
“Let’s do the un-thinkable.”

Have you been catching up on their tweets? Have you seen the interviews? The chat? ❤

Hello Jemi lovers! Why the title? I think most of you would follow.  But for those who don’t it’s a song by Alicia Keys, Un-thinkable. I don’t know about you guys but I was like freaking out when I found out she tweeted that; and I was a few days late knowing that she tweeted that. ❤

So who were the few lucky ones to actually freak out when Nick tweeted? Then Joe and Demi? I don’t want to brag but I was one of those lucky ones. Wait, what is there to brag about? Too hard to explain. ❤

Anyways, who heard most of the songs on the Camp Rock 2 Soundtrack? It’s poppin’! I love pretty Demi’s It’s Not Too Late. And! And! And charming Joe’s and lovely Demi’s You’re My Favorite Song! “And when I hear you on the radio, I never want to change a single note. It’s what I tried to say all along.  You’re my favorite song, you’re my favorite song.” I sigh, I sigh. Don’t you just love it too or you just love it too? ❤

Before I go to the exciting interviews, here are the Ryan Seacrest interviews that hot Joe and hot Demi did. Is he a Jemi shipper or what? ❤

Okay, these interviews have them all giggly. I don’t know what to say but I was cheekpalming all the way. ❤

KCRA Interview: I heart the whole thing, especially 1:17 – 1:43. It’s because of Joe’s patting, Nick, Demi’s peace sign, Nick’s talking, and Nick’s answers. “Giddy fest.” – Joe Plus, their giggly selves.

Fox 5 Interview: I heart this too. The interviewer knows what he’s talking about. Joe’s making some laughs. Demi’s popping head at 2:08. Big Rob—<3

Fox 4 Interview: I heart this one too but omg, Nick: “We’re like the new Power Rangers, all of us. So…*air punch.” ❤ Lauren: “Make sure you’re the pink one, Demi.” Joe: “I’m the pink one!” Lauren: “Oh okay.” Joe: “Wow, Lauren. Wow.” Demi: “I miss you Dallas.” Joe: “I miss you Lauren.” Giggles, giggles all over. Oh and at the end, Lauren says, “A lot of fun. I think they’re having too much fun.” I know that has no special meaning to it but the phrase “having too much fun” makes me smile.

Good Day New York Interview: Then this one! Omg, how I heart this one. Omg, 1:37 – 1:47 is such cuteness. Joe and Demi getting into the shot, Nick does this head thing, Joe’s rubbing his nose on Nick’s shoulder, and then Demi’s trying-to-control laugh. Then Demi’s facepalming and laughing at Joe’s intending-to-be-funny painting answer. Then  Nick’s comment at the end about the ladies’ voices!

Okay, so this is good. This is very good. Let’s relax and wait for the goodness. Oh yeah, let’s do some high fives. ❤

I’m missing the chat. The chat will be up later! ❤

306 Responses to ““Let’s do the un-thinkable.””

  1. 1 mcbagnes
    August 5, 2010 at 2:21 pm

    XD I don’t know what to say but… XD I don’t know! hahaha..

    I just love Jemi ❤

  2. 2 micahere
    August 5, 2010 at 2:56 pm

    It’s good to see Joe and Demi in the same screen together again..:)
    I wonder what could have happened if they sat next to each other 😉

    Anyway, I have also noticed that at the interviews, there would come a point when either one of them would look at each other.. Like there times when Nick speaks and Joe SEEMS like he was listening but for some reason, he looked like he was looking at Demi and vice versa. Makes me think of the old times.. 🙂

    Also, in the Fox 4 interview (correct me if I am wrong) the interviewer asked about Jemi (finally!) and Demi says that things are fine with her and Joe. And she finds says it was NOT AWKWARD being with him or something like that. I find really WEIRD so I dont fully believe this statement because.. c’mon.. I bet it IS AWKWARD being with your ex. But I dont know.. I guess she’s telling the truth.. :/

    Ohwell.. let’s just see what happens! 🙂

    And oh! you can follow me if you want to 🙂

  3. 3 minnie mouse
    August 5, 2010 at 4:20 pm

    cool cool cool!!!!!!!

  4. 4 bre.
    August 5, 2010 at 4:26 pm

    it seems like joe and demi are getting along rather nicely latelu. ;D

  5. 6 Polish Chick 2.0
    August 5, 2010 at 5:10 pm

    This was funny
    Lauren: I know that you two dated?
    Demi: We did?
    Joe: What?
    And on the first one they were non-stop laughing, they are sleepy I can tell LOL! 🙂

  6. 7 i luv jaden smith
    August 5, 2010 at 5:39 pm

    BAHAHAHAHAHA i luvvv that parttt demi goes we did???? what???? hahaha and joe’s hand wave and his so called analogy when he compares the stage to a piece of painting bahahaha!!!! im glad to see the old funny joe we all luv and want is returning and im rly glad that him and demi are trying to move on im sure there not TOTALLY comfortable around eachother but i can see they are already getting along haha i just couldnt stop laughing at joe it seems like whenever demi is around he acts all crazy maybe he does it just to make her laugh or maybe it wuz too early in the morning….. =)

    @Micahere i totally agree with you!! at times when nick wuz talking they would both face towards him and it looked like they were looking at eachother and it IS exactly like the old times when they were just friends and always looking at eachother and we would always see a bunch of jemi moments (sigh) after 3 years it seems like were back to the beginning again, but im thinkin maybe thats not such a bad thing in fact it could be a good thing!!! maybe its just another sign that jemi 2.0 is on the way, haha but i rly think this tour will help them become close again i mean look at this!!!! they’re not even on tour yet and joe and demi are already like giggle buddies…..who knows what its gonna be like AFTER the tour

  7. 8 manda
    August 5, 2010 at 8:41 pm

    The Jonas Brother’s live chat – I was reminded of this..
    @ddlovato Btw- Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs… Highly underestimated movie, possibly one of my favorite movies ever! So good! 3:16 PM May 1st via Twitter for BlackBerry®

  8. 9 mixiko
    August 5, 2010 at 9:04 pm

    A-M-A-Z-I-N-G interviews, kind confirm what i was thinking how they were, i think many people on twitter are making a big movie about the non-awkwardness that Demi stated, for me seems, there is no awkward thing, only like [8% of awkwardness] >> LOL

    But OH YES! i am loving the start.

    hey, does anybody knows when is the first show is? 7th august?

  9. 10 mixiko
    August 5, 2010 at 9:33 pm

    hey people, again, demi is with jb today, they did a press conference:


  10. 11 noah
    August 5, 2010 at 9:46 pm

    I like the fact they are friends and I like it that way. They tried it didnt work out. Now we should be happy they are working things out 😉 and lets hope they will be bff again 😉

  11. 12 JEMIFEVER
    August 5, 2010 at 10:38 pm

    The interviews were GREAT! I’m glad they are happy and getting along. The only thing I want them to do now is sit by each other next time. 😉

  12. August 5, 2010 at 11:03 pm

    Guys they are going to talk about joe and Ashely Greene on E!News!!!

  13. August 5, 2010 at 11:25 pm

    On ENews they talked about Joe and Ashely saying that after the lunch in LA they were caught kissing in his car according to star mag.

    • 15 lol
      August 5, 2010 at 11:59 pm

      thats exactly wat i saw !! @ first when i saw the are demi and joe back together 😛
      i was happy, even though i new there not, then i see joe and ashley and the kissing part ill only belief if theres pic

  14. 16 lol
    August 6, 2010 at 12:02 am

    notic some else demi and joe are sitting the same way while nick and kevin use up the whole chair

  15. 17 TheJemiHeart aka MagentaGlitter
    August 6, 2010 at 12:34 am

    Here’s the vid about Joe & Ashley

  16. 18 Andrea:)
    August 6, 2010 at 1:51 am

    I love this site.
    Everytime I come here.. I smile. I just smile. (:

    Love Jemi. Forever.

  17. 19 Dani
    August 6, 2010 at 2:38 am

    These rumors were already proven false. X^P. I love E! News 2 death guys, but sometimes they’re wrong, and also, Star magazine is a no no and we ALL know that. Star Magazine = Crap. Also, I love how no one has proof? If it was true they would’ve had the proof already bcuz this rumor is weeks old. Usually with the media these days, they get proof in 2 days prior. So as much as I love Ashley Greene, E! News, and Joe, this is purely false.

  18. 20 jemi31310
    August 6, 2010 at 3:02 am

    anyone have the jobro live chat link from aug 4??

    did anyone else notice a couple possibly significant tweets?
    1st one: “Workin it out..” -@joejonas on august 3……hmmmmmmmmm possibly related to workin it out with demi? idk i think im reading too much into this one….lol

    2nd one: “I like getting my hopes up for the future.” -@ddlovato on august 5……….i have noticed that a lot of her more seroius and more significant and meaningful tweets end with a period……i think this could be related to her and joe….

    i’m so glad they are friends again even if they are not as close as before…..atleast not yet 😉

  19. 24 Dani
    August 6, 2010 at 3:06 am

    Also, I have some small obvious proof. If a couple is dating and they both have verified twitter accounts that they use frequently, they must be following each other, yes? Notice, neither Joe or Ashley are following each other on Twitter or anywhere else. There have been no picture proof, again, what so ever of Joe and Ashley. We know the media with Joe today, they even have a picture of the guy picking his nose! (lol gosh I love him) As U see though, he has no privacy when it comes 2 media. Last I heard, Ashley has a boyfriend as well. She was seen kissing him 2 weeks ago apparently. His name starts with a D. I knew 2 weeks ago, but I forgot. Sorry. Also, how would Joe even have contact with her that quick. Think about it… He was in Africa for a long while and went to London 2 hang with Nick, no rumors then and no picture proof what so ever. Just him and Nick having their little bromance moments. All we saw Joe with Ashley at was the Twilight premiere… they took a picture 2gether, and that was it, Joe went on his way. They had no chemistry what so ever, and they hardly talk. All of these rumors started as a joke and I’m pretty sure it still is trying to prove that us fans are naive, but we are not naive are we? We know the truth. Well, at least us true fans.

  20. 25 TheJemiHeart aka MagentaGlitter
    August 6, 2010 at 3:28 am


  21. 26 TheJemiHeart aka MagentaGlitter
    August 6, 2010 at 3:32 am

    Here is more!
    They look so cute!
    http://twitpic.com/2bzoeb and http://tweetphoto.com/37085448

  22. 27 i luv jaden smith
    August 6, 2010 at 1:56 pm

    ahhhhhh!!!!! so much jemi!!!! i dont know which video to look at anymoreee!!!!! gosh damnn im sooo stupid i wet my pants!!!!!!

  23. 28 laura
    August 6, 2010 at 2:45 pm

    well I can’t wait to see their performance!
    concerning Delena, the fact that they are back is fake 😦 I know we are talking about Jemi but the video that one of us talked about where Selena said that she messed up with Demi and that Demi is so undersanding…is an old video, proof here : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Ot3CClIw2I I know it said that the video is from August 2010 but it’s not true this interview is from 2009 😦 I’m so sad now

    • 29 Dani
      August 6, 2010 at 4:16 pm

      “Let’s do the un-thinkable.”

      If none of U have seen THIS interview lol, I know Joe is always silly, but he’s usually not this silly and it’s not just bcuz of he morning. I think Joe is trying to make her laugh and impress her. :^). Also, I love how no one is even beliving the Ashley Greene rumor, lol bcuz we’re all smarter than 2 believe them bcuz they’re not true.

  24. 31 i luv jaden smith
    August 6, 2010 at 4:33 pm

    @ dani thats exactly what i said!!!!!! and like i think its true that he acts like that just to make her laugh cuz if u watch the live chat u can clearly see the difference in his behavior when demi is not there

    • 32 Dani
      August 6, 2010 at 4:45 pm

      Exactly!!! They’re meant 2 be. Seriously. Like they’re eternally a couple no matter what they say and nothing can break that title, even if they don’t know it themselves. It’s like everyone in the world”s heart is like a puzzle piece, many pieces may look alike, but only one fits. Joe’s and Demi’s fit. Also, in the live chat, whenever they mentioned Demi’s name Joe would smile and when they asked what his favorite song was, he right away said, “Wouldn’t Chane A Thing”. (The total Jemi song). But in the Live Chat he was silly and funny, but not as much as the 19 interviews involving Demi in them.

  25. 35 Dani
    August 6, 2010 at 4:53 pm

    http://twitpic.com/2c5lnc JOE’s EYES ARE WANDERING LOLLL

  26. 36 Dani
    August 6, 2010 at 4:56 pm

    http://jeminews.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/15684648.png?w=450&h=642 LOL The top picture is so cool, the bottom picture is adorkable and funny LOL

  27. 38 i luv jaden smith
    August 6, 2010 at 5:45 pm

    ahhhhh the top picture looks like it wuz taken out of the matrix movie or somethin its soooooo intense!!!!! lol cuz like joe is looking at demi and like they have like this huge gap between them!!! oh and the joes eyes wandering one is hilarious!!!!!! hahaha demi is so smexy no wonder he cant stand it 😉

  28. 40 jemi31310
    August 6, 2010 at 5:50 pm

    i dont really know about the ashley greene thing…….they dont have chemistry and they are NOT suitable for each other……. but look: “http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q39k0hYKE4k Joe supposedly caught kissing Ashley in car//When asked about Ashley his rep declined to comment” -@jeminewsweb what do y’all think about that??

    i love the interviews with jobros and demi 🙂 good memoreies

  29. 41 Dani
    August 6, 2010 at 5:51 pm

    Look what someone tweeted, “Jemi fan? ;o haha, yes!! They said that Joe while Demi was singing he’s like “Go Demi!” 😀 awwh. Plus he still keeps looking in her eyes as usual when they perform :)) ahhhh.” :^).

  30. 42 Dani
    August 6, 2010 at 6:39 pm

    good news, my friend said Joe denied the rumor of him and AG :^).

  31. 43 Polish Chick 2.0
    August 6, 2010 at 6:59 pm

    One question why did they start that rumor about Joe and Ashely anyways?

  32. 44 i luv jaden smith
    August 6, 2010 at 7:06 pm

    bcuz they were caught hangin out several times so the press immediatley tried to make an item of them like they do with all celebrities

  33. 45 kaari
    August 6, 2010 at 7:36 pm

    dont you guys find it weird…jemi break up and nick adn demi are even closer….shes been sitting beside him, he’s been checking her out during the conference and i think he loves her personally. im a jemi fan and i KNOW that demi loves joe and doesnt feel the same way for nick buh i feel bad for him. i think hes liked her since camp rock. i wouldnt mind nemi IF joe and demi come back to being best friends 😀

  34. 46 i luv jaden smith
    August 6, 2010 at 7:54 pm

    hmmm…..i didnt notice any of those in nick i always thought he had a thing for selena or that chick who plays maci on jonas but nick and demi??? i never imagined it like that…..this is gonna sound weird but i always thought sterling knight had a thing for demi…..then again that guy is REALLY good at acting….. nahhhh im sticking to jemi 🙂

    haha oh yeah and i have a question, would REALLY appreciate if u guys could give me an answer.
    Joe is soo in love with demi i mean u can see it….everywhere!!!! at interviews, when she is in the room, when they sing together…..im like 100% he loves her so much…..but then why do u think they broke up???? Does he not love her??? Did she do something???? or did he just feel like breaking up……someone pplz answer im so confused!!!! i mean its rly obvious that he loves her……right?

    • 47 Ogień AKA Fire
      August 6, 2010 at 8:08 pm

      The reason they broke up was because Joe cared about their friendship more. Yes he still loves her I can see it. But Joe said as a friend. I dont belive it though (LOL). IDK If she did something. Yes! I think so.

    • 48 manda
      August 6, 2010 at 8:11 pm

      I really don’t think anybody here is going to be able to answer the question for sure, because we don’t really know what went on.
      My best guess is that things were going a bit too fast for Joe particularly with the media coverage and he wasn’t ready to be “tied down” in long term celebrity coupledom. Classic “cold feet”. If he wasn’t ready then better to let Demi know sooner rather than later maybe? That might explain why in his break-up statement he said “right now” leaving the door open for the future (if Demi would allow it)??
      However I have no great insight into Joe’s thoughts. He is a 20 year old guy under extreme media spotlight with an image to uphold and he’s not exactly predictable in his behaviour, so who really knows.
      I do think that his dad would not have supported him to go public and do things like bring Demi along on the Washington visit unless he was convinced Joe’s feelings for Demi were 100% true and as Papa Jonas seems to have his head screwed on right I have to believe Joe loves Demi.

  35. 49 sh0osho0
    August 7, 2010 at 12:25 am

    OMG..guys really really i cant wait 😀 😀 !

    JEMI FTW <333

  36. 50 jemi31310
    August 7, 2010 at 3:27 am

    ahhhhhhhh i watched the vids of joe and demi performing “this is me” and “wouldn’t change a thing”!!! sooooo amazing…..they are both so talented 🙂 they still had the jemi glances but they both seemed more focused on the fans this time……prob still a bit awkward i can imagine……did anyone else notice that about halfway through “wouldn’t change a thing” it sounded like demi was crying a little bit?? and then at the end joe was like “phew” like he was trying bring himself together……..idk

    i read on a website a story (true story) about a girl being in a relationship with a guy and she could tell that they were serious and this was someone that she wanted to be with forever and it terrified her so she broke up……well they got back together after a little bit and 5 years later they are still going strong 🙂 i think thats what happened with joe….he got scared cause he loves demi so much! thats really the only thing that makes sense……he obviously cares about her so much and hes not just gonna date her if he doesnt love her……hes not that much of a jerk! so after a bit i think they will get back together! this tour will be realy good for them………when they were sitting on the bench singing the end of wouln’t change a thing it felt like it wasnt a song anymore – it was their reality………guys i think jemi 2.0 is just around the corner! ❤

    • 51 Dani
      August 7, 2010 at 5:00 am

      Dude, hahaha U totally made my night. I know that may sound weird, but U also read my mind. With that comment U are like my thought and voice within and as I’ve said. Everyone’s heart is like a puzzle piece. Other pieces may look alike, but are not the same. There’s only one piece that fits and I think Joe’s and Demi’s puzzle pieces fit perfectly. :^).

  37. 52 rockstar101
    August 7, 2010 at 8:08 am


    I like getting my hopes up for the future.


  38. 53 Minnie mouse
    August 7, 2010 at 2:36 pm

    Omg!!!! Jemi 31310!!!!! U basically just read my mind!!!!! I think it kinda puts all the pieces together in the puzzle like joe broke up with demi and nobody knew why the hell he did neither did demi!!!! That told me something and second of all it wuz demi who called joe and wuz like what are you doing were perfect for eachother!!! Joe took the whole night to think about what she said then he came in the morning and appeared at the front door I think this is what he is trying to do…..him and demi are gonna be friends maybe for like 2 more years and ThEN they are gonna start dating for realzzz and this time the relationship will probably last for a very long time…..another thing I noticed does joe ever even talk to Taylor swift or camilla the gorilla???? No. Why??? Because he doesn’t care. Why is he so persistent on staying as friends with demi??? Because he doesn’t want to lose her and that’s what he wuz afraid of from the start…..

  39. 54 kaari
    August 7, 2010 at 2:47 pm

    Demi is SUCH a great singer. She deserves so much more than miley and selena buh WHY isnt as sucessful as them. I hate the fact that she could sing thousands times better than selena buh selena gets the awards 😦 it breaks my heart knowing its looks and popularity not talent that matters these days 🙂 she sounded just like the cd version even better 🙂

  40. 55 jemi31310
    August 7, 2010 at 4:21 pm

    @minnie mouse & @Dani – haha thanks! thinking about all those things helps me keep on believing in jemi 2.0!!! demi tweeted that sehs having “the best time of her life” and of course joe is part of that 😉 and she has a new iphone 4 and joe has one so i bet hes teaching her how to use it……awwwwwwwwww 😉 i cant wait to see vids of the beginning of the tour and the end and see the differences with jemi moments!!!!! i think we will be able to tell if they start dating again……..even tho i think that if they do they will NOT go public until the ring 😉 haha but we will know – we have studied them for years – i feel like i know them soooooo well!

  41. 56 yourneighborhoodhobo101
    August 7, 2010 at 10:42 pm

    notice how when he was dating camilla and taylor, he wasn’t really himself as you can see. and then he started hanging with demi and he was his normal, crazy self. then he started dating her and he was very happy. when they broke up, he wasn’t himself again…..he would usually tweet random things but he didn’y. his most happy tweet was ” good morning…” and that was it. when he started to hang out with demi again on tour, he started tweetng random things and he looks so much better. so my guess is…..demi makes him feel a lot better and she doesn’t care what he looks like, ect.. she only cares that he is a good guy and she obviously loves him as much as he loves her. so he can make a fool out of himself in front of the paparazzi now and he wouln’t care…he would just laugh it off. jemi FTW!!!


  42. 57 shahad
    August 8, 2010 at 1:31 am

    read this
    RT @bailey_15: demi just sang catch me & said “before i fall” and then said “again” & laughed 🙂

  43. 58 itsel
    August 8, 2010 at 1:46 am

    who is she?

  44. August 8, 2010 at 1:52 am

    Look I found this @nickjonasfacts
    the first she changed lyrus to is catch me
    “Catch me befor I fall… Again
    And the second on she changed the lyrus to is don’t forget
    “He was like a song. But he didn’t sing along from what I seen
    And know people are twitting that Joe changed the lyrus to his songs.

  45. 60 itsel
    August 8, 2010 at 2:15 am

    joe changed the lyrus of his songs too? or its only a rumor?

  46. 61 shahad
    August 8, 2010 at 2:19 am

    Joe’s in a black tanktop & a hoodie. Apparently lookin’ good. 😉 (JBTourUpdates)

  47. 62 shahad
    August 8, 2010 at 2:49 am

    They’re singing on stage now but on both sides of the stage. Now ‘Wouldn’t Change a thing’

    Joe: “there..Is..A..Fire..On stage!” demi: “somebody call…The..Fire department!”

    Awww at the end of Gotta Find You, Joe lookes at Demi and she smiled

  48. 63 shahad
    August 8, 2010 at 2:58 am

    now “LA BABY” the stage !!

  49. 64 shahad
    August 8, 2010 at 3:01 am

    Actually someone said Joe winked then she smiled.

  50. 65 shahad
    August 8, 2010 at 3:05 am

    Ha, Joe is sleeveless. A bunch of teenagers are dying in Illinois right now.

    OMG !!!

  51. 66 jemi31310
    August 8, 2010 at 3:08 am

    someone was saying that demi changing the lyrics to catch me was about her falling on stage again……….and are those lyric changes to “dont forget” true?? if so they seem kind of significant to me……..and of course the wink at the end and smile…..i know its small but the smallest things can say the biggest things! anyone have a link for jemis performances night together??? we gotta keep believing now more than ever! its coming JEMI 2.0 ❤

  52. 67 shahad
    August 8, 2010 at 3:20 am

    wooooooooooow it’s Beautiful

  53. 68 shahad
    August 8, 2010 at 3:23 am

    Please Be Mine pic: http://twitpic.com/2co222 They kept looking at the screen and started smiling & laughing<3.
    Look at the crowd!!! AMAZING. http://twitpic.com/2co0n6

  54. 70 JemiBeliever9
    August 8, 2010 at 4:46 am

    I was at today’s concert it was amazing Joe and Demi went awkward but u could tell that they didn’t want to get to close other than that they seemed fine

  55. 72 shahad
    August 8, 2010 at 7:22 am

    YouTube – ‪greeceisawesome’s Channel‬‎

    this person is uploading vids

  56. 73 shahad
    August 8, 2010 at 7:24 am

    sorry this is the right one YouTube – ‪greeceisawesome’s Channel‬‎

  57. 74 shahad
    August 8, 2010 at 7:27 am

    i dont know why it didnt past ? sorry

  58. 75 jemi31310
    August 8, 2010 at 3:10 pm

    after watching some vids from the concert it sounds like somethings wrong with demis voice…..she changed some of the songs so she didnt have to hit high notes……..is she sick mayb? or did she overwork her voice? prob overdid it 😦

  59. August 8, 2010 at 4:11 pm

    I’m sure, it’s likely that Demi was a bit sick yesterday! … u.u Now I’m waiting for more videos! be seen from the front! 😀
    follow me http://www.twitter.com / JemianLove

  60. 78 Veryhappy
    August 8, 2010 at 4:36 pm

    Hey guys… read this

    Ahhhhhhh more then 10 people saw it Joe kiss Demi’s hand (VIA danja_87) (via danja_87)

    If this is true.. ahh! Jemi 2.0 is coming.. 😀

    and some people said that Demi tweet something about this but then she deleted… 😀

  61. 80 manda
    August 8, 2010 at 4:59 pm

    Best video of the 2 duets I have found so far. Looks like they are both enjoying being back on stage.

  62. 82 jemi31310
    August 8, 2010 at 7:38 pm

    wow i hoped he kissed her hand!!!!!!!! that would be awesome 🙂 did anyone say when he did?? i hope its true! ❤ im hoping that when they sing wouldnt' change a thing they will realize that its the story of their life and that its so true that they "cant stay mad at each other for anything"! maybe it already happened……. 😉 ❤ JEMI 2.0

  63. 84 Minnie mouse
    August 8, 2010 at 9:50 pm

    Or better yet he proposed!!!! Haha just kiddin y’all…..still kinda early for that…..I had the weirdest dream last night joe and demi met michael Jackson then there wuz leanardo dicaprio and…..justin bieber…..then again I DID see inception last night and my brain still feels like mush…..

  64. August 8, 2010 at 11:21 pm

    Are Demi and the jobros going to the TeenChoiceAwards tomorrow cause they are the Live Stream of the awards!?

    • 86 jemi31310
      August 9, 2010 at 2:52 am

      no they taped the awards tonight and they air tomorrow……..and demi and JB have already said that they wont be able to make it :(((

  65. 87 Minnie mouse
    August 8, 2010 at 11:32 pm

    Woah!!!!! That’s weird!!!! My dream took place at the teen choice awards!!!!! WOW…..that is creepy….

  66. August 9, 2010 at 4:22 am

    read some of her tweets :O

    btw i’m jemiismydream but i’m on my laptop, my computer kinda isn’t working :/

  67. 89 adriana
    August 9, 2010 at 4:56 am

    I really would like if they got together again and i really hate those ashle green rumors and joe is so different when hes around demi he wasnt like that with taylor or camilla the big gorilla(i really dont like her)so i have the biggest question ever = why in the world did joe broke up with her did he go nuts or he fell off hes bed and hithes head? just wondering so can someone answer? Thanx

  68. 90 JEMIFEVER
    August 9, 2010 at 9:35 am

    Ummmm Demi’s tweets about “working harder” are scaring me then all of a sudden she tweeted about working out no matter what the time was. I personally think she’s taking this working out thing a little to far. There’s nothing wrong with staying healthy but don’t go overboard with it. She looks fine. She was just saying how she’s embracing her curves and being comfortable in her skin. So what’s with all this excessive working out. It’s not my place to judge but I just think she should calm down is all. I’m worried O_o Idk just a thought.

  69. 91 daisyx
    August 9, 2010 at 2:25 pm

    @JEMIFEVER i agree with you i mean its great to workout and be healthy but sometimes you gotta no when to stop because u can realli do more harm then good if you keep pushing yourself to a limit where ur body can no long react to. i read the tweets and atomactly thought back to a week ago when she was so weak that time in the shop till u rock sighning thing and just think maybe that was the message to stop working so hard.

    were not telling her to not work our just as fans think maybe shes taking it too far and could damage her health though those dance moves she has to do in the tour are wow mabye its pressuree to keep up with the other dances i dunt knw

    • 92 happiness62
      August 9, 2010 at 3:06 pm

      well i saw a vid on youtube about how demi gets mean comments on twitter and all, maybe thats why she’s working out alot. we all know that there’s haters, but were the supporters. im not sure if my thought is correct but it’s possible.

  70. 93 Dani
    August 9, 2010 at 5:34 pm

    I heard more than 10 ppl talk about Joe kissing her hand and more than 15 with the smile wink. Also, someone told me that Joe was joking around with her b4 they got onstage and he went “C’mon Demi!” And she laughed and said stop in a playful way lol. The lyric change just makes me happy bcuz it shows that she’s thinking of him but the total Jeminess overrules that! Lol I feel the Jemi 2.0 going on. lol Not jinxing it. Have U guys thought though… Demi’s tweet talk about working out can b directed 2 Joe? lol She sort of overexaggerated with it, and Joe LOVES 2 work out and run at insane hours. 2∞&Jemi!!!

  71. 94 Dani
    August 9, 2010 at 7:48 pm

    OMJ OMJ OMJ guys!!!!!!! There’s a rumor going around and I’ve seen like 30 peeps talking about it and none of them know each other! But apparently Jemi were caught kissing backstage, and paps got pics, they said the pics will be release soon. I hope it;s true!2∞&Jemi!!!

  72. 98 Dani
    August 9, 2010 at 8:38 pm

    http://twitpic.com/2d73u9 adorable Jemi picture a nd I have another coming!

  73. 101 manda
    August 9, 2010 at 8:57 pm

    I love those pictures. I know how easy it is to read too much into a single photo moment, but Joe and Demi enjoying themselves on stage together is a really good thing.
    As far as the kissing rumours, I will believe them when I see the photo (if it exists) and even then I won’t get my hopes up for anything beyond friendship (yet 😉 ) – remember they were always very close and “touchy feely” before they dated. Still…feeling the Jemi love today.. thanks for posting the photos.

  74. 103 laura
    August 9, 2010 at 9:04 pm

    I’m happy for them, Demi and Joe and all the cast seem to have fun and it doesn’t seem to me that there are tensions between Demi and Joe and that’s a good thing if they get over their break up and if they can stay friends! concercing the kissing rumors I’m waiting to see pictures because it just a rumor right now!

  75. 105 germanjemilover
    August 9, 2010 at 9:31 pm

    guys, everythings starting to make sense! At least a little bit. Let’s say the kissing rumors are true and they are back together( oh my goodnesss :D). Do you remember Nick?? Singin: Hey Joe, that’s why MY ex is still my ex…AHAHAHA?? oh god maybe I’m a little bit freaked right now but I’m so into jemi right now 😀 AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

    I bet I#ll get bitterly disappointed when it comes out that they aren’t back together ;D whatever, I survived 3 years of WAITING, not gonna let myself down because of a few rumors.:D

  76. 107 noah
    August 9, 2010 at 11:57 pm

    joe was with ashley today ..Sorry guys but its time to stop believing for something not worth it.Lets be happy they are friends again 😉

  77. August 10, 2010 at 12:04 am

    The photo of Joe and Ashely look like it is photoshoped don’t it?

  78. 109 Minnie mouse
    August 10, 2010 at 12:15 am

    @ Noah it’s totally worth it these ppl are so excited for jemi and everyone is in a great mood plz don’t come here and tell ppl not to believe in it everyone has been soooo excited ever since the tour started plzzz don’t ruin that for them ok they might be just friends or whatever but it’s never wrong to have some hope!!!!! Jeez ppl PLEASE don’t do this I’ve been dancing from 9 am to 5 pm today and I have to for another 2 weeks that’s 8 hours a day the same amount of time u spend in school!!!!! And trust me that much dancing can make a person VERY grumpy….

  79. 110 noah
    August 10, 2010 at 12:48 am

    no its not look at justjared.. I am sorry but I think its time to move on..

  80. 112 TheJemiHeart aka MagentaGlitter
    August 10, 2010 at 1:07 am

    Today the whole cast of the tour went and saw Step Up 3d because today was there day for a break.
    AlysonOnTour Heading to see SU3D with the Tour crew — Cincinnati you better make some noise tomorrow!! Quite a few ppl from our group are from Ohio!!
    about 7 hours ago via web

  81. 113 Nanis JL
    August 10, 2010 at 1:16 am

    okay noha you move on but I think you should leave us with our thoughts…for now officially I hate joe jonas and I think I was disappointed again very fast.
    I just hope that Demi is fine and not affected for this
    situation…I love Jemi so much but in this moment I can’t stop feeling angry :S

  82. 114 Minnie mouse
    August 10, 2010 at 1:24 am

    Yeah Noah if u wanna move on so much nobody is telling u not to….. just don’t bring other ppl down too

  83. 115 JEMIFEVER
    August 10, 2010 at 2:20 am

    Ok I tried to ignore it and brush it off like it was nothing. But these Ashley Greene and Joe Jonas rumors are starting to piss me off. No, I will never lose faith in Jemi 2.0 or even just Jemi as friends but for some reason I can’t stand the sight of him and Ashley Greene together. I just really don’t like her she seems so stuck up. If they are dating I don’t think I’ll like Joe anymore either. Uuugggghhh this is just so frustrating. Anyway I still believe, it’s just Joe is making it hard by hanging out with her. I pray to God they are not dating!

  84. 116 noah
    August 10, 2010 at 2:22 am

    I am just trying to help. I was a jemi fan too but I am not blind. joe nd ashley are seeing each other and he seems to like her to flew to la just for one day..Just saying. So yeah it is sad for jemi but hopefully it will make demi open her eyes(if not already) and to find happiness

  85. 117 rochelle
    August 10, 2010 at 2:30 am

    I agree let’s be happy for him, for jemi being friends again and praying for demi to find someone good for her. We all deserve to find hapiness. And guys,its stupid to stop liking Joe just because he is with someone else. Ashley seems like a nice girl . Now for jemi, Love doesnt last forever, some things work, some dont. Jemi has an amazing chemistry and it will never go away but this chemistry is better as friends. Joe said it best he likes her more as a friend.
    We knew them as Bffs and we still will. Jemi will never die guys but obsession of seeing them as a couple needs to stop. Being friends is better than being nothing right?

  86. 118 jemi31310
    August 10, 2010 at 2:47 am

    ugh im so SICK of ashley greene!!!!!!!! when will joe wake up and realize that demis the right girl for him?????????? gotta belive in JEMI 2.0!!!! ❤

    oh btw i dont get why nick said "thats why my ex is still my ex" isn't that just a line in one of their songs??? could someone explain it to me please? thank you 🙂

  87. 119 Tricus
    August 10, 2010 at 3:25 am

    While Joe is having his fun Demi REALLY needs to also date a great guy.

    Sorry but if Joe just likes Demi “as a friend” I am Santa Claus.
    He stares at in her eyes and her body too much like a guy who likes what he sees in a sexual way.

    My thoughts on Joe and Ashley dating: Another Camilla and Joe type relationship. Same thing.
    An older, more experienced, attractive woman who is independent, have a don’t care attitude and can take him or leave him.

    Who knows what will happen in the future with Joe and Demi but I think that Demi is reaching her breaking point. For her emotional and mental health she will need to make some VERY difficult choices soon.
    I can’t imagine being near a guy all the time who I really like and who keeps coming closer and backing away constantly. THAT would drive me crazy.

  88. 120 Misha
    August 10, 2010 at 3:33 am

    My thoughts on Joe and Ashley dating: Another Camilla and Joe type relationship. Same thing.
    An older, more experienced, attractive woman who is independent, have a don’t care attitude and can take him or leave him.
    But that is what Joe likes.

  89. 121 Tricus
    August 10, 2010 at 4:07 am

    Joe really seem like he doesn’t know what he likes. Ever since the Taylor mess that is the type of women that he has been going after, except Demi.
    Now he seems to prefer to date women who doesn’t require a LOT from him in regards to support, attention or love.
    Less work and stress for him. Joe, I have come to notice, just likes to have fun without any hard work on his part in his relationships.

    Well he is a soon to be 21 yr old guy and Demi will be 18 so more power to him. I hope that he finds or REALIZE what he needs sooner rather than later.
    Hate for him to be a lonely bachelor guy still clueless in his 40’s.

  90. 122 manda
    August 10, 2010 at 7:00 am

    Ok before anyone freaks about about the latest Ocean UP photos of Joe and Ashley, just ask yourself this, “Does Joe have the fastest growing facial hair on the planet?” because if you look at the lovely photo of Joe and Demi the night before from Indianapolis and then look at the photo with Ashley, you will see he has miraculously grown his semi beard overnight! Its an old photo. He did not fly from Ohio to LA for a coffee with her, he had coffee with her in LA before tour. Clearly he wasn’t too bothered about being seen out with her then as we have already seen photos of them. Just Ocean Up creating more drama for those that love to hate on any girl seen with Joe.

  91. 123 lovebirds
    August 10, 2010 at 8:40 am

    Hey guys, I’m back here 🙂 First of, I wanted to tell you something because I consider you guys as my friends:
    After my dad passed away, I was really down and I was kinda lost, but then I started to feel hope again and right when I thought that my life was a mess, this guy stepped into my life, and we dated for a few months and a few days ago, he proposed to me and now I’m engaged :))))
    I know what some of you might think, that I’m too young, that it was too fast and stuff, but he’s perfect for me and I’m really happy!

    As for Jemi:
    It’s a sad thing that it didnt work out in the first place, but I think in some ways it’s also a good thing. Their relationship didn’t really have a chance back then! The media waited for years for them to date, and when they finally admitted that they are dating, everyone wanted pics, interviews, but most of all: everyone wanted drama.
    First, people said that their relationship is only PR, because they were never seen kissing or anything at first, then they said that Joe isn’t really into Demi,…
    every single step they made was watched by the media, by fans, by haters.
    I can’t even imagine the pressure they were put in, and especially Joe isn’t really a pro when it comes to relationships, let’s face it, he gets scared if it turns into something serious. So he did the only thing that seemed right for him: he ended everything and avoided the problem

    BUT he obviously still cares about her, and he misses her, you could see that! And if they would start dating again, the media won’t be as bad as they were before. Because those two aren’t really news anymore, of course there will be many pics of them the first few days, because everyone will be reporting that they are back together, but after that it will slow down.
    I think it’s good that Joe was seeing other girls, and Ashley is a really sweet girl but she is still kind of a maneater, her and Jackson Rathbone were also pretty close, you should see them when they are interviewed together, they are really cute and have some huge chemistry going on, but in the end, he admitted in an interview that he kind of has a crush on her, but Ashley started dating someone else. She is not a bad girl, not at all, she just kind of enjoys her single life.
    But I guess that Joe realized that this is not what he is really looking for.

    As for Demi…
    I’m really concerned about her, all the things that happened these last months..
    her grandpa died, the break-up with joe, a friend of hers died, all the hate she is getting
    and I think that she started working out to ease the pain of all those things, she is trying to focus on something else, everyone has their own ways to try to run away from pain or problems, it’s something that you try to hold on to, but in the end she will realize that working out won’t solve anything. What this girl really needs is a break from everything.
    She should go on vacation with her mom and her sister, and not just for a few days, but for 2 weeks or something.
    People say that Demi changed, that she seems fake now. It’s true that she changed, because if you look close enough you can see that her smile isn’t as big as it was before all this. Demi was the happiest and craziest person I know, but now even though she is still smiling, it doesn’t really reach her eyes.
    She’s exhausted and if she continues just ignoring that fact, she will have a serious breakdown and hopefully her mom will tell her then, to take a break, because as much as I love her music and as much as I wish for her to become REALLY big, her health is far more important than that.

    Sorry for the long post, I just tried to put all my thoughts in it 😛

  92. 126 JemixxJonasxxDL
    August 10, 2010 at 8:58 am

    STOP WITH THE ASHLEY AND JOE THING!!Plzzz this is a jemi supporter site!!I don’t think they even date…hello…joe always hang out and spotted with girlz but that doent mean he dates them(Pixie,Brenda and even chelsea-They just hang out)even for a couple of times…I saw their pics and it looks like they are just friends(They Don’t even smile,laugh or look happy or ‘inlove’…look at their faces)…and it’s an OLD pic anyway..
    Be positive guyzz…Look at the tour videos and pics the day is getting better and better…it looks like they’ve workout everything and BFFs again…it might be abit awkward but you can see they want to work things out..
    And theirs alot of rumour(joe kiss her hands,joe winks at her…etc)that i don’t 100% sure its true…but i know that they are enjoying tour alot…theres a chance that Jemi 2.0 will happen we’ll just have to wait!!:)

  93. 127 `Katyy
    August 10, 2010 at 10:47 am

    Wonder why Nick said to Joe:”hey Joe! That’s why my ex is still my ex” ^.^ Any ideas? 😀

  94. 128 laura
    August 10, 2010 at 11:06 am

    So in less than one month Camp rock 2 will be aired so since I’m french I’d like to know if someone here could record all the smitchie moments?! please! and if someone has Disney Channel on Demand don’t hesitate to let us know about the movie 😉 please! I can’t wait to see it even if it has changed since the 1st movie!^^

  95. 129 DLoveDanger
    August 10, 2010 at 1:29 pm

    guys…a wonderful jemi fanfic i found….read and comment http://www.jonasbrothersfanfictionarchive.com/viewstory.php?sid=24161

  96. 130 jemifan4567
    August 10, 2010 at 2:31 pm

    what does it say?? i cant get in it

  97. 131 JemixxJonasxxDL
    August 10, 2010 at 3:22 pm

    I Found This Website about ashley and joe and it say that ashley is helping joe working on his solo album…i dont know if ashley is even a musician/songwriter or watever but it makes me feel better and kinda realize that they both didn’t say anything coz i think joe want to surprized the fans with his own solo album…i think it kinda make sense

  98. 132 jemi31310
    August 10, 2010 at 4:11 pm

    @lovebirds – CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!! so happy for you and i wish the two of u the best of luck together! 🙂

    and thank you for that post! it was really good and insightful…….this morning i saw the pics of joe and ashley and it made me really really really mad………..i dont know if thats an old photo or not but it seems kinda crazy that he would fly out just to see her for a few hours…….i hope its nothing…..i agree with everything u said! especially abuot demi – im worried about her! she seems down lately……i think shes matured a lot over the past few months and just trying to figure life out now…….i think joe is going through the same thing……….i hope they realize that what they really need is each other ❤

  99. 133 Manda
    August 10, 2010 at 5:04 pm

    Ok so there is now video footage of Joe and Ashley and the paps mention Ashley’s pool party, so it must have been yesterday. Wow Joe does grow hair really fast! Also Garbo’s girlfriend Paris Carney has been tweeting about a great surprise day she had from Joe yesterday – so I guess he brought Garbo back to LA with him.
    There may be a work reason for Joe seeing Ashley, but as we know he is a bit of a sucker for romantic gestures like flying cross country so it seems pretty likely they are dating.
    Reflecting on this I have a few thoughts..
    Joe seems to have two sides to his personality right now – getting older, more reflective, more grown up Joe and same old crazy, funny, great with kids on tour Joe.
    To me Ashley seems like the kind of person Joe sees himself dating as “more mature Joe” and he maybe associates Demi more with “fun tour guy Joe”. The thing he may not realise is that the old Joe isn’t just going to go away because he is dating someone who is 6 years older than Demi, because lets face it he has too much fun when he is being crazy. Ashley will “do a Camilla” and ditch him when she realises that Joe, while sweet is also a bit crazy and his rekindled friendship with Demi will help that along.
    I always thought Joe saw Demi as his long term plan – he clearly adores her and loves spending time with her. They have similar core values, aspirations and love of life, performing, kids, fans etc. I was surprised they dated while Demi was so young as from Joe’s previous interviews he gave the impression he wanted to stay single and have fun for a couple of years and Jemi seemed like more of a serious thing (at least I think Demi thought so).
    Being seen out with Ashley does no harm to Joe’s hot-blooded, single guy status (don’t underestimate how important this is to a guy’s self image)and the fan girls are unlikely to take it too seriously because of Ashley’s love em and leave em reputation (PS I have nothing against her she seems nice enough).
    Sad thing is he is probably going to be smitten and will get his heart broken and Demi is probably not going to be particularly keen to be the one to pick up the pieces.
    Demi continues to mature and soon enough Joe is going to realise that he can be both sides of Joe with her, I guess we’ll have to wait and see how quickly Ashley lasts, but I personally don’t think it will survive the South American arm of the world tour.

  100. 134 bre.
    August 10, 2010 at 5:09 pm

    okay, here’s my thoughts on the joe and ashley thing.

    the minute i saw it, i thought of work. ashley’s a big name actress, and joe is DYING to get into the acting industry, you know? maybe she’s helping him get a role, prepare for a role or something like that. 2nd, MAYBE SHES JUST A FRIEND. there’s always a possibility that he flew back to la to keep garbo company bc garbo wanted to see his gf. considering all of joes friends are on tour with him, maybe he called up ashley. maybe she’s giving him acting advice or something.

    maybe they’re dating, idk. but i’m just saying, even when joe was hiding his relationships, he’d at least lOOK at the girl in public, you know? she’s on a date with her phone! she looks at him twice in the video, and he smiles but when he looks away it completely fades. in my opinion, joe looks totally uninterested in a relationship and so does she.

    clearly, like the person above me said, joe adores demi. it’s become quite obvious these past few nights onstage. in my opinion, it looks like he still has feelings for her. maybe he’s scared or something. ultimately, i think that if joe and ashley are even “together” (which is unlikely, considering he’s on tour with his ex. i mean, what girl would want to tolerate that?) it won’t last long. the only way i’ll start to believe they’re dating is if we don’t get anymore “jemistry” onstage, and if he started flying back home on every single day off to be with her. or maybe if he smiled at the girl once in a while…

    again, just my own thoughts.

  101. 135 jemi31310
    August 10, 2010 at 5:39 pm

    ok we cant deny it – its looking like joe and ashley are dating………nothing we can do about it…….but i honestly dont think it will last! u know his management people could want him to date someone like her because it would help him get out of that little kid fanbase and more into the late teen and adult group…….idk just a thought….but he clearly adores demi and same goes for her adoring him so lets just wait and c what happens 🙂

    • 136 Polishchick2.0
      August 10, 2010 at 5:47 pm

      Okay how is Joe dating ashely when he’s on tour with Demi & the cast Of CR2????? I thought Ashely had a boyfriend, She dose She dated him in JULY of this YEAR! So just Keep Jemi hope up and forget about Ashely.

      • 137 Joe Hoe
        August 11, 2010 at 1:33 am

        She doesn’t have a boyfriend. Except Joe. She hasn’t been seen with that other guy since June. Sorry.

  102. 138 AllforJemi
    August 10, 2010 at 5:46 pm

    Regardless of the what is going on between Joe and Ashley, it was NOT cool for him to rub his new “relationship” in Demi’s face when they have to perform together for the next couple of months. So sad about that……

    • 139 Joe Hoe
      August 11, 2010 at 1:35 am

      Why is he rubbing it in her face? He’s not flying Ashley out and parading her around backstage? And even if he was, he’s with her now. Not Demi. He has a right to do what he wants. Joe is the headliner. Demi is an opening act. Joe flew out to see her for about 36 hours. Nothing wrong with that, and it has nothing to do with Demi.

  103. 141 Manda
    August 10, 2010 at 6:25 pm

    Hi again, just wanted to share something…
    This is whatmy husband said when I told him about Joe being seen with Ashley today – “Well if Joe’s back with Demi he can hardly break up with Ashley over the phone can he?”
    & that is why I love him…

  104. 144 laura
    August 10, 2010 at 8:45 pm

    I’m sorry it’s not about Jemi but apparently Delena could be back, watch http://twitpic.com/2d8cb4 :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

  105. 148 laura
    August 10, 2010 at 9:01 pm

    http://it.tinypic.com/view.php?pic=wi63ah&s=4 we don’t see the hug but it’s just before it 😉

  106. 149 Jenna
    August 10, 2010 at 9:09 pm

    Joe flew in LA just to spend it with her and he made the surprise to bring Garbo for his girlfriend paris. Both went to see their girls. Sorry it hurts me too but Joe is definetely seeing Ashley , I actually like her but yes jemi was amy favourite couple ever. But it didnt work out.Now Joe seems to like her and stop saying they dont look happy, people said that about jemi too and we were the first one to say “you dont smile all the time with cameras on your face and paps talking to you” plus Joe and Ashley just got out from relationship recently so they are low key. I now wish Demi to find someone too 🙂

  107. 151 Minnie mouse
    August 10, 2010 at 9:36 pm

    Well if joe can date Ashley then demi should date sterling knight!!!!! I REALLY got a good impression from that guy….he never gets involved in media….he seems to be nice,caring, and sweet I don’t know anything about his private life but if he wuz single it would be perfect!!!!! And u gotta admit that boy is pretty darn cute hahaha besides I could see the jealousy exploding from joes face as they walk hand in hand and if joe can date so can demi!!! Poor girl needs to show off that gorgeous face of hers!!!!! U go demi!!!! Show that man what ur made of!!!!!! Take that JOE!!!!!

  108. 152 lovebirds
    August 10, 2010 at 10:12 pm

    Maybe it’s true that Joe is dating Ashley, but I don’t think so. I think that they have a fling, maybe Joe wants it to be more than that, but Ashley isn’t the type for that kind of relationship…

    But anyways, I don’t think he would just go date another girl without talking about it with Demi first, making sure that it won’t affect their friendship.
    I do think that Demi is still in love with him, and Joe still has feelings for her, but sometimes that’s just not enough. At least not right now.
    I think Demi is trying to move on too, for now.
    What they had seemed very serious, going to lunch with Joe’s parents, Joe was even willing to make their relationship official, which was a huge step!
    And maybe it was too serious for them, Demi is still young, and so is Joe, maybe they aren’t ready yet for something so serious.

    In the end, though, I strongly believe that these two will end up together again, maybe not during tour, maybe not in 2010, but that doesn’t matter.

    But in some ways it seems like Joe is trying to make her jelous, it’s something that I would expect Joe to do. To me it looks like he was trying to get closer to her again, but maybe it was Demi who stopped him and told him off, because she is just scared that he will end up hurting her again.

    All that matters to me, now, is that they are getting along, and they seem close again, everything else is just a matter of time, and in the end we have to face it..we can’t control the future, we can’t control what will happen.
    But since I am happily engaged now, I strongly believe that real love can survive a lot of things, and that two people who belong together, will end up together in the end

    • 153 Joe Hoe
      August 11, 2010 at 1:38 am

      Joe does not need Demi’s permission to date. She is his ex-girlfriend. Nothing more. You don’t ask your friends if you should date. And I don’t even think they’re friends anyway.

  109. August 10, 2010 at 10:16 pm

    I have been reading some of your guys comments and I think that if joe wants to date Ashely then let him. And we all know if Demi will find some one that will make her happy and love her!!! I still don’t get the whole thing about Joe and Demi if Joe cared about there friendship then why did he ask her out I still don’t get that and even after everything he said about taking there friendship to the next level and then breakup I am still mad at him for that!!
    But if he is happy then we all should leave leave him alone.

  110. 155 TheJemiHeart aka MagentaGlitter
    August 10, 2010 at 10:28 pm

    If Joe & Ashley ARE dating, I personally DON’T think it will last.. that is my opinion. Ashley doesn’t seem like his type. But if they are dating, whatever. Like I said, I don’t think it’ll last.
    I will NEVER give up on Jemi because they both have something special in the both of them and Joe really cares about their friendship and he would never want to let go of Demi from his life.

    All I’m saying is, let Joe date whoever but you’ll still have a place in your heart where YOU know Joe & Demi will be getting married one day.

  111. 156 marie
    August 10, 2010 at 10:59 pm

    Who knows the future LOL but seriously we cant judge joe and ashley relationship. Every relationship is different. I was sure Jemi would last at least 1 year and it didnt even last 3 months. So maybe they will last maybe not. I wish everyone the best that is all.

  112. 157 Minnie mouse
    August 10, 2010 at 11:39 pm

    Wow u guys are right…..this is just like the comment I posted awhile ago believe everything happens for a reason good things fall apart….so better things can fall together…. we will just have to wait. Everything happens under God’s will and if they were meant to be that’s great!!! I couldn’t be happier…..if they weren’t we just have to think that God made it that way for a reason I would never question his actions or judgments. Bless joe and demi and their beautiful souls I will be happy if they are happy and even if that means they won’t be together……then so be it.

  113. 158 mixiko
    August 10, 2010 at 11:50 pm

    o really guys, you are discusting joe and ashley relationship?! Give YOU a break, seriusly, your brain will explode…
    It’s totally weird that he flew all way back to LA but you know, on a video posted somewhere were you could see them arriving to some place, tell me one thing, do you see any chemistry? does he look to her, and in particuly on her eyes? i didn’t see nothing like that, and she was on her phone, so sweet! so romantic!
    after kind analyse all comments, photos, just like in court, according to the evidence, i give a death sentence to this romantic relationship.
    But if he flew just for random proposes? Seriusly i most than ok if they are close FRIENDS.
    And if he is just having fun with her, that’s disgusting and totally against the meaning of purity rings, if it’s that, whatever joe.

    Coming back to the real thing, Jemi, what i can say, on my oppinion, that part that she did a catwalk to him, than put her arm on his shoulder, that was sexy and very cool! even when he just lean to nick and she missed, they both laugh in a very confortable way! they are getting back to the level they were before dating…
    if their friendship is that strong and true, they definitly will be back as BFF and they will still have chemistry, the rest depends of the future, believe!

    and for finish; i’m glad that lovebirds is back! a very important supporter here, and congratulations! your story is beautiful, and gives everybody a moral lesson, never give up.
    and i believe that life is fair, it’s destiny.

  114. 159 Polishchick2.0
    August 11, 2010 at 12:31 am

    Okay Joe and Demi are soo having fun and to get your hopes back up look 😉

  115. August 11, 2010 at 12:35 am

    Look guys Joe and Ashley just friends!! You cant deny that Zack Taylor actually is true most the times. 🙂

    • 161 Polishchick2.0
      August 11, 2010 at 12:40 am

      You do have a point, sometimes he’s not crazy with gossip! LOL 🙂

    • 162 Joe Hoe
      August 11, 2010 at 1:54 am

      1000000000000% wrong. Even more wrong. Ashley has nothing to do with music. Zack just doesn’t want to admit that he was wrong. All the RELIABLE sites, such as E! and Celebuzz are saying they are a couple.

  116. 163 JEMIFEVER
    August 11, 2010 at 1:30 am

    Hmmm why does everyone keep saying that the date is yesterday or something. Some reports say the photos are from last month. IDK :/

    • 164 Joe Hoe
      August 11, 2010 at 1:47 am

      It WAS yesterday. JJJ made a mistake. They were the ONLY site that reported the pics as being from earlier this month. He was wrong. It was yesterday without a doubt. In the paparazzi video, the pap asked Ashley how her pool party went. That party took place this past weekend, so the pictures HAD to be from yesterday. Take some aspirin for that JEMIFEVER of yours. It’s an illness that could put your mental health at risk.

      Joe flew out Sunday night with Garbo so they could see their girls. The flew back this afternoon. From what I hear, Joe stayed with Ashley. It has nothing to do with Demi. She is not involved with Joe’s new relationship. She can get one of her own if she wants. I’m pretty sure she’s hooked up with someone, or maybe a few someone’s, since Joe. Let them both live their lives.

  117. 166 Minnie mouse
    August 11, 2010 at 1:43 am

    Ok here’s what I’ve gotta say wether joe is dating Ashley or not if this IS a relationship, which I’m not saying it is then it is or will be just like another joe and camilla the gorilla kinda relationship…..ok so let’s think about it guys worse case senerio is that they r dating but do u recall whenever joe wuz with camilla??? Everyone wuz always complaining about how the old joe wuz gone and in his place wuz this more mature no fun kinda guy….what I’m trying to say is demi is the only girl that makes him act like…..joe….she fell in luv with him for who he is… If he goes around and changes himself and his personality for other woman that’s not true love…..love is when u love someone for who they are not for someone who they’re not and if joe can’t see that….well then it’s his loss not demi’s

    • 167 Joe Hoe
      August 11, 2010 at 1:51 am

      How do you know what Joe acts like? He is the adult, Demi is a kid. So if Joe acts mature, he’s being himself. How do you know that he wasn’t changing himself to act YOUNGER for Demi? Him and Ashley are closer in age and have more in common. They are both adults, they both have successful careers, they both have their own homes, and they both are insanely beautiful people. Demi is a kid. She lives with her parents. She can’t do the things Joe can do. Him and Camilla used to take all kinds of trips together on weekends. They’d go away for a few days and have fun. Demi can’t do those things yet. Yeah, she’s going to be 18, but she’s still a child. Joe is happier with a woman more in his age range. I think Jemi fans need to deal with that.

  118. 168 Minnie mouse
    August 11, 2010 at 2:49 am

    Well jeez sorry it wuz just my opinion ugh u know I’m so tired of ppl always opposing someone elses opinion and demi may be younger than joe but she is NOT a kid I’m only 13 and ppl call that being a preteen….I’m just a fan ok??? Maybe it seems like I had no idea what I’m talking about but I like to have my own say on things too and sometimes when I come on this site I end up crying cuz u just took something I said and made it sound totally ridiculous when I thought it sounded somewhat logical…..and it rly hurt my feelings u can tell me that I’m wrong but plz don’t be so harsh….I’m sry if I sounded ridiculous ok??? I’m tired of being dissapointed…..

    • August 11, 2010 at 3:20 am

      aww cheer up, i’m tired and sick of this to i mean what is so wrong with wishing for them to get back together it’s what WE jemi fans want, it’s like don’t bash us cause we aren’t gonna do everything you *cough*JoeHoe*cough* say(s) for me i REALLY want jemi and i really hope they get back together but that doesn’t mean i don’t support joe and demi separately, if they end up together i will be happy as hell if not i’ll support them in whatever they do and whoever they date, i may not like it and i don’t have to but omg don’t bring us down for wanting jemi instead god -.- haters annoy me, if they think we are pathetic they are just pathetic as us cause seeing the same names in the same site were they go on bring fans like us down 😡 people are aloud to share there opinions but don’t come here to waste your time and try to destroy some of our dreams, jemi has done so much for me, they’ve given me friends who i can share so much in common with that i couldn’t possibly find in the real world, something to hope for, they where the reason why i even still use photoshop and sony vegas, i always tried to photoshop there hands together but unfortunately that never worked haha but i still keep on trying and i became better because of that, they give me something to dream about when i use to have nightmares and something to do when i am bored, JEMI might be dead and gone to any of you haters out there but for me they are SO much more then that, be positive girl don’t let the haters get to you, they are worthless be hopeful ( NOT TO HOPEFUL THOUGH haha ) and keep the jemi faith, if it doesn’t happen again at least you know it happened 🙂 ok i’m done lol and btw i’m 13 to so your not alone

      • 170 Joe Hoe
        August 11, 2010 at 3:52 am

        And you’re both far too young to understand a relationship between people so much older than you are. This is a fantasy to you. It’s reality to them. You can’t understand that because you’re a kid. It’s NOT your fault. But you do need to realize that this is far beyond you. Any adult will tell you that when they were 13, they had no clue, though they all thought they did. You will someday realize that too. Just enjoy being young and work on your own lives. Leave Joe and Demi alone. Especially Joe. A 13 year old girl cannot possibly have any clue about how a grown man thinks and acts. You just can’t, and don’t even try to argue that. NO young girl your age can understand that. You’re not supposed to get it. An adult’s life and experiences and thought processes are just too mature for anyone that young to get. It’s OK. But not every story ends the way you want it to. But I’m sure at least Joe’s story will have a happy ending.

      • August 11, 2010 at 4:03 am

        GOD ok you don’t like peoples opinions here OK i get it JUST LEAVE ALREADY and at LEAST leave us in our little “fantasy” YOU have a different point of view of this EVERYBODY HERE has a different point of view of this but that doesn’t mean you need to shove in peoples faces and correct everybody……..

  119. 172 Tricus
    August 11, 2010 at 3:23 am

    Please, Joe may be 20 going on 21 but he is FAAAR from being an adult like Ashley and Camilla.
    He still acts like a kid talking about dragons, ninja and all that crap.

    Emotionally he is still a kid.

    Joe seem to change his personality for whomever girl that he currently seems to date like he doesn’t know who he really wants to be or is.

    The most consistent and real personality he has is when he is with his bros, close friends or Demi.
    Joe is just a BIG kid trying to play at being grownup and not having a clue of how to go about it.
    Joe can go, try to find himself with girls like Ashley. It is his life. Sorry to say but if he is dating Ashley Joe is NOT a virgin anymore.

    Just as long as he leaves Demi alone to get on with her life I don’t really care what Joe does.
    The guy seems to always want to keep Demi close while he dates every girl under the sun.
    Demi unfortunately still loves the guy and is letting him do that. She hasn’t done the TRUE Ex thing yet , hopefully after tour, where they go their separate ways and get a little perspective.

    • 173 Joe Hoe
      August 11, 2010 at 3:43 am

      You have NO business judging Joe’s maturity. I’ll give you some advice here…people who have a sense of humor are NOT immature, very often, a great sense of humor is a sign of intelligence and an understanding of human nature. Joe might joke about funny, silly things, but that does not make him immature. It’s just how he is. When he needs to be an adult, he is one. You don’t know Joe or Demi enough to make those presumptions. And of course he’s not a virgin, but neither is your precious Demi. Not by a LONG shot. Anyone who thinks they can make the kind of claims you have made here about someone you know nothing about is the real immature person. You only see what they let you see. The reality is much different. People who know Joe always say that he is very sensitive, thoughtful, introspective and intelligent. His goofiness is an act to cover who he really is. It’s a shield. And you bought it, hook, line and sinker. So who is the kid now? And Demi’s reality…don’t even get me started about that. She has issues. Hell, her issues have issues. Leave these two people alone to figure out their own lives and quit pushing them into a situation they don’t want to be in. You don’t know better than they do what’s best for them. You are strangers and they are real people behind the facade they show the world.

  120. 175 Nanis JL
    August 11, 2010 at 4:18 am

    I think that if Joe starts to rearrange her love life, Demi too.
    I’m very upset about this situation couse Joe trying to not to lose his friendship with Demi,but I think he’s doing the opposite. We all know that Demi loves and I think if we put in she’s shoes and we wouldn’t like be all the time with our ex knowing that he’s dating with someone again and even worse if you still in love with him.
    Demi is a talented, beautiful and nice girl and deserves someone who love, aprecciate and make her happy :).
    Joe is a man and will continue doing until he get tired of adventures. I just hope not too late for him…Demi will not be waiting all the time, or any other girl.
    Peace! I love Jemi too.

  121. 176 manda
    August 11, 2010 at 4:20 am

    Don’t know what I am doing up at 5am reading this website, but let’s remember we still don’t really know what is going on with Joe/Demi and Joe/Ashley. It looks like Joe and Demi are still friends (see Jemi moments video posted above) and it looks like Joe is spending a fair amount of time with Ashley recently. Suddenly it seems like we are using this as an excuse to judge both Joe and Demi.
    We support them right??? why else would we be here???
    I still see a lot to love in both Joe and Demi and I don’t know why you would be here if you don’t.
    Hugs all around

  122. 179 Tricus
    August 11, 2010 at 4:54 am

    I have observed Joe and Demi since they came on the scene for over 4 years now.

    I am not saying that I know how they really are behind closed doors. All you can comment on is how they act in public and their actions.

    NO ONE know who they really are but them being really young teenager and young adult you can’t hide your basic personality totally for long when you are in the public eye.

    I am the first to admit, if you look at my many posts on this site, that BOTH Demi and Joe has issues.

    Don’t really care one way or another whether or not if Demi or Joe is a virgin anymore.
    It all comes down to basically what is good for both of them right now.

    Demi and Joe has broken up.
    Joe is obviously dating Ashley
    Demi SEEMS like she still has feelings for Joe and she is hanging in there.
    Joe SEEMS like he still has feelings for Demi BUT is dating someone else.

    Sooooo what is the verdict here if you imagine Joe and Demi is your close friend/BFF. Close friend and not someone you fantasize about dating or marrying. BIG difference there.

    I would tell Demi to take herself out of the Joe arena and find herself another guy for her own peace of mind.
    Joe can do what HE feels like doing as long as HE doesn’t try to play with her emotions. This back and forth crap is for the birds. LOL

    Then everyone will be happy.

  123. 180 lovebirds
    August 11, 2010 at 10:11 am

    Ok everyone knows I’m a Jemi fan, but there’s one thing I have to say: if Joe is dating Ashley then that doesn’t mean he’s not a virgin anymore! Yes, Ashley seems like a maneater, but after all, she’s human, and she is a very nice girl and Im sure that she would respect the fact that Joe has his believes.

    Of course there is no way that I can be 100% sure that Joe and Demi have feelings for each other, but I strongly believe that they do.
    This whole situation is just confusing right now, but let’s just wait and see what happens, tour just started, and they will spend much time together now, so who knows what will happen?

    What’s important is that they both seem fairly happy at the moment, and that’s all I need to know.
    If they are going to date other people for a while, then I wish them the best, but I will still believe that in the end they will give it another try.

    and @ JoeHoe
    how the hell can you judge someone by their age like you did with “jemiismydream” and “minnie mouse”
    And who are you to judge if Demi is a kid or not, because honestly, that girl is not a kid anymore.
    You obviously don’t like Demi, so what the hell are you doing here?
    and by the way, I agree with what jemiismydream and minnie mouse said, and I’m not 13, and I do know about relationships and if you want to call me a kid then I will seriously laugh at you.
    Just do us all a favor and get off here, because if you haven’t noticed, this is a Jemi fansite, and it’s none of your business if we decide to believe that they will end up together again.

  124. 182 Najma
    August 11, 2010 at 11:59 am

    @Joe Hoe

    WHO told you that Joe is mature? What kind of machine do you use to classify people as “mature” or “kids”?

    Just because he is entering his 21st year on this planet, he is automatically classified as “mature”?

    You are saying: “They are both adults, they both have successful careers, they both have their own homes, and they both are insanely beautiful people. Demi is a kid. She lives with her parents. She can’t do the things Joe can do.”

    What kind of logic is THAT? I am 27 years old woman AND I don’t own a house. I may not be “INSANELY BEAUTIFUL” as per YOUR standers and I don’t have a successful career yet since I’m focusing on “studying” and getting higher degree. Oh and I still live with my beloved mom when I go back HOME. DOES THAT make ME a “kid” like Demi?

    You are also saying: “Yeah, she’s going to be 18, but she’s still a child. Joe is happier with a woman more in his age range. I think Jemi fans need to deal with that.”

    So your smart machine can also tell if a person is happier around another person? AND LMAO at “his age range”! Let me guess….Demi will still be OUT of “his age range” when she becomes 19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28….70 years old?

    Seriously, be careful of calling people at the age of 18 or even 13 as “kids”. There are hundreds of amazing stories of teens who were either orphans or had abusive mentally ill parents but were able to survive and take care of themselves, their younger sisters/ brothers and even their parents AND GET their own education and successful careers. THAT’S what I call “maturity”. There are people at the age of 15 years old who act, speak and behave wisely than adults at the age of 40. Yes, Demi has issues no doubt, but that’s what will help her become the adult she’s going to be in the future. She’s finding herself and figuring out what’s wrong & right in this life. But definitely she’s NOT a “kid”.

  125. 183 DLoveDanger
    August 11, 2010 at 12:13 pm

    a beautiful jemi fan fic i came across and would like to share with all of you

    http://tl.gd/31es2a (1st chapter)

    http://tl.gd/329ug0 (2nd chapter)

    its a good fanfic i tell you 🙂

  126. 185 Najma
    August 11, 2010 at 12:21 pm

    LMAO!—>”People who know Joe always say that he is very sensitive, thoughtful, introspective and intelligent. His goofiness is an act to cover who he really is. It’s a shield. And you bought it, hook, line and sinker. So who is the kid now?”

    A sheild? His goofiness is an “act” to COVER who he really is???? Hahahahahhahahahahahhahahahhaha Why does he need to cover all that with his “intellegent” goofiness? Is it wrong to be very sensitive, thoughtful, introspective and intelligent in public? I thought he is trying to show his “maturity” by dating Cam & Ash. He sure isn’t hiding under the cover his goofiness with them.

  127. 186 JemiRocks
    August 11, 2010 at 4:54 pm

    Have you seen the Zack Taylor’s article where it says that Joe and Demi, after the first concert, were partying and ended hooking up in a hotel room? ZT claims that they are friends with benefits and that Demi has always wanted Joe and that Joe finally gave in…..
    Tell me what you think.(I personally don’t believe the hooking up part, maybe Joe just realized that he loves and wants Demi back)


    • 187 Polishchick2.0
      August 11, 2010 at 5:15 pm

      What is hooking up?

    • 189 bre.
      August 11, 2010 at 8:03 pm

      i feel like kind of a total hypocrite for this…but honestly, zt has provided us with a wholeeee lot of TRUE information, in regards to jemi mostly. honestly, i think i believe him. there’s no doubt that joe and demi’s undeniable chemistry has returned, especially onstage. and if anyone noticed in the live chat today, when nick mentioned demi’s birthday, he turned and smirked at joe, for a good like 10 seconds. joe got all flustered and blushed a little, it was cute.

      quite honestly, i do think they had something going, and they probably still do. they’re on tour together, it was kind of bound to happen because they’re crazy about each other. it’s so obvious to anyone who knows them/ sees them at all.

  128. 190 melanie unioun
    August 11, 2010 at 5:31 pm

    Joe seems really mixed up right now…..idk if his really dating ashely,but it seems that his just trying to get demi out of his mind because he knows how much he loves her…I think jemi still love each other and trying to hard to hide it…but joe needs to realize demi or any other girl for that matter wont always be waiting 4 him..ik his only 20 but still……lol sry 4 the outburst

    *JEMI 2.0!!!!!!!!*

  129. 191 Manda
    August 11, 2010 at 6:46 pm

    Whatever is going on with Joe and Demi (and personally if they are getting close again I don’t think it will be random “hooking up” after a party – more like irresistible attraction 😉 )and however this affects whatever Joe has going on with Ashley – they both seem happy and in the video of WCAT from yesterday it seems like they are gaining a lot more confidence in performing together and more of the old Jemi magic is back.


  130. 192 aria
    August 11, 2010 at 6:53 pm

    did you guys see the walmart soundcheck? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2mTSiSVE0c

  131. 193 aria
    August 11, 2010 at 7:04 pm

    lol well you guys have a lot of post so idk if you have seen the walmart soundcheck of camp rock 2. but all of the videos are here. http://jeminews.wordpress.com/2010/08/10/walmart-soundcheck-video/

  132. August 11, 2010 at 7:14 pm

    @ JoeHoe…………your name says it all….you say that we dream about something that’ll never happen again: JEMI; but how about you, huh? I’m sure that you dream about being Joe’s girlfriend, a thing that will NEVER happen and you defend Joe’s other flies because you know that if Demi and Joe come back together your dreams about being with him will be totally destroyed ’cause you, like everyone in here, know that Joe really loves Demi and Demi really loves Joe……so, in conclusion sucks to be you….


  133. 195 CherryBlossomk
    August 11, 2010 at 8:21 pm

    Did anybody see the JB live chat haha! I love Nick

  134. 196 TheJemiHeart aka MagentaGlitter
    August 11, 2010 at 10:42 pm

    Hey everyone. I created a brand new one shot. There’s 2 parts
    Part 1:

    Part 2:

  135. 197 Minnie mouse
    August 11, 2010 at 11:21 pm

    Thanks SO much for supporting me guys I felt so dumb when joehoe said I wuz just “a kid” and I didn’t know anything about relationships @jemiismydream thank u sooo much for sticking up for me it’s great to know ur 13 too and thank u @lovebirds u guys are awesome this rly made my day cuz my family is going through hard times a very close friend of mine got diagnosed with cancer we prayed for her every night and she just finished chemotherapy hopefully all goes well and she heals soon but it rly means alot to me….. thank u so much for being supportive guys

  136. 199 Tricus
    August 11, 2010 at 11:31 pm

    Hey guys when was that Walmart CR2 soundcheck?

  137. 201 Minnie mouse
    August 12, 2010 at 12:21 am

    is it true that joe flew out to see Ashley??? If so how long did he stay with her???

  138. 202 the matherfukking nation
    August 12, 2010 at 12:30 am

    if joe and ashly greene are dating than twiligt will be less exciteting

  139. 203 JemiFan94
    August 12, 2010 at 12:56 am

    omg guysss i read this awesome jemi story its so sad but so good! really shows the love between them


    that author is rly good + all of her stories are JEMI!

  140. 204 Minnie mouse
    August 12, 2010 at 12:57 am

    @ joehoe u think I have no idea how a grown man thinks and acts???? U think that just cuz I’m 13 I can’t POSSIBLY have any idea how a 21 year old acts??? Then u tell me that I can’t even argue with that well guess what….I raised a 21 year old he wuz a foster child and he had problems I went to go visit him everyday i helped him with his issues he had similar problems with everything I spent 2 years of my life with him and I know him inside out now he’s married and we still talk…don’t tell me I don’t know how young men act when I’ve practically raised one myself and plz get off this site bcuz u keep upsetting everybody

  141. 205 jemiforever101
    August 12, 2010 at 3:46 am

    this was from cincinatti on august 10th and when nick and demi hugged, joe looked very jealous but dont worry im a 100% jemi fan

  142. August 12, 2010 at 5:04 am

    this comment goes for @Tricus. Are u there? do u have a twitter account so I can follow u? What happened? coming from some of your latests comments it seems like you’re not a jemi fan anymore because u can’t stand joe toying with demi’s feelings or something like that??? Is that how u really feel? or you’re just mad but deep down you’re still a hardcore jemi fan?
    I’m asking u because so far you’ve been one of the jemians whose opinions I’ve come to respect the most, that’s why your recent comments brought me kinda down 😦
    I hope everything’s alright

    • 207 Tricus
      August 12, 2010 at 7:23 pm

      Hello Nebbie.

      TRUTH: Deep,deep,deep down I am still a Jemi fan.
      I still like to observe what is going on in Joe or Demi’s world.

      I am just concerned for Demi because of her love for Joe.
      That’s it.
      It just SEEMS, as I look at the present and past, that Joe acts like he can pick up Demi ,play around in secret or public for awhile, then put her down to date someone else then pick her up again. Just a BIG circle.
      My ipinion.
      Don’t get me wrong I STILL think that Joe has feelings/love Demi it is just that he SEEMS to be treating her as a OPTION/backup not a PRIORITY.
      What girl wants/needs that?

      Twitter: Patrice942

  143. 208 manda
    August 12, 2010 at 7:55 am

    Live chat video – most interesting for those of us trying to figure Joe was when he talked about being on the tour bus and what they had talked about the night before..
    Joe:.. talked for a long time about..love and..relationships (Kevin:that’s good) and what it does to our brains..and our hearts..
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDWgH-fUwRY around 1:30 mark
    Looks like Joe is still trying to understand how to deal with that sort of thing in his life. Poor thing, so confused.

    &btw I also love the way Nick is being such an obvious friend to Demi right now. She needs that kind of support and if Joe cannot (or cannot be seen to) give her it, I am really glad Nick is there for her. I think Nick would like nothing more than seeing his closest brother and one of his closest female friends back on the best of terms. Loving that kid.

  144. 209 MarissaLovesJemi
    August 12, 2010 at 12:16 pm

    Okay, I don’t know if any of you guys noticed this but…

    1:37-1:47 – Is Joe wearing Demi’s double-fingered ring?!

    :25-:33 – Demi’s not wearing a ring!

    Now, I know that they have different styles of the one she took a picture of on her twitter. But maybe she got a new one because she lost her other one. So she could’ve given this to Joe!

  145. August 12, 2010 at 1:44 pm

    Hey ! 😀

    I know everyone of you have seen videos from concert since the beginning of the tour. I think Jemi will be together again, they are so meant to be ! it’s more than obvious, if someone can’t see they are, it’s cause he’s blind (sorry to say that..)! I think Joe is realizing he still love Demi ! I’m sure ! 🙂
    You know what, Jemi is forever ! No matters what, they destiny will come back together everytime ! 🙂

    I love you all ! I let you my twitter account if you want : JemiloveBlog . And my Website : http://jemi-love.skyblog.com

    I love Jemi ! ❤

  146. 213 laura
    August 12, 2010 at 4:35 pm

    ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ^^ apparently it was the premiere of CR2 in Munich today and Shane and Mitchie kiss just once 😦 lol during 3-4 secondes only 😦 lol but they kiss! can’t wait to see it! and the movie ends with “This is our song” 😦 I want to see the scene 😛 😀

  147. 214 jemi31310
    August 12, 2010 at 4:43 pm

    joe just tweeted “everybody’s changing – keane”…….i looked up the lyrics to that song and omg it definitely relates to the jemi situation right now…….look up the lyrics and you’ll see what i mean!!!

  148. 217 jessica
    August 12, 2010 at 6:04 pm

    I’m a believer. They have to mature first. Especially Joe, he needs to stop going from girl to girl. I’ll wait:)

    twitter: http://www.twitter.com/jjessicaiscool

  149. 218 jb
    August 12, 2010 at 6:44 pm

    dont get me wrong, i want a jemi 2.0 BUT im tired of people assuming stuff. A lot of people say “Joe and ashley dont look in love blahblahblah” but thats what people from oceanup were saying about jemi and we were the first one to disagree. What i mean is that even if joe is dating ashley and that they are “into” eachother or not, its not a reason to hate them or to say that they are not in love because we were angry at people who were saying the samething about jemi. Also, i dont want joe and demi to date again right now because i dont think that they are ready to try again. They need to be comfortable with eachother again and date other people to know what they really want in a relationship.

  150. August 13, 2010 at 12:14 am

    I said this on my Twitter but I am going to say it again 🙂
    how much do you won’t to bet that when Joe his brothers and Demi go to NewYork that ZackTaylor or Oceanup will have something on there website about Joe and Ashely!! Am I right or am I right 😛

  151. 220 Minnie mouse
    August 13, 2010 at 12:26 am

    U know what would be so cool??? If we could all just meet eachother one day like all the ppl on this site…..it would be soooo much fun!!!!! Hahaha we could all discuss jemi and like get to know eachother it would be great!!!! I rly don’t have much to say for joe and demi just gotta say I’m proud of nick for being a great supportive friend towards demi he’s such a great guy ummm as for joe……time heals everything, boy

  152. 221 jemi31310
    August 13, 2010 at 2:33 am

    this tour is so bittersweet!!! i love the jemi moments we’ve had but sometimes you can still see the tension and it kills me!!!!!! 😦 but we just gotta keep believing! anything can happen. anything. 🙂

    they are all performing on good morning america tomorrow morning!!!!!!!! :)))

  153. 222 Minnie mouse
    August 13, 2010 at 2:51 am

    @jemi31310 I luv ur spirit!!!!!!! Hahaha yea keep believing and yes the tension bothers me too but they just broke up so u rly can’t blame them for the awkardness and naturally there is gonna be tension….not much we can do about that either but joe and demi are trying hard to put this behind them I just think that joe is confused right now not only about his relationship with demi but about life in general he has come to a point where he has to decide what he will do with the years to come involving his career. I think he just needs time to sort things out. To make things more clear……once he has gotten past that point I’m sure things will become easier for both of them and like always keep the jemi spirit going!!!!!!

  154. 224 laura
    August 13, 2010 at 10:22 am


  155. 225 JustUs...
    August 13, 2010 at 12:30 pm

    watching GMA!!!!WOW sooooooo many Jemi moments so far!They are totally flirting!And the way they look at eachother is just WOW!!!<3

  156. 228 JustUs...
    August 13, 2010 at 1:08 pm

    oh and you can follow me if you want http://twitter.com/dianna56 🙂

  157. 229 DLoveDanger
    August 13, 2010 at 2:15 pm

    JB & Demi in Good Morning America Interview

    Catching Up With the Jonas Brothers, Demi Lovato ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JG23SiEX0Lg

  158. 230 slush
    August 13, 2010 at 2:16 pm

    if you look on yahoo right now!! demis #2 on there trending now list!!

  159. 231 DLoveDanger
    August 13, 2010 at 2:17 pm

    Joe Jonas and Demi Lovato perform WCAT at GMA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STSWEp8xbGo

  160. 235 mixiko
    August 13, 2010 at 4:11 pm

    I saw this pic on Kevin twitter (i think) http://tweetphoto.com/38547096 , but i am not sure is that Demi? on the left.

  161. 236 Dana
    August 13, 2010 at 4:31 pm

    You’re right, the long Stand Demi ….

  162. 237 Marijke
    August 13, 2010 at 5:02 pm

    @ mixiko

    I think it’s Demi to 🙂

  163. 238 Tricus
    August 13, 2010 at 9:46 pm

    No that is not Demi in that JB/Owl City pic.
    I agree with whomever said this above.

    Now that JB/Demi will be in NYC and surrounding areas for the next week or so ZT or some other media will have a Joe and Ashley article or sighting.
    I think that the tour has like 1-2 dys off in the NY are in between concerts, Premieres,interviews etc.. so you never know Joe will probably invite Ashley up to NYC or fly to see her again.

    Anyway Demi was GREAT at GMA. She sound great and looked great.

  164. 239 jemiforever101
    August 13, 2010 at 9:50 pm


    joe and demi, GMA august 13,2010

    they look so cute ❤

  165. 243 jemiforever101
    August 13, 2010 at 10:32 pm

    this is when demi was performing “its not too late” on august 8th, 2010 and if u look at 3:09 on the screen, it looks shane and mitchie are gonna kiss

  166. 245 hehe
    August 14, 2010 at 1:00 am

    did anyone watch them preform on gma? at the end of wouldnt change a thing demi looked like she was about to cry.

  167. 246 Minnie mouse
    August 14, 2010 at 2:23 am

    Demi you are gorgeous and don’t EVER let anybody tell you otherwise……

  168. 247 jemi31310
    August 14, 2010 at 3:40 am

    is it just me or did joe and demi seem a whole lot more comfortable with each other and more like the old jemi on gma?????? anyways i loved her dress!!!!! soo pretty 🙂

    todays the 5 month anniversary of jemi being official………..i cant believe its been five months…..very bittersweet :/

    • August 14, 2010 at 4:37 pm

      No comment! Just WOW!….o.O

    • 250 manda
      August 14, 2010 at 8:55 pm

      1) Glad someone is taking Zac Taylor down a peg – he deserves it after the way he treated Demi.

      2) It does kind of show how sensitive the Jonas Brothers are about suggestions that Joe and Demi might be/have been “intimate” with each other. To me it seems romantic Jemi started to have problems after the video of Jemi on the beach with Joe’s “suggestive behaviour”, the article suggesting Joe was going to move Demi in with him and Ryan Seacrest’s questions about sharing a tour bus. Never mind ZT saying they would share hotel rooms and Obama’s “predator” joke. Now I’m from England where 16 is the age of consent, but I understand in the USA (or some parts of it) it is 18 years and “relations” below that age can lead to prosecution. I am quite sure the press coverage made Joe and his family nervous – lets face it a lot of their key audience are underage girls – and this pressure at the very least contributed to the break-up.

  169. 251 TheJemiHeart aka MagentaGlitter
    August 14, 2010 at 4:54 pm

    Hey everyone. So i was looking through some demi pictures and I saw a photo of Demi & her friend Keith. I know this picture is when Demi & Joe were dating, so I looked at her arm and I think she’s wearing Joe’s beaded bracelet. Remember, this is when they were dating!
    Here are pics:

    correct me if I’m wrong

  170. 253 Minnie mouse
    August 14, 2010 at 8:01 pm

    Ok so u guys know that my mom is a jemi fan right?? Well we were watching good morning America and my mom has thing where she trys to act all gangster and she uses this voice and it’s all swagga 😉 and when joe and demi came on she goes ” you so in luvvv joey boy, u so in luvvv….” BAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Ur killin me mama!!!!

    • August 14, 2010 at 8:13 pm

      LMAO thats like my dad, he makes comment in between videos lol when me and dad watched camp rock he shouted at the screen saying KISS HER ALREADY DAMN IT LMAO….i’ll bet he’ll crazy when shane & mitchie kiss in CR2 he doesn’t know about it yet 😉 LMAO i’m gonna be hearing “kiss her already damn it” a lot LMAO probably each time shane & mitchie have a moment, oh and my mom is just calm and cool but crazy haha when we watched camp rock at the end she made a comment saying “that’s it” i said “yeah” and she said back saying “no kiss….” “yes mom no kiss” LMAO ahh epic moment

  171. 255 Minnie mouse
    August 14, 2010 at 9:23 pm

    Hahahaha that’s what my mom does!!!!! At the end of camp rock she goes “that boy needs to stop drooling over her I mean he’s drooling so much the poor girl might drown in it.” hahaha and she has this theory that aliens came to joe in his sleep and ate his brain so he broke up with demi the next day….oh momma

  172. 257 Minnie mouse
    August 14, 2010 at 10:45 pm

    Bahahahaha ya it would be crazyyy hahaha and funnn cuz we could talk about jemi!!!!!!

  173. 259 jemiforever101
    August 14, 2010 at 11:59 pm

    i’m curious if demi got joe a birthday present and if she did, i wonder what it is??? 🙂

  174. 260 Minnie mouse
    August 15, 2010 at 12:30 am

    @jemiismydream hahahaha ya and the next morning we would be all tired then our parents would be like what were u up to???? And we would be like uhhhhh nothin???…. 😉

  175. 262 yourneighborhoodhobo101
    August 15, 2010 at 2:44 am

    haha i wish i had a friend that loves jemi….sigh….haha but that would be awesome….what if every jemi fan in the world had a slumber party…oh boy…no sleep, more jemi!!!

  176. 263 Minnie mouse
    August 15, 2010 at 3:06 am

    hahaha ya ya ya we could invite everyone on this site!!!!! it would be like a jemi marathon and we wouldn’t sleep all night!!!!!! None of my friends are jemi fans so it would be nice to get to know someone who is….anybody know what joe and demi have been up to recently??? Things were kinda slow today….

  177. 264 bre.
    August 15, 2010 at 6:02 am

    wow, i just got back from the jonas/demi concert.
    and let me tell you – HOLY JEMI CHEMISTRY.
    they had their eyes locked for a whiiiileeeee..
    and joe kept turning to sing to demi, and sometimes she didn’t notice and
    you could tell he got a little frustrated it was so cute. during this is me,
    he kept standing behind her and dancing, and he was totally checking out her back view the
    ENTIRE song. they stood closer than they had this entire tour. and they were really, really cute together. when demi was walking offstage joe stopped her. he was like “YO DEMIII”
    and then she said “YO JOEE” and they went back and forth being cute for a while,
    and then demi walked off and was like “YO, YO JOE.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY” it was so cute.
    after seeing that tonight, my friends and i totally think they’re together again,
    or really close to it i know some people aren’t going to believe this. but whatever,
    i just thought i’d let you know what i saw :)and during la baby, joe pointed offstage,
    right to where demi was kind of chilling out. and then during wylmite he kept looking
    off to the side of the stage where demi was (we knew she was there cause we could see her
    dress & her hair) anyway, jemi chemistry was at an all time high and the show was FANTASTIC.
    if you’ve got tickets, it’s definitely something to look forward to. it’s an amazing show!

  178. 265 yourneighborhoodhobo101
    August 15, 2010 at 7:22 am

    ahhhhhh!!! haha sweet!! he was probably thinking “damn, i need to get her attention…” haha lurve them!!

    • 266 bre.
      August 15, 2010 at 3:53 pm

      my frient told me that at one point he like, smacked himself in the forehead and kind of got this look on his face like “what the heck did i do” when he was looking at her and she wasn’t looking back.

      they were so adorable though.

  179. August 15, 2010 at 7:33 am






  180. August 15, 2010 at 1:29 pm

    Hey ! 😀

    Today is important, because it’s Joe’s Birthday ! 😀 So #Happy21stBdayJoeJ ! 😀

    With french fan, we love to make #Jemi in TT today, it can be joe’s present from us ! 😀 And maybe, he could open his eyes to his love (“Demi” 🙂 ) !
    So if you’re ok, tweet : #Jemi !

    I know you’re all Jemi fan here, and i’m a huge Jemi fan too ! 😀
    I love you ❤

  181. 269 laura
    August 15, 2010 at 3:57 pm

    I really can’t wait for CR2, I mean I’m waiting for it since they began to shoot it and even before! I mean Smitchie is one of my favorite couple on screen, their relationship is so cute in the movie and I hope that I won’t be disappointed by the evolution of their relationship, for the moment I’m a bit disappointed because it turned as a musical so I hope it won’t be the same for smitchie! and I really can’t wait to see the kiss 😀 and even the fight it’s gonna be great! so if someone here will see CR2 before everyone else maybe because they have DISNEYCHANNEL ON DEMAND just let us know^^

    • 270 bre.
      August 15, 2010 at 4:24 pm

      i have it on demand! i’ll see it september 1st. 🙂

      • 271 laura
        August 15, 2010 at 5:04 pm

        you are so lucky so could we ask you a favor?! lol could you tell us what happens between them in the movie?! or if you could record their scenes?! please :S maybe i’m asking too much but it would be cool :S lol 🙂

      • 272 gaby
        August 15, 2010 at 5:38 pm

        hey bre do you have twitter ?!!

      • 273 bre.
        August 15, 2010 at 6:15 pm

        of course! i’ll definitely at least let you guys know what happens,
        but i’ll make sure i label it as a spoiler so if no one wants to know,
        they don’t accidentally read it. i’ll record it, probably. so i’ll try to get it
        up on youtube or something. 🙂

  182. 274 Minnie mouse
    August 15, 2010 at 4:47 pm

    @bre. U just made my day…..THANK U!!!!!!

  183. 275 Minnie mouse
    August 15, 2010 at 5:34 pm

    Joe’s birthday is one day before madonna’s….. 🙂 ……happy birthday joe….

  184. 276 `Katyy
    August 15, 2010 at 5:50 pm

    I made it for Joe 🙂 Hope you’ll like it 🙂

  185. 277 laura
    August 15, 2010 at 7:24 pm

    thank you @bre 🙂

  186. 278 Minnie mouse
    August 15, 2010 at 7:58 pm

    Hey does anyone have footage of the jb/demi concert today??? If so can u plz post it?? Thank youuu….

  187. 279 jemiforever101
    August 15, 2010 at 11:30 pm

    the jonas brothers and demi are gonna be interviewed on E! news monday august 16th, 2010 and on the daily 10 joe’s gonna give a little behind the scenes tour

  188. 282 JemiLover ;D
    August 16, 2010 at 2:28 am

    Hye guys i found this video about Joe pointed someone on L.A Baby….

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TxJNREJVsw at 0:22 he pointed someone and in 0:45 you can see a purple dress… it’s really fast but i think is Demi… and bre said that she and her friends saw Demi.. so..yeah guys, it was Demi… Yeah.. So happy 😀
    Jemi is giving me all the reasons for think that they’re dating but secretly….
    So.. Let’s keep believing in Jemi 2.0! It’s close… And on E!News we will have more moments.. 😀

  189. 283 jemiforever101
    August 16, 2010 at 2:54 am

    everyone read this!!!!!!! joe was spotted at a nightclub tonight!

  190. 286 jemi31310
    August 16, 2010 at 2:49 pm

    hey is that “did you even love me a beautiful jemi love story” gonna be continued? i really liked it! =)

  191. 287 jkgkg.
    August 16, 2010 at 3:01 pm

    “Joe are you dating ashley greene?” “well, like she said, we try to balance our personal & private lives. So ill keep that on the down low”

    via @jeminewsweb

    …what do you guys think?

    • 288 bre.
      August 16, 2010 at 3:23 pm

      this is completely my personal opinion, no facts behind it whatsoever. i don’t think they’re exclusively “dating.” i think they’re HANGING OUT. but i seriously think it’s more of a professional relationship than a personal one. again, that’s my opinon, but yeah.
      ashley has what, 12 movies coming out in the next year? and joe wants to be a big name actor? i mean, it’s a little too coincidental, don’t you think? also..just saying, you guys have to remember joe is probably TOTALLY hungover in all these interviews today. i mean it was his 21st last night, you can’t honestly tell me that he didn’t have a few drinks.

      and usually when jb’s dating someone they say “well she’s a very beautiful girl and anyone would be lucky to be dating her.” just saying. again, just my opinion. i’m not “in denial” or whatever. yes, i’m still rooting for jemi, but i want demi and joe to be happy. if joe can move on so quickly from something that seemed to be so real? i think he’s just running scared. but whatever, demi needs a man, and if joe’s doing that he’s acting like a kid.

      that’s just what i think. i don’t know either of them personally or whatever, so i didn’t mean to sound judgemental.

  192. 289 jemiforever101
    August 16, 2010 at 3:40 pm

    the jonas brothers and demi lovato are doing press today for camp rock 2, so if interviewers ask them about jemi there will probably be cute moments

  193. 290 ilovejemittm
    August 16, 2010 at 5:06 pm


    Thats the link to the jonas brothers interview today. (:

  194. 291 Manda
    August 16, 2010 at 6:47 pm

    Corrected quote from Fox interview question about what is the deal with Joe and Ashley Greene?

    jeminewsweb Exact quote = “It’s like she said you know, we try to balance personal and professional so.. We’ll keep that on the personal side.”

    Definitely not denying something with Ashley, but not exactly confirming anything now or recently. Probably means he and Ashley are/were dating, but not seriously enough for him to go public or perhaps he and Ashley are just friends and he wants to keep people guessing about his love life while he resolves stuff with Demi. How annoyingly vague.

  195. 292 jemi31310
    August 16, 2010 at 9:56 pm

    @bre. – i completely agree with you about joes answer on ashley greene! after i heard that it made me mad because of course im a die hard jemi fan but i think your right….i’ve been wondering if maybe mr and mrs. jonas encouraged joe to not get too serious with someone (demi) too soon….especially since he and demi are soo yooung (especially demi…) and they do have their purity rings…..i think that could have contributed to the break up….but i dont think his parents meant for them to braek up! just kind of slow it down mayb a little cuz it seemed like they were moving fast (which totally works for me! lol)….especially since they already knew each other so well…usually the first few months when you date someone is getting to know them but they already knew each other a lot so they skipped that…..idk what do u guys think?

  196. 293 Manda
    August 16, 2010 at 10:45 pm

    Interesting idea. The stuff about Mr & Mrs Jonas (or maybe their management) being concerned about them being so young made me think of the Stevie Wonder song Never Had A Dream Come True that Joe tweeted back in early April which to me implied that sort of outside pressure on the relationship.

  197. 294 Minnie mouse
    August 16, 2010 at 11:22 pm

    @jemi31310 and @manda what u guys said about mr and mrs jonas got me thinkin….even this whole ashley greene thing has got me thinkin…..something weird is going on I can feel it….I don’t wanna make any prejudgements or anything but something just doesn’t fit the puzzle here….and I never rly understood the break up either it seemed so sudden I think u guys are right…..both of their families may have been involved with this….I don’t anything for sure thought…it’s just a thought

    Oh and happy birthday madonna!!!!! Srry guys my dance teacher is a HUGE madonna fan and yes she made us celebrate her bday…;)

  198. 295 JessiG
    August 16, 2010 at 11:27 pm

    Hey guys!! I haven’t been here in a while.
    I saw jemi on enews and here’s the video that i uploaded

  199. 296 Minnie mouse
    August 17, 2010 at 1:22 am

    He said ” I’ll keep it down low???? I’LL KEEP IT DOWN LOW?!?!?! ” AHHH!!!! Ur killin me mannn…..

  200. 297 jemiforever101
    August 17, 2010 at 1:43 am

    im looking at http://www.jonasworld.org and there’s a live twitter feed on the website and people that are at the concert tonight in holmdel nj, and people that are at the concert are saying that joe and demi got really close onstage the closet they have gotten so far on the tour then they hugged awwwww i really cant wait to see them on august 27th in camden nj

  201. 298 shahad
    August 17, 2010 at 3:06 am

    yes they said that joe put his hand up for a high five and Demi gave him a hug ❤
    but this video made sad i miss jemi http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAIemWNYRjc

  202. August 17, 2010 at 3:23 am

    hi every one !!! im totally a jemi fan.:P well in my opinion, i think every complicated stuff between demi and joe has been solved, they’re BFF and there arent any problems now, everything has become normal like before…we are making things more serious, let’s take it easy ! we are all jemi fans and we always support them, maybe they wont come back together but maybe they’ll but who knows that… none knows about their relationship right now… but maybe they has been come back together, but they want to keep their secret,you can see it, the way they look each other, the way they talk, the way they act …they’re all very closed… so keep believing instead of judging or making rumours… everyone will be comfortable !!! 😛

  203. 300 shahad
    August 17, 2010 at 4:54 am

    i agree with you we should keep our faith for ever we are the real jemi fan 🙂

  204. August 17, 2010 at 5:53 am

    Did you know that there was a jemi hug at the concert tonight !!!!! Eppppppp !!!!:) ❤

  205. 303 Manda
    August 17, 2010 at 7:54 am

    I love they both seem to be getting more comfortable with each other again and I know it’s random, but I liked the fact that Jemi hugged on the night Joe got to sing “Make it Right” for the first time (as far as I know) on tour (video here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8r4yyPCIXU ) 😀

  206. 304 jemi31310
    August 17, 2010 at 1:34 pm

    i just watched the video of joe singing make it right……..i think that might have been the first time on tour he sang it! and it does seem special that it was the night that he and demi hugged in front of us for the first time in a long time… 🙂 to me, when he was singing make it right, he looked very emotional ( iwish he sang the whole song…)…his eyes were glazing over and it looked like he really felt it….and even after when he was backing up nick on biggest fan, he seemed a little sad and idk…..waht do u think?

  207. 305 shahad
    August 17, 2010 at 7:39 pm

    guess who is joe looking at :Phttp://twitpic.com/2fmcid

  208. 306 shahad
    August 18, 2010 at 12:38 am

    Everyone’s singing happy birthday to demi! Aww She’s crying. ❤
    follow me this is my twitter @demilover2

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