and seriously GET.A.LIFE oh and STFU!

  164. 253 Avril
    June 10, 2010 at 7:01 am

    Andie?I don’t believe a word your saying…why?Oh yeah….BECAUSE YOU HAVE NO PROOF THAT YOU KNOW THEM.Seriously Get.a.life.I mean,nobody cares about your fucking lies! So recap in case you can’t comprehend:Show us proof or GTFO

  165. 254 nina
    June 10, 2010 at 4:33 pm

    1st pic ive seen of joe and demi since dah break up

  166. 256 Nhoa33
    June 10, 2010 at 4:39 pm

    It looks like Demi doesn’t know what to do with her hands.

  167. 259 Nhoa33
    June 10, 2010 at 5:17 pm

    Oh, Zack taylor again. This guy is a pain in the ass, poor Demi.

  168. 260 Nhoa33
    June 10, 2010 at 5:24 pm

    Let’s not get there again: even if it’s true, so what? Come on, she already “dumped” him once and she is going on tour for monts, she won’t begin a relationship.

  169. 261 Nhoa33
    June 10, 2010 at 5:32 pm

    Jaja, exactly, Demi is talking with a friend!!! Plus, if my memory is good Zack told us that Demi dumped him for Joe, nopeΒΏ

  170. 262 BELIEVE
    June 10, 2010 at 5:33 pm

    Yeah, let’s just let it go and forget about it.
    Tour is almost here(: which includes jemi moments(:
    And tomorrow we have a new road to camp rock 2 and hopefully we’ll see more smitchie clips.

  171. 264 mixiko
    June 10, 2010 at 5:46 pm

    HAHA, it was time for zack to post something about demi,it’s been almost a week, well how we know he is so stupid, he would bring someone who hadn’t really good fame, and it is a litlle emo!(and seems bad person)
    guys just chill and don’t give more visits to that guy, he problably said something true about jemi, but not every single thing.
    Worl tour is coming and summer too! DONT STRESS

  172. 265 zeni10
    June 10, 2010 at 9:48 pm


  173. 266 zeni10
    June 10, 2010 at 9:59 pm


  174. 267 Jemi shipper
    June 10, 2010 at 11:24 pm

    hey guys check this out… i think it happened today πŸ™‚ but it’s a demi interview πŸ˜€

  175. 268 JemiForever
    June 10, 2010 at 11:36 pm

    He wants her back where she belongs…in his arms.

    Jemi 2.0 ❀
    Keep the faith.

  176. 269 Sarah
    June 11, 2010 at 4:15 am

    So the people who were hoping that Miley was talking about Jemi when she said “Full Circle” was about a Jonas Brother are quite mistaken.

    Miley on her “Full Circle” performance in Portugal: “I did not dedicate the song to him [Nick], I’ve just said it’s about him. And if you listen to the lyrics, you will realize that the song is not about a love story. It’s about the feeling of loving someone, but that does not automatically mean that you must be in a relationship with this person. ” from the German site laut.de

    It was about Nick, just as everyone who is not obsessed with Jemi already knew.

  177. 270 Emmie
    June 11, 2010 at 4:21 am

    I honestly don’t think Jemi is ever going to be again guys. As much as I always wanted them to be together, once they were, it was weird. Joe didn’t look into her at all, and it turns out he really wasn’t. I don’t think he’s missing her at all, especially after all the things she’s said and done after the breakup. It might have been because she was sad, but a guy won’t see it that way. He’ll just see a bitter girl who dissed him. Personally, I think something major happened to end the relationship so quickly. I’ve heard a number of things, and if any of them are true, Jemi will never be again. It’s too bad, though. They should have just stayed friends.

    • June 11, 2010 at 4:30 am

      well we don’t know what happened or what the future holds but i respect your opinion x]

    • 272 Manda
      June 11, 2010 at 6:28 am

      I agree that you are entitled to your opinion, but I also disagree with your arguments. There are enough photos and video that show Joe was into Demi. Maybe it didn’t pan out the way he wanted, but I have no doubt he was into her.
      Just because they have not tweeted about/to each other since the split, doesn’t mean they don’t miss each other or for that matter that they are not communicating privately.
      “All the things she has done after the breakup” – what on earth do you mean. She changed a very few lyrics to songs – well, that is almost a Jonas tradition – am I really the only one who thinks that this shows a wicked sense of humour that Joe probably appreciates in Demi?
      She has kept herself ridiculously busy with work and catching up with friends – not surprising when you are trying to re-adjust after a break-up and you are facing a long tour with the guy who broke-up with you and you need (and probably want) to stay friends with – it doesn’t do to dwell.
      She hasn’t made any nasty public remarks about the break up.
      And as far as the things you have heard – they are just gossip that is clearly not reliable enough to be reported on even the low class gossip sites.
      Just don’t see it. Sorry.

  178. 273 indie
    June 11, 2010 at 7:08 am

    i kinda disagree with you Emmie. we don’t own their hearts to feel of joe’s into demi or not. there are proofs that joe really loved/loves demi. the kca video. the oceans red carpet. the BEACH video. i’ll ask you this question do you think joe will date demi in the first place if he’s not into her? do you think he just dated demi cause he feels bad for her? DO you think joe will ever play with his BEST FRIEND’S feelings?

    the main reason why joe broke up with demi is because he doesn’t want to lose her. do you think he’s stupid enough to say that he doesn’t want to hurt demi and doesn’t want to lose her if he doesn’t like her back? THAT statement of joe proves that he really does love her cause he doesn’t want to lose demi and their friendship knowing that something MAY happen in the future.

    yeah, maybe he cried when camilla broke up with him, you know why? cause he had the chance to show it and who wouldn’t be emotional if a girl dumped you for the first time and the song you’re singing that time reminds you of her. JOE is GUY. guys are not as emotional and open as girls are. he may not show that he’s sad, but that matters? he doesn’t really care if we wanna know if he’s sad cause of the jemi break up. WE should just mind our own business. its their lives. just because you didn’t saw him cry doesn’t mean he’s not hurting.

    did u noticed his tweets? his tweets are not as happy as the tweets his tweeting when demi and him were still together. FISHING, LAKERS, and just good mornings and good evenings. WHERE ARE THE RANDOM FUNNY TWEETS that he tweets before the break up? he’s not tweeting right now. BEFORE, even if he’s busy he keeps in touch with his fans, but now? NO. i’m not really stating my theory as a fact, in fact it’s just an opinion of mine which i just noticed..

    again, we don’t know them that much. we don’t know their personal lives to say that demi did something wrong that’s why joe broke up with her and joe not really into demi. GOSH. i’m done with my rant.BELIEVE WHAT YOU WANT TO BELIEVE..

  179. 274 Nhoa33
    June 11, 2010 at 8:38 am

    I agree with your rants girls. Plus, a live is long: let’s not say what will happen or not in the future. Who knows what the future holds?

  180. 275 Najma
    June 11, 2010 at 10:01 am

    I choose to ignore those who try to convince us what we totally think is wrong. We have seen so much to give up on them. Strangely I feel calm about this break up now. It is like they are taking a break before touring together again. Don’t be surprised if someone caught them kissing some where around that time. Trust me, they’ll have the summer of their lives and both will celebrate their big birthdays this year, this summer. They’ll go around the world too. Anything is possible. I was shocked when Demi admitted she dated him back in March. So this time you never know. what I know right now is I’m positive and Demi is happy (wonder why hmm πŸ˜‰ Someone in Africa is so happy to shut up lol) , because I observed them enough to believe they are so in love with each other.

  181. 276 germanjemilover
    June 11, 2010 at 4:51 pm

    guys let’s make #jemi a TT on twitter again.Just so joe and demi know we are still there supporting and loving them like we did before that dating-break up thing.I’m willing to wait 3,4,5,6 or even 7 years and more for Jemi 2.0.
    Let’s show them that we are believing in them.β™₯

  182. 278 zxc
    June 12, 2010 at 1:54 am

    maybe we need to waits 4 cr2 premiers. . .maybe we can see jemi moments. . .we can waits for 3 years why not we waits for 3 months??

  183. 279 nina
    June 12, 2010 at 3:29 pm

    Is everyone leaving this site !! theres hardly ANY COmments!! aww check out this video it really cute demis good with kids loved it

  184. 280 Nhoa33
    June 12, 2010 at 3:47 pm

    Hope poeple will comment more with the tour. We should give life to this site. Pd: this video is tooooo cute! And people say Demi is rude, HAHA.

  185. 281 BELIEVE
    June 12, 2010 at 5:48 pm

    Somebody please go check out this J-14 Magazine!

    J-14 Just tweeted: J14magazine Reason #2 to buy J-14’s July issue: We reveal how we saw Joe Jonas and Demi Lovato’s split coming! http://bit.ly/j14july

    and this is what it says in the website: The truth about Joe and Demi: Was he just never that into her? We have all the scoop!

    so it will only talk about it in there!

  186. June 12, 2010 at 6:13 pm

    you guys we should all just drop it. let’s not pay attention to that ‘andie’ chick.
    Personally, I think the changing lyrics situation was just to cope with everything, and even if Joe gets a bit upset at first, he’ll understand later, because I think they know they have to work together and would want to stay friends. They just need time…and our faith of course. Like Najma said, if we’ve seen it, they’ll obviously see it too…they love each other but maybe right now the timing wasn’t right. Anyway, I’m all for jemi 2.0! i hope it does happen in the future πŸ™‚

  187. 283 aashleeeey
    June 12, 2010 at 8:30 pm

    i think over tour…they’ll “reconnect.”

    and…i reallly wish we knew the real reasons why joe broke up with her. they were so happy 😦

  188. 284 jeminians
    June 12, 2010 at 9:08 pm

    guys there are some pics of jemi together before the break up in disney world or somethin .. Its on oceanup, yes I still go there but I dont read the comments. πŸ™‚

    • 285 nina
      June 12, 2010 at 10:48 pm

      lol i still go there too i saw the pics too it they looks so good and happy
      they must have been a guud reasone why trhey broke up if its cuz of us that not good enough!
      i really wanna no though

  189. 286 Lola
    June 12, 2010 at 10:57 pm

    Cutest pic ever… rip jemi.

  190. 287 CLAUDIA
    June 13, 2010 at 1:09 am

    I JUST WANNA ASK: What happened to the jemians?? no one has been commenting about ANYTHING lately:( anyway i found this picture of jemi (before the breakup) in disney world it really cute:

  191. June 13, 2010 at 2:02 am

    Did you guys read the twitlonger @thehiddensource posted? It actually sounds legit.

    • 289 Manda
      June 13, 2010 at 7:04 am

      Yes, I just read that. It is more believable than a lot of things I’ve seen and would explain a lot. In some ways it gives me hope that if they both just reflect for a while they can still have something great, but it is still just a tweet and I won’t treat it as anything other than a rumour for now.
      We’ll see how things work out when Joe gets back from Botswana and they start rehearsing for tour together.

  192. 290 zeni10
    June 13, 2010 at 3:39 am


  193. 291 Nhoa33
    June 13, 2010 at 8:12 am

    What is the tweet about?

  194. 292 lalia
    June 13, 2010 at 9:32 am

    Soo somepeople have posted this on twitter. It seems pretty true and it’s really sad but it may not be. Here goes…

    A few days ago i received some info on a few things. One of them being on the subject of ‘Jemi’. Supposedly its from a “close friend”. THE ‘CLOSE FRIEND’ DIDN’T SEND IT DIRECTLY TO ME. IT JUST MADE ITS WAY TO ME. LOL! But Believe what you like. Im just passing on word. Which is why i have this twitter. I report news, gossip, rumors, or anything that i think you guys will find news worthy. So don’t jump on my back. Read into it as you like.

    According to the info received *some quoted, other is just me summarizing*********

    Demi was really, REALLY excited to be hitting up NY with the bros.

    “Her and Joe departed from where they were close in time. From different airlines and states of course. He wanted to be there at around the same time that she was gonna arrive at NY.”

    He got there a while before her and went to the hotel. When Demi got there she also made a straight way to the Hotel that they were all staying at.

    “Everything was fine between them. That night they all hung out, had dinner with their friends, laughed, played around as usual for all of them. Joe and Demi were, as always, attached at the hip. In their own little world. Just together. There were some stupid stuff going around about Demi. Rumors that weren’t true at all. At least not the drug one. Demi has fun. She enjoys life. Lets just leave it at that. I can say the same for Joe. Sure, he talked to her earlier that day *The first day there were arrived in NY, Monday* and there was some tension building up but they both cooled down, put it behind them and enjoyed the night.”

    When the ‘break up’ happened, it was pretty much unexpected to Demi. She hadn’t seen any signs at all. Joe just decided ‘out of the blue’ to cool things down. “He wanted a time out. At least until tour started.”

    “Demi doesn’t do ‘Time Outs’ she basically said, “Whatever you want, lets see what happens on your little ‘pause’ because i may not be here to press ‘play’ again” *OUCH! If this is true, Demi is OooNnn! Lol!*

    “That whole sh*t about Joe not loving Demi enough or just having friendly feelings for her is a bunch of bull. Yes, he REALLY cared about their friendship and doesn’t want to lose that but he was and STILL IS crazy about her. He was just stupid in my opinion. He felt overwhelmed or in other words, scared. He would constantly let her know how much he cared for her and how much he LOVES her. Of course they had already said I Love You to each other before they even started dating. They have been best friends for a while now. But when the REAL I love You’s came out. Joe was the first to let her know. In fact, Joe was the one who “NEEDED” to have Demi with him this summer. The Camp Rock tour was getting planned out during filming when Demi and Joe were already together, not in the official way of course. But pretty damn close. It was just going to be another Jonas Brothers Tour but they decided to combine Camp Rock. He figured it was better to have her with him instead of leaving her for months.”

    “Demi loves him. Neither her or Joe would ever want to hurt each other, but unfortunately Joe hurt her pretty bad. And even know Joe is still pretty beat up for what happened. He said he just needed a break, not a break up but Demi didn’t want either and she was hurt/mad/sad so she pretty much decided to make it a COMPLETE BREAK.”

    “They are ok with each other, i guess. Things aren’t the same that’s for sure. Its still hard. But lets just say, I will pull out one of my nails every day, if something doesn’t happen on tour. Haha.”



  195. 293 Nhoa33
    June 13, 2010 at 9:49 am

    It could be true, it explains a lot of things.

  196. 294 Lola
    June 13, 2010 at 10:57 am

    From a “Secret Source”

    Demi was really, REALLY excited to be hitting up NY with the bros.

    “Her and Joe departed from where they were close in time. From different airlines and states of course. He wanted to be there at around the same time that she was gonna arrive at NY.”

    He got there a while before her and went to the hotel. When Demi got there she also made a straight way to the Hotel that they were all staying at.

    “Everything was fine between them. That night they all hung out, had dinner with their friends, laughed, played around as usual for all of them. Joe and Demi were, as always, attached at the hip. In their own little world. Just together. There were some stupid stuff going around about Demi. Rumors that weren’t true at all. At least not the drug one. Demi has fun. She enjoys life. Lets just leave it at that. I can say the same for Joe. Sure, he talked to her earlier that day *The first day there were arrived in NY, Monday* and there was some tension building up but they both cooled down, put it behind them and enjoyed the night.”

    When the ‘break up’ happened, it was pretty much unexpected to Demi. She hadn’t seen any signs at all. Joe just decided ‘out of the blue’ to cool things down. “He wanted a time out. At least until tour started.”

    “Demi doesn’t do ‘Time Outs’ she basically said, “Whatever you want, lets see what happens on your little ‘pause’ because i may not be here to press ‘play’ again” *OUCH! If this is true, Demi is OooNnn! Lol!*

    “That whole sh*t about Joe not loving Demi enough or just having friendly feelings for her is a bunch of bull. Yes, he REALLY cared about their friendship and doesn’t want to lose that but he was and STILL IS crazy about her. He was just stupid in my opinion. He felt overwhelmed or in other words, scared. He would constantly let her know how much he cared for her and how much he LOVES her. Of course they had already said I Love You to each other before they even started dating. They have been best friends for a while now. But when the REAL I love You’s came out. Joe was the first to let her know. In fact, Joe was the one who “NEEDED” to have Demi with him this summer. The Camp Rock tour was getting planned out during filming when Demi and Joe were already together, not in the official way of course. But pretty damn close. It was just going to be another Jonas Brothers Tour but they decided to combine Camp Rock. He figured it was better to have her with him instead of leaving her for months.”

    “Demi loves him. Neither her or Joe would ever want to hurt each other, but unfortunately Joe hurt her pretty bad. And even know Joe is still pretty beat up for what happened. He said he just needed a break, not a break up but Demi didn’t want either and she was hurt/mad/sad so she pretty much decided to make it a COMPLETE BREAK.”

    “They are ok with each other, i guess. Things aren’t the same that’s for sure. Its still hard. But lets just say, I will pull out one of my nails every day, if something doesn’t happen on tour. Haha.”


    Hope it’s true… It’s seems like…

    • 295 nina
      June 13, 2010 at 3:34 pm

      this should be a new post !! i wanna no wat ppl think
      i think i probably dah truth!!

    • 296 Daria
      June 19, 2010 at 1:54 am

      Fanfiction. There is so much wrong with this whole story it’s pathetic. I’m sorry guys, but this just isn’t what you want it to be. He didn’t leave her because he didn’t want to lose her. There’s much more to it than that. I feel bad for you, investing so much energy into a relationship that should have never been, and won’t be again. I think you need to respect their decisions, Joe’s decision. More went on than we’ll ever know, and I think having sites like this, and having Jemi fanatics pressuring them and tweeting them and questioning them just puts pressure on them. Don’t you think they have enough on their plates? I’m sure Joe feels enough guilt, but guilt isn’t going to make him want to be with her. He made his choice. I think you should all respect it.

  197. 297 calmdownlove
    June 13, 2010 at 2:22 pm

    You know that does sound like the truth. I mean it’s nothing crazy or nothing stupid. It could be the truth. Honestly there is hope in there. I believe they’ll get back but in time, and on the VERY DOWN LOW LOW LOW. So that means we have to support but not go crazy so we won’t freak jemi out hahah.

  198. 298 Manda
    June 13, 2010 at 3:13 pm

    Just checked and it seems to me that Demi DID NOT change the lyrics to Solo at her Denver performance from “acting” to “tambourine”. Just thought I’d mention this. Video’s here if you want to check too (around 1:50ish I think)

  199. 299 Fiorella
    June 13, 2010 at 4:55 pm

    Another rumor: SOng from Joe and demi….
    i think itΒ΄s fake!

  200. 302 jemi31310
    June 13, 2010 at 8:22 pm

    ok so i havent been on here in a while……its been kinda painful after the breakup…..i know i know that sounds crazy but for some reason it is still painful……atleast it gave me inspiration to write a few songs haha……but anyways, i am still supporting JEMI NO MATTER WHAT!!!!!! i hope the tweet that @thehiddensource posted is true!! it kinda sounds legit but you never know………..but tour is coming soon and i will be SHOCKED if something doesnt happne…….but we need to remember that because of the crazy hype they got when they were dating i am almost 100% sure that they wont announce it or anything if they date agian…….so we may not know until the proposal…..haha jk but being the great stalkers we are (lol) we might be able to figure it out πŸ™‚

  201. 304 jemi soulmate
    June 13, 2010 at 10:10 pm

    ey gyes did u see demi tweet about changing her hair or something like that plzz check it out and tell me whats ur opinion
    jemi all the way
    btw im still supporting jemi no matter what happen

    • 305 BELIEVE
      June 13, 2010 at 10:15 pm

      Yeah, I read that tweet.
      Maybe she’ll highlight it, or color it, or maybe cut it short.
      I think I’d like it if she did a nice blackish brownish color and cut it short to her shoulders. What do you think?

  202. June 13, 2010 at 10:36 pm

    Is that sunny Joe thing on tonight with sunny with chance?
    Oh yea I saw on disneystarfacts that some one wrote on Twitter that Demi is not who she saids she is it said something like she says that she was the one being bulled but she was the one bulling people and that the singed a something to get her out of pubic school.
    I don’t think that is true cause demi would not bully people she is to sweet and nice to do that stuff I don’t belive it so what do you guy think?

  203. 307 Nhoa33
    June 13, 2010 at 11:29 pm

    It’s obvious that Demi is not perfect but she is a wonderful person, she wouldn’t do that. It’s just one more stupid rumor to hurt her, look like some people really want to do that.

  204. 308 BELIEVE
    June 14, 2010 at 2:15 am

    OMG!!!! Demi’s new hair!!!!
    she looks amazing!!

  205. 310 jemi31310
    June 14, 2010 at 2:25 am

    @nina – thank you, thank you. i try to add humor into sad situations to lighten the mood whenever possible πŸ˜‰

    ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVEEEEEEE demi’s new hair!!!!!!!!! GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well she was gorgeous before but this is PERFECT!!!!!

    • 311 nina
      June 14, 2010 at 2:41 am

      lol i no i saw it on facebook then i checked out demis twitter !! i was 21 mins late πŸ˜›
      i love her hair lol gosh i wanna no joes reaction

      • 312 jemi31310
        June 14, 2010 at 11:33 am

        OMG i really really REALLY wish i could see joe’s face when he sees her hair!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhh im just waiting for tour and crossing my fingers about jemi 2.0…….obviously sparks will be flying so no matter what we will have jemi moments :))))

      • 313 nina
        June 14, 2010 at 2:07 pm

        lol joes face / reaction would be worth it !! πŸ™‚
        jemi 2.0 is wat im hangin on πŸ™‚ cant wait till july 27th i want full coverage on joe and demi πŸ˜›

  206. 314 jemi31310
    June 14, 2010 at 11:33 am

    oh and could we please have a new post?????? its taking too long to load this one…………maybe the new post could be of demi’s hair? or the tweets that @hiddensource posted??? thanks! ❀

  207. 315 jemixxjonasxxDL
    June 14, 2010 at 12:54 pm

    When does the tour starts?n I luv demi’s new hair!!
    Jemi forever!

  208. 317 BELIEVE
    June 14, 2010 at 3:51 pm

    omg, read this! It’s a jemi one shot. The author shows what it’s like when Joe & Demi tour this summer. http://jonasbrothersfanfictionarchive.com/viewstory.php?sid=21978&chapter=1

  209. 318 jemiβ™₯
    June 14, 2010 at 4:32 pm

    can’t wait (:

  210. 319 nina
    June 14, 2010 at 5:38 pm

    i’ve seen 2 nominations 4 demi so far
    but vote 4 her
    u can vote now 4 teen choice awards πŸ™‚
    im voting

    • June 14, 2010 at 5:59 pm

      Really?? When I clicked to vote it wont let me!! I’m soooo mad!! ugh but yah I saw the list online only 2 nomiees for demi but!! If she wins them then Joe can c her on stage!!!

      • 321 nina
        June 14, 2010 at 10:09 pm

        yah it didnt let me vote either !! i was mad !! cuz i saw it in justjaredjr
        lol i cant wait 4 dat hopefully theyll make up πŸ™‚

  211. 322 germanjemilover
    June 14, 2010 at 6:14 pm

    peopllllleeeeeeeeeeee germany won against australia with 4:0!!!!!! duuuudde is this amazing or is it amazing??? haha my whole town was partying it was siiiiiicck :DD
    OK soooooooooooorrryy had to get that of my chest ;))
    Jemiiiii: IIIII’m sooooo excited for the tour, I mean joe and demi always had great jemistry and that won’t change now, and the post oon twitlonger just let my hope grooooowww(it’s seriously reaaaalllyy big right now :)yeeaah i’m in a good mood sooory).Don”t let strange people like ANDIIIIIIEEE!!! get you down.
    Ladies(um….are here any boys on that site???!?!?!?!if so and gentlema/en) the world cup jsut started and Jemi’s going on tour, my summer couldn’t be any better.:DD

    I love you all sincerely(except a few)


  212. 327 germanjemilover
    June 14, 2010 at 6:21 pm

    maaaaan i wrote a huge comment but now it’s gone ;(( think i’m gonna cry right now ;d

  213. 329 jemi31310
    June 15, 2010 at 2:43 am

    ok a few things –

    1 – “wouldn’t change a thing” still amazes me…….i mean it was written way before all of the jemi drama but yet it fits their situation right now EXACTLY!!!!!! ahhhhhhhh i love it :))

    2 – does anyone know if travis clark has a girlfriend or anything? cuz it seems he and demi are close……but i am hoping its just friends……anyone have any background info on him? thx!

    3 – speaking of travis clark, on his website http://www.whoistravisclark.com he has a new demo song up…..its really good and if you listen the words carefully it kinda tells the jemi story with the break up…….i wonder if he wrote thinking about them cuz remember he was watching them cuddle in that video of jemi cuddling on the beach……..hmmmmmmmmmmm

  214. 333 BELIEVE
    June 15, 2010 at 8:07 pm

    uggh… nobody comments on here anymore!
    So I’m just gonna comment here.. soo..
    I think Joe & Demi WILL get back together.. But i don’t think it will be during tour, maybe near the end of tour or after. That’s just my opinion but who knows.
    When they do get married, I’m sure it’ll be a very happy marriage. I wanna see them have a beautiful baby! But All I pretty much want is happiness between them if they are together or not, best friends or gf & bf.
    We all waited 3 years for that relationship to happen and it did.
    We can wait ANOTHER 3 years or more… it just takes patience.

  215. 334 Nhoa33
    June 15, 2010 at 8:13 pm

    Well, I think they deeply love each other but what happened may show that Joe isn’t ready to be with the one yet and Demi is hurt. It will take some time but people who are meant for each other always find their way to each other. Let’s see if we were right with Jemi or not: I still think those two are made for each other.

  216. 336 Nhoa33
    June 15, 2010 at 8:55 pm

    Jaja,that’s for sure! Disney did something right: they are good smelling the chemistry.

  217. 339 BELIEVE
    June 16, 2010 at 2:38 am

    @nina OMG! Are you serious?
    Where did it say?!?!?

  218. 341 justme43
    June 16, 2010 at 5:44 am

    yello!!!!!! haha, but i think i might have an idea about how the breakup went. ( im pretty good at solving mysteries lol) so as you all know, the breakup was just so unexpecting. about a week before, they were totally fine and haters were starting to believe that they weren’t for publicity. I have a feeling that joe, demi, or a very close friend or family member keeps in contact with this site. ( not andie )….maybe someone that doesnt comment on this site but at least they know about it. perez hilton does not have good sources and zack taylor i guess kind of has an idea but not so much. oceanup is just a bunch of bull and justjared doen’t go into full detail about the breakup. the article about the jemi breakup that lalia and lola posted is probably the most reliable in my opinion. i mean if you put it together like a jigsaw puzzle, it can kind of work. i mean, joe and demi didn’t come at the same time but we saw them at that place hanging out. then, after that, the interviews were kind of awkward and they barely sat next to eachother. joe looked kind of upset and said his favorite song from camp rock 2 was wouldn’t change a thing which demi said was hers in another interview. and hers just randomly changed to this is our song weird, huh? then she tweeted that they were no longer together and joe hasn’t really tweeted since and he didn’t tweet or say anything about the breakup in person. when joe was in Africa, demi changed her hair and stuff to show him what he missed out on? she started tweeting other guys to try to make him jealous….i think. she even danced with alex noyes….maybe to prove to joe that she is a strong girl and that she knows how to move on…..she has been acting kind of happy…probably to try to not think about it. even nolan nard tweeted some stuff about it that i personally think has to do with jemi. it was right after she confirmed it too. i dont think taylor swift really sent her a message……idk maybe but its kind of tough. tell me what you think


  219. 342 Manda
    June 16, 2010 at 6:51 am

    Yay people are back and chatting…
    I am still not convinced about any of the break up stories telling the real truth so far. Since Joe admitted it, I believe he was the one who started things, but I think we will never really know what happened.
    As far as getting back together I have some conflicting feelings..
    Demi and Joe are idiots (and clearly they are not) if they don’t see how good their relationship was. The kind of chemistry and rapport they had does not come along that much in life and it will be a big loss to them both if they don’t get it back.
    On the other hand you don’t always see that sort of thing clearly when you are in the middle of a big hurt. Being young and vulnerable to all the worst influences of the media and haters isn’t going to make forgiving and forgetting easy.
    Nevertheless, I truly believe that they both have big hearts, love the same things and have strong support from good family and friends and with time they will come to trust each other again. In particular Demi seems to have a lot of space in her heart for forgiving, you can tell that from how many loyal friends she has many from childhood. This gives me hope for their future.
    When? I have no idea, maybe that journey has already begun?. As friends or as a couple? I think as a couple is still very much on the cards, but as friends first.
    JEMI ❀ FTW

  220. 343 JustUs...
    June 16, 2010 at 11:48 am

    hey guys please follow me!!i just made a twitter so please please please follow me!!!
    i love you guys..
    p.s:i love demi’s new hair!!!i’m sure joe drools over her picture

  221. 345 Isa
    June 16, 2010 at 3:19 pm

    Here is the lyrics of “WouldnΒ΄t Change a thing”
    Really i canΒ΄t wait for CR2!!!

    Mitchie: It’s like he doesn’t hear a word I say,
    His mind is somewhere far away. And I don’t know how to get there.
    It’s like all he wants is to chill out
    (Shane: She’s so serious) (She’s always in a rush)
    You make me want to pull all my hair out.
    (Shane: And interrupted)
    Both: Like she/he doesn’t even care.
    Mitchie: You
    Shane: Me
    Mitchie: We’re face to face
    Both: But we don’t see eye to eye.

    Mitchie : Like fire and rain (Shane: Fire and rain)
    Mitchie: You can drive me insane (Shane: You can drive me insane)
    Both: But I can’t stay mad at you for anything.
    Mitchie: We’re Venus and Mars (Shane: We’re Venus and Mars)
    Mitchie: We’re like different stars (Shane: Like different stars)
    Both: Cuz you’re the harmony to every song I sing.
    And I wouldn’t change a thing!

    That’s all! for now xD

  222. 350 Nhoa33
    June 16, 2010 at 9:04 pm

    What did the paps say?

  223. 351 jemi31310
    June 17, 2010 at 11:41 am

    ok if anybody finds any jemi fanfiction that is as close to their real lives as possible PLEASE post them on here!!!!!!!!!!! thanks! πŸ™‚ ❀

  224. 354 minnie mouse
    June 17, 2010 at 2:19 pm

    he left her cuz he luved her……and thats all there is to it

  225. 355 minnie mouse
    June 17, 2010 at 2:22 pm

    he left her cuz he luvs her……and thats all there is to it

  226. 356 BELIEVE
    June 17, 2010 at 4:27 pm

    Lookiee what I found! It’s the dvd cover the CR2

  227. 357 Nhoa33
    June 17, 2010 at 5:51 pm

    Have you seen Demi tatoo? It looks like it say “You make me beautiful”, what do you think? She’s gorgeous!http://demilovato.org/gallery/displayimage.php?pid=22547&fullsize=1

  228. June 17, 2010 at 8:52 pm

    Guys off topic but I wnt toy joe’s Twitter and looked at all the people he is follwing and he is not follwing Demi if you don’t belive me go and check it Twitter and look at the people he is follwing.

  229. 364 rockstar101
    June 18, 2010 at 8:32 am

    Have you seen Jemi’s tweets? Something good might’ve happened πŸ™‚ Plus I’m turning 15 today so I’m pretty happy :))

  230. June 18, 2010 at 10:29 am

    Kevin was on the radio talking about Joe and demi breakup If any of you can find the interview please bit it up.

  231. 370 Nhoa33
    June 18, 2010 at 11:49 am

    He just say that people shouldn’t be hard on Joe because he is just trying to find the one.

  232. 373 jemi31310
    June 18, 2010 at 4:50 pm

    ok that video of the kevin jonas interview didn’t have anything in it about jemi……….was that all a rumor or was that video not the whole interview??????

    oh and did u see demi’s tweet “cannot wait for july 27th.. I just wanna fast forward time until then. <3" ummmmmmmmmmm correct me if im wrong but isnt that when the tour kicks off? and we all know that demi only puts a heart in her tweets when she really means it……..so……..jemi?

    • 374 nina
      June 18, 2010 at 5:23 pm

      lol !! i no right i cant wait either πŸ™‚

    • 375 laura
      June 18, 2010 at 6:22 pm

      I’m sorry I don’t want to break your enthousiasm but maybe she said that because she’s impatient to be on stage again and to see her friends it is not necessarly about Joe :S (it’s what I think)

  233. 377 Manda
    June 18, 2010 at 7:45 pm

    Just because no-one else has doe it yet…

    For those who haven’t seen them via twitter

    Sonny/ Camp rock spoof (funny)

    And Disney Jemi Interview part 3

  234. 378 Manda
    June 18, 2010 at 7:56 pm

    The comments for the part 3 of the Jemi interview on Youtube says they uploaded it by request, I am left wondering who knew there was a third part to request?

  235. 379 BELIEVE
    June 18, 2010 at 7:56 pm

    YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS! They made it into camp rock instead of makenzie falls!

  236. 380 TheJemiHeart
    June 18, 2010 at 8:48 pm

    Hey everyone! This is my first time commenting her and visitng this site! I heard that one of my jemi fanfics was posted here in the comment section and that’s really cool!
    I love how everyone talks about Jemi here & sticks to it!
    So, i just wanted to introduce myself, some of you guys might recoginze my name from youtube because I have a Jemi series! Check out the first episode here if you want:

    So there’s going to be a tour on July 27th and I personally think that nothing will go wrong. Things might go awkward at first but it’ll get better. Jemi forever(:

  237. 381 Nhoa33
    June 18, 2010 at 8:58 pm

    The third part of the video…Oh my, Joe was so obvious. It’s impossible they don’t see sooner or later that what they had doesn’t come everyday.

  238. 382 Nhoa33
    June 19, 2010 at 2:44 am

    He can do whatever he wants and we can think whatever we want, there’s nothing bad in it. And fanfiction it’s like its name says: fiction.Thanks for your opinion anyway.

  239. 383 thalia
    June 19, 2010 at 1:52 pm

    Is make it right about demi ?
    follow me on twitter

  240. 386 jemi31310
    June 20, 2010 at 3:35 am

    ok @revrunwisdom just tweeted “lucky to be in love with my best friend……” don’t demi and joe both look to him for advice??? do you think he was hinting to jemi? from his tweets he kinda seems like a jemi shipper…….idk maybe im reading too much into this……lol

    good news = tomorrow’s my BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! im hoping jemi will give me a present πŸ˜‰

  241. 392 laura
    June 20, 2010 at 1:51 pm

    is sonny+joe aired yet?

  242. 395 JustUs...
    June 20, 2010 at 6:15 pm

    hey guys could you please tell me what are those jemi tweets that everyone is talking about??please if you could tell me:)

  243. 396 calmdownlove
    June 20, 2010 at 9:48 pm

    Did anyone see this from oceanup? Does this not want you to go kick jj’s ass? Hold me back!! haha

    “Joe Jonas tried to get the attention of a hot blond girl at LA Lakers vs. Phoenix Suns game by sending her a hot dog and Coke. The delighted girl gave him her name and phone number. A source revealed: ‘The girl was totally surprised to find out her snack was courtesy of Joe Jonas.’

    She wrote her name and number on a napkin and asked the waiter to give it to Joe. Joe recently broke up with Demi Lovato: ‘Demi and I knew going into our romantic relationship that it may not be an easy one. I realize over the time we have shared together that I feel I care more about our friendship right now.’ ” -oceanup

    • 397 Daria
      June 20, 2010 at 9:54 pm

      What’s wrong with Joe trying to meet other girls? Demi is very likely doing the same thing. Don’t be surprised if soon we see Joe with someone else.

    • 398 Manda
      June 20, 2010 at 10:00 pm

      I think if the original source for this story wasn’t the National Enquirer and it didn’t turn up a long time after the alleged event, I’d give it more thought, but it seems very likely to be as fake as Demi dating Wilmer Valderama to me.
      Perfect stuff for a gossip site to post because it gets everyone excited, but probably bears no resemblance to reality.
      My advice, put the boxing gloves away and give Joe the benefit of the doubt on this one.

  244. 401 mixiko
    June 20, 2010 at 11:05 pm

    PURE Comedy,

    Oceanup is relly good at it, that’s only on movies, OH and what a gift an hot dog and coke!
    VERY CLASSIC! that isn’t joe! forget, oceanuo is freaking pathetic.

  245. 404 jemi31310
    June 21, 2010 at 6:16 pm

    hey does anyone have any links for the first episode of JONAS LA and falling for the falls part 2 (SWAC)? i cant find it 😦 thank you!!! ❀

  246. 410 jemi31310
    June 22, 2010 at 1:51 am

    ahhhhhhhhhhhh that jemi/smitchie moment is ADORABLE!!!!!!!! i love it :)))) but it is bittersweet……. πŸ˜₯ but i love how they hug – i mean i doubt the directors had to tell them to hug that sweetly/closely/adorably cuz they are already so adorable and cuddly with each other that it just came so naturally :)) ❀ awwwwwwwwww

    i am hoping for some more jeminess in the future! and on tour! anyone know how long joe is gonna be in london?

    oh and random thought – who thinks demi should cover "beautiful" by christina aguilera?? i think she would be AWEESOME!!!!!! shes got the skills and the range and the necessary soul!!! πŸ™‚ and it kinda ties in with her whole "stop teen bullying" campaign……….ahhhhhh i really want her to cover it now i can already hear her singing it!!

    OK luv u all! ❀

  247. 412 Tracy
    June 22, 2010 at 4:25 am

    I just realized that neither Joe or Demi is wearing the bracelet and ring anymore.*Sad*

  248. 414 sandra
    June 22, 2010 at 9:27 am

    Hey!! I cant wait Camp Rock 2!! but In Poland premiere will be in 18 September 😦
    I hope that show in that private SMITCHIE/JEMI MOMENT.I should be grateful for that… because you have premiere in 30.06.2010:) I’m sorry for my english

  249. 415 laura
    June 22, 2010 at 1:53 pm

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XPQEXyxUihw here is the french version of Can’t back down (we won’t pay attention to the song because in French I admit it’s awfull) but in the clip we can see scenes of the movie and also smitchie scenes πŸ™‚

    • 416 laura
      June 22, 2010 at 2:06 pm

      smitchie moments at 0:08, 0:43, I guess at 1:03 (I think it’s a scene after Shane and Mitchie’s fight and she writes him something for him to meet her somewhere because he wears the t-shirt that he wears in the canoe scene^^), at 1:54, the best at 2:15 πŸ™‚ ❀ and the water fight scene at 2:37 seems to be a big funny scene πŸ™‚

      • 417 germanjemilover
        June 22, 2010 at 3:19 pm

        But it’s kinda stupid of them to run from that water thingy and then jump into the lake :DDDD hhahaha
        can’t wait for Camp Rock 2
        Haha in germany it’ll be out somewhen in july I think :DDD

  250. 418 laura
    June 22, 2010 at 4:41 pm

    I’m sorry usually I don’t like when people do that but please follow me on twitter: I’m new and french so please ^^ : dLaura14487 and I’ll follow you back πŸ˜‰

  251. 419 Nhoa33
    June 22, 2010 at 10:03 pm

    http://www.dailyfreshnews.info/2242/demi-lovato-move-from-chelsea-staub/ The person who wrote that really needs to learn english. It looks like everybody is looking forward to the tour…I so want to see camp rock 2 guys!

  252. June 22, 2010 at 10:14 pm

    That night Demi was there! Whenο»Ώ they were dancing and cuddling on the beach πŸ™‚

  253. 422 Nhoa33
    June 23, 2010 at 12:57 pm

    People on twitter are saying how SWAC got better ratings than Jonas and how Disney changed that…Disney is evil man, jaja. Pd: in the category fictional couple channy is just perfect.

  254. 423 jemi31310
    June 24, 2010 at 1:56 am

    we need a new post!!!! idk what of though………..maybe tour dates? something to do with jemi πŸ™‚

    oh and who else LOVES demi and WTK’s acoustic performance on KTLA??? omg that girl is gorgeous and soooooo talented πŸ™‚ what a wonderful role model! shes mine πŸ™‚

  255. 424 jemi31310
    June 24, 2010 at 11:36 am

    ok does anyone else feel like demi is trying to replace Joe with Travis? i mean in the “best friend” category…….

  256. 425 mixiko
    June 24, 2010 at 12:51 pm

    I don’t think she is trying to replace, but only make him closer, a real friend…

  257. 426 Lorie
    June 24, 2010 at 1:53 pm

    I come sometimes but I think I can of lost my love for jemi (as a couple) I love them and will always support them but I realized everything happens for a reason and jemi wasnt right for each other? Am I the only one who feels that? I mean we waited for them to happen and they did even if it was short they did try to build something but their love for each other at least joes wasnt strong enough to build a love relationship. i am sure they will always care about each other even though we know they will never be the same with each other. But I really do hope they find their perfect match one day and hope they will b happy. Everyone deserves to be happy. Dont hate Joe he did what he thought was right for him. yes I agree it was sad for demi but would you rather see her with someone who doesnt share her feelings or with someone who will be crazy about her and will make her a better person ??? I think Jemi is better as BFF and hope they will find that again…one day…

    • 427 Tracy
      June 27, 2010 at 5:40 am

      I agree. We waited for it, then when it happened, it was all wrong. Joe just didn’t look into it to me, not like he did with Camilla. He won’t go back. He left for a reason. And though we’ll never know what it is for sure, he did what he thought was right. You can’t force yourself to love someone. He had the chance to make it work. It didn’t, but he tried his best. I don’t think Demi is ready for a serious relationship either. She’s 17. Joe is at a different place in his life. When Kevin was Joe’s age, he was with the woman he was going to marry already, planning an engagement. I think Joe would like to settle down before long too, and Demi is no where near ready for that. I just hope that they can stay friends. It’s better that way.

  258. 428 sandra
    June 24, 2010 at 3:16 pm

    Hey!! I have one question when you have a premiere Camp Rock 2: The final jam ?
    It’s very important please to answer me.. ( sorry for my english)

    • June 24, 2010 at 7:53 pm

      Hey does anyone know what day the the RED CARPET PREMIERE of camp rock is?? Like what day are all hte stars gonna walk the red carpet?? I really wanna know I cant find it anywhere!!

      • 432 TheJemiHeart
        June 24, 2010 at 11:10 pm

        OMG! I’m trying to find that out too!
        They usually do premieres 3 days earlier when the actual movie airs.
        I’m thinking that the premiere will maybe be in Canada because when I checked the tour dates, the start of september was taking place in canada.

  259. 433 Nhoa33
    June 25, 2010 at 7:21 am

    Have you seen Zac Taylor last post on Jemi? Man, he really has nothing to say, jaja.

    • June 25, 2010 at 6:54 pm

      I read that!! The date looks sooo sweet!! πŸ˜₯ My god Joe plz get back with her my heart can’t take this anymore it hurts!! BUT NO MATTER WHAT I’LL BE A JEMI FAN!! You can bet that I’m gonna support them on tour!! if their can be a nelena 3.o then their can be a jemi 2.0!!!!!! πŸ™‚ Come on guys anyideas on how we can get themm together?? I’ thinking that we tell everyone to tweet joe and demi that we miss jemi!!

    • 436 manda
      June 25, 2010 at 7:05 pm

      Well, assuming this is true (I haven’t seen the original article) – it’s good.
      1. They are still good friends πŸ™‚
      2. They had dates we had no idea about (so we shouldn’t freak if we don’t see them together much in the future).
      Pretty happy about this..

      • 437 manda
        June 25, 2010 at 7:08 pm

        wizette56 I like how keen you are, but I am not sure it is our job to try and push them back together, the Jemistry will work on its own, in its own time.

  260. 438 bABBY BABY
    June 26, 2010 at 2:05 am

    YO! Please don’t hate me! But I know this video is old but so ya really think Jemi’s gonna get back together?!?!
    Watch at 0:23

  261. 441 mixiko
    June 26, 2010 at 10:36 am

    of course they can back togehter! this is not those boys that she dated before, is joe jonas her best friend, it’s different, they now will have more time together, on tour, and the other boys she problably never talk again with them, or it’s not the same they problably never get to be friends again, i heard that she said AFTER the break-up, on e-news that she was blessed to have joe on her life, that’s a big start, and it means that they are not mad to each other, they will restart, on slow, so please don’t Freak out!

  262. 443 jemi31310
    June 26, 2010 at 11:33 pm

    ok a few recent tweets scare me………..

    #1 – someone asked demi “you said earlier this year that u were the happiest you’ve ever been….are you still that happy?” and demi replied “nope….happier :)” ughhhhhhhh she could be being sarcastic or just acting like shes fine (to make joe jealous) even though shes hurting inside….shes that kinda girl lol

    #2 – at the end of one of her tweets she said “life is so amazing……” hmmmmmmmmmmm

    #3 – “you’ve no idea what you do to me :)” -travis clark oh boy………..this one really scares me…….i think he and demi are getting closer and i dont think he has a girlfriend……and i dont think hes gay…….ughhhhhh and they have been tweeting alot at the same time and replying to each other a lot and hanging out a lot…….his personality is similar to joes in some ways i think so i think demi might be missing that personality from joe so shes getting closer to travis cuz she likes that kind of personality……..did that make sense?? lol im super tired

    well im still rooting for JEMI 2.0 ❀

    • 444 mixiko
      June 27, 2010 at 12:30 am


      what? calm down, people, we don’t know if them will date other people before, after the tour, it’s just life, this kind of pressure of the fans that sometimes put people down, even jemi we shouldn’t judge and analyse every tweet every photo, even if it is for a good purpose, we should just support, and keep all the opinions about their photos, reactions for yourself, putting comments on sites of magazines etc, just make the press/papparazi alert, because they know they will get money with that photos, so people don’t judge and don’t exepct to much.
      Even if they don’t get back together as a couple, their friendship it’s just to beautiful, and the tour is THE thing, if on this tour they be friends again how they were, that’s make me happy.

    • 445 Jemi shipper
      June 27, 2010 at 12:37 am

      no u dont have to worry about that cuz demi and travis are knida related they said that themselves when they performed well be a dream on KCLA or KVLA πŸ˜€

      • 446 jemi31310
        June 27, 2010 at 2:01 am

        they were joking about being related haha but thank you for making me feel better! πŸ™‚ i get worried sometimes but i need to focus on the good things πŸ™‚ thank you! ❀

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    Life is so beautiful, I am so happy! πŸ™‚ Kiss you all!!!

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